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Developing and debugging frontends

The mephisto-task package

We provide the mephisto-task package for use in your front-end React tasks.

To install, add it to your npm project as such:

npm install mephisto-task

The mephisto-task project surfaces three React hooks depending on your use case:

  1. useMephistoTask - Used for static tasks where one-time initial data is enough to power the task. See the example task in /examples/static_react_task/ for an example project using this hook.
  2. useMephistoLiveTask - Used for multi-turn, socket-based tasks, such as a dialogue task. See the example task in /examples/parlai_chat_task_demo/ for an example project using this hook.
  3. useMephistoRemoteProcedureTask - Used for static tasks that require access to some remote function on the back-end, for example invoking a back-end model for model-assisted annotation. See the example task in /examples/remote_procedure/mnist/ for an example project using this hook.

Complete documentation for each of the hooks can be found in the associated README for the mephisto-task package.

Reusable UI component libraries

@annotated [BETA]

To make common annotation tasks easier, we provide the @annotated/* suite of packages.

These suite of packages were formerly published under the annotation-toolkit and have now been broken down into their own individual packages. We provide helper UI components such as @annotated/bbox, @annotated/video-player, etc.

We welcome contributions to these packages. To create your own package, you can clone the template folder at packages/annotated/__template__.


For chat-based components, we provide custom UI components in the bootstrap-chat package. You can find further information for them in the associated README for the bootstrap-chat package.

Adding UI error handling to tasks

Currently, we have beta functionality for error handling. We provide a few ways of getting a signal into how your tasks are faring:

  1. Auto-logging errors for React-based tasks
  2. Proactively alerting crowd workers when an error occurs and encouraging them to contact you if this happens
  3. Exposing error logging infrastructure for more advanced custom front-end use cases

Automatic frontend logging

For #1 above, auto-logging can be enabled for React apps by importing the <ErrorBoundary /> component and wiring it up as such:

import { ErrorBoundary } from "mephisto-task";
const { handleFatalError, /* ... */ } = useMephistoTask();
return (
<ErrorBoundary handleError={handleFatalError}>
<MyApp />

This will automatically send an error packet to the backend Mephisto server when an error occurs.

Alerting crowd-workers of issues

To opt into #2 above, you need to define a global variable as such:

window._MEPHISTO_CONFIG_ = {
/* required: */
/* optional: */
ERROR_REPORT_TO_EMAIL: "[email protected]"

This will show a prompt as such if an uncaught error is detected:

Advanced Usage

handleFatalError can also be used in any custom logic code you wish - for example, in handling errors for AJAX requests which live outside of the scope of React Error Boundaries:

.catch(err => handleFatalError(err.toString()));