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WorkerOpinion widget

Workers can leave their feedback about a Task if you add a WorkerOpinion feature to it.

WorkerOpinion widget currently may contain a set of textarea form fields, and a multi-file attachment form field.

How to enable WorkerOpinion

  1. Add mephisto-addons library to your webpack config
  2. Import WorkerOpinion component to your Task's React application code and define questions.

1. Webpack config

// Specifies location of your packages (e.g. `../../dir`)
var PATH_TO_PACKAGES = "<path>"

module.exports = {
resolve: {
alias: {
"mephisto-addons": path.resolve(

2. WorkerOpinion component

import { WorkerOpinion } from "mephisto-addons";
<div ...>
"Was this task hard?",
"Is this a good example?",

Supported properties for WorkerOpinion component:

  • handleSubmit (optional) - your custom callback that will run on opinion submit
  • maxTextLength (optional) - max amount of characters for all textarea fields
  • questions (optional, array of strings) - list of questions for the worker, where each response is a textarea field
  • required (optional) - if false, adds " (optional)" suffix to question text (default: false)
  • textAreaWidth (optional) - width of all textarea fields (default: 100%)
  • title (optional) - title of the WorkerOpinion widget. Default: Your Feedback

Here's how WorkerOpinion component looks like:

Worker Opinion

How WorkerOpinion works

  1. After completing each unit, workers can submit an opinion about the completed unit.
  2. Once the task is shut down, you can review all collected opinions for the task in TaskReview app.
  3. When reviewing units in TaskReview app, you will see an extra accordion section "Worker Opinion" if a worker submitted their opinion.