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Teach potential workers with Onboarding

The first step to getting quality data is describing your task properly and ensuring that workers have understood your instructions. To this end, Mephisto provides the OnboardingRequired Blueprint mixin.

Onboarding is an opportunity to give workers complete context of your task the first time they work on it. You can also use it to provide workers with a simple test to ensure they read and understand task instructions.

Mephisto's onboarding disqualifies workers that fail the test, so it's good practice to ensure that the tests should be completable by anyone who reads through the instructions and also don't take up too much time.

If you're instead interested in filtering out workers who don't hit a specific quality bar, refer to using screening units, as Mephisto doesn't pay out for failed onboarding.


Things to note in the showcase:

  • The static_react_task example is ran with the onboarding_example configuration enabled to ensure that onboarding page will be shown.
  • Worker "x" clicks the "Get Blocked" button and this doesn't allow the worker to progress
  • Worker "y" clicks the "Move To Main Task" button and this allows the worker to go to the main task.

Basic configuration

There are a few primary configuration parts for using onboarding units:

  • Hydra args
    • blueprint.onboarding_qualification: A string qualification to mark a worker's onboarding status. Workers without this qualification will be shown the onboarding, and Mephisto will either grant a positive or negative value for this qualification to all workers that complete onboarding. Setting this to None disables onboarding.
  • OnboardingSharedState:
    • onboarding_data: Dict[str, Any] of data you would like to populate the onboarding task's
    • validate_onboarding: A function that takes the data returned by your onboarding task's handleSubmit and returns a bool for if the worker passed the onboarding.

A shortened version of the run script for the video above looks like:

def handle_onboarding(onboarding_data):
if onboarding_data["outputs"]["success"] == True:
return True
return False

def main(operator: Operator, cfg: DictConfig) -> None:
shared_state = SharedStaticTaskState(
{"text": "This text is good text!"},
{"text": "This text is bad text!"},

See the full code here

See hydra configuration here

Unlike Screening and Gold units, Onboarding expects that you set up a custom frontend compared to your main task. You want to provide workers with an in-depth exploration of your task up-front (though you can always re-use onboarding components in your main task as reference materials).

The handleSubmit method of mephisto-task is used to send onboarding data from frontend to backend. For more info on how to build out onboarding frontends, check out our tutorial.

Note: We've observed that some workers may share out the answers for onboarding tasks, so we encourage that you make your validation questions configurable such that you can update them with a change to onboarding_data.

Simple example of OnboardingComponent

function OnboardingComponent({ onSubmit }) {
return (
This component only renders if you have chosen to assign an onboarding
qualification for your task. Click the button to move on to the main
width: "100%",
padding: "1.5rem 0",
display: "flex",
alignItems: "center",
flexDirection: "column",
className="button is-success"
style={{ width: "fit-content", marginBottom: "0.65rem" }}
onClick={() => onSubmit({ success: true })}
Move to Main Task
className="button is-danger"
style={{ width: "fit-content" }}
onClick={() => onSubmit({ success: false })}
Get Blocked

To show pretty "blocked user" banner after not passing onboarding, you may need to add a react component in your app as well:

if (blockedReason !== null) {
return (
<section className="hero is-medium is-danger">
<div class="hero-body">
<h2 className="title is-3">

Additional Questions?

You can find more information on using onboarding before your units in the reference documentation for
