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TaskReview app API

If you wish to customize or improve the TaskReview app, it's helpful to know how its UI and server parts interact.

User flow

Here is a typical user journey through TaskReview app:

  • UI gets list of available tasks from GET /tasks
  • User selects a task
  • UI gets list of available qualifications from GET /qualifications
  • UI pulls all unit-worker id pairs from GET /tasks/{id}/worker-units-ids
    • Due to the need to randomly shuffle units grouped by a worker (to mitigate reviewers bias, etc) we're implementing client-side, not server-side, pagination - client gets full list of all ids, creates a page of unit ids, and then pulls data for those specific units.
  • UI initiates units review by worker:
    • Group units by worker
    • Sort workers by number of their units (fewest units go first)
    • Pick them for review one-by-one
  • And then for each worker:
    • UI pulls units by ids from GET /units?unit_ids=[...]
    • UI sorts units by creation_date and pick them for review one-by-one
      • For each reviewed unit:
        • UI pulls unit details from GET /units/details?unit_ids=[...]
        • UI pulls current stats from GET /stats (for entire task and for worker within the task)
        • UI renders unit's review representation in an iframe
        • User can choose to reject/accept unit, grant/revoke qualification, and block the worker
  • When all units are reviewed, UI redirects user to the "Tasks" page
  • User clicks "Show" button in "Stats" column to see hystograms if a Task has suitable data format for them
  • User clicks "Open" button in "Chars" column to see Grafana dashboard to investigate a Task
  • User clicks "Download" button for a reviewed Task
    • UI pulls Task data from GET /tasks/<task_id>/<n_units>/export-results.json endpoint

API endpoints

These are the API specs enabling TaskReview app UI.

GET /api/tasks

Get all available tasks (to select one for review)

"tasks": [
"created_at": <timestamp>,
"has_stats": <bool>,
"id": <int>,
"is_reviewed": <bool>,
"name": <str>,
"unit_count": <int>
... // more tasks

GET /api/tasks/{id}

Get metadata for a task

"id": <int>,
"name": <str>,
"type": <str>,
"created_at": <timestamp>

GET /api/tasks/{id}/export-results

Compose on the server-side a single file with reviewed task results (empty API response).

GET /api/tasks/{id}/{n_units}/export-results.json

Serve a single composed file with reviewed task results (API response is a file download).

GET /api/tasks/{id}/stats-results

Assemble stats with results for a Task.

"stats": {
<str>: {
<str>: <str> | <int>,
"task_id": <str>,
"task_name": <str>,
"workers_count": <int>

GET /api/tasks/{id}/timeline

Check if Grafana server is available and redirect or return error.

"dashboard_url": <str> | null,
"server_is_available": <bool>,
"task_name": <str>,

GET /api/tasks/{id}/worker-opinions

Returns all Worker Opinions related to a Task.

"task_name": <str>,
"worker_opinions": [
"data": {
"attachments": [
"destination": <str>,
"encoding": <str>,
"fieldname": <str>,
"filename": <str>,
"mimetype": <str>,
"originalname": <str>,
"path": <str>,
"size": <int>
... // more attachments
"questions": [
"answer": <str>,
"id": <str>,
"question": <str>,
"reviewed": <bool>,
"toxicity": <str> | null
... // more questions
"unit_data_folder": <str>,
"unit_id": <str>,
"worker_id": <str>
... // more worker opinions

GET /api/tasks/{id}/worker-units-ids

Get full, unpaginated list of unit IDs within a task (for subsequent client-side grouping by worker_id and GET /task-units pagination)

"worker_units_ids": [
"worker_id": <int>,
"unit_id": <int>,
... // more ids

GET /api/qualifications

Get all available qualifications (to select "approve" and "reject" qualifications)

"qualifications": [
"id": <int>,
"name": <str>,
... // more qualifications

POST /api/qualifications

Create a new qualification

"name": <str>,

GET /api/qualifications/{id}/workers?{task_id=}

Get list of all bearers of a qualification.

"workers": [
"worker_id": <int>,
"value": <int>,
"unit_review_id": <int>, // latest grant of this qualification
"granted_at": <int>, // maps to `unit_review.creation_date` column
... // more qualified workers

POST /api/qualifications/{id}/workers/{id}/grant

Grant qualification to a worker

"unit_ids": [<int>, ...],
"value": <int>,

POST /api/qualifications/{id}/workers/{id}/revoke

Revoke qualification from a worker

"unit_ids": [<int>, ...],

GET /api/units?{task_id=}{unit_ids=}

Get workers' results (filtered by task_id and/or unit_ids, etc) - without full details of input/output. At least one filtering parameter must be specified

NOTE: this edpoint is not currently used in TaskReview app

"units": [
"id": <int>,
"worker_id": <int>,
"task_id": <int>,
"pay_amount": <int>,
"status": <str>,
"creation_date": <int>,
"results": {
"start": ,
"end": ,
"inputs_preview": <json str>, // optional
"outputs_preview": <json str>, // optional
"review": {
"tips": <int>,
"feedback": <str>,
... // more units

GET /api/units/details?{unit_ids=}

Get full input for specified workers results (units_ids parameter is mandatory)

"units": [
"has_task_source_review": <bool>,
"id": <int>,
"inputs": <json object>, // instructions for worker
"metadata": <json object>, // any metadata (e.g. Worker Opinion)
"outputs": <json object>, // response from worker
"prepared_inputs": <json object>, // prepared instructions from worker
"unit_data_folder": <str>}, // path to data dir in file system
... // more units

POST /api/units/approve

Approve worker's result

"unit_ids": [<int>, ...],
"feedback": <str>, // optional
"tips": <int>, // optional

POST /api/units/reject

Reject worker's result

"unit_ids": [<int>, ...],
"feedback": <str>, // optional

POST /api/units/soft-reject

Soft-reject worker's result

"unit_ids": [<int>, ...],
"feedback": <str>, // optional

POST /api/workers/{id}/block

Permanently block a worker

"unit_id": <int>,
"feedback": <str>,

GET /api/workers/{id}/qualifications

Get list of all granted qualifications for a worker

"granted_qualifications": [
"worker_id": <int>,
"qualification_id": <int>,
"value": <int>,
"granted_at": <int>, // maps to `unit_review.creation_date` column
... // more granted qualifications

GET /api/review-stats?{task_id=}{worker_id=}{since=}{limit=}

Get stats of (recent) approvals. Either task_id or worker_id (or both) must be present.

"stats": {
"total_count": <int>, // within the scope of the filters
"reviewed_count": <int>,
"approved_count": <int>,
"rejected_count": <int>,
"soft_rejected_count": <int>,

GET /api/units/{unit_id}/static/{filename}

Return static file from data directory for specific unit.

Response: file.

Error response

Exception are returned by the API in this format:

"error": <str>,