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Custom packages

If you want to customize existing packages or create a new one, you can place them into packages directory (and update installed dependencies list in your package.json accordingly). Because your custom library is available only locally (and via npm), you need to include it into Mephisto build under an alias in webpack config:

var path = require("path");
var webpack = require("webpack");

// Specifies location of your packages (e.g. `../../dir`)
var PATH_TO_PACKAGES = "<path>"

module.exports = {
resolve: {
alias: {
// Your custom local libraries
"my-library": path.resolve(
__dirname, `${PATH_TO_PACKAGES}/packages/my-library`,
fallback: {
net: false,
dns: false,

Then you can add mylibrary via regular imports:

import { MyComponent } from "my-library";

For a working example of an aliased library see webpack.config.js from form_composer_demo sample project.