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Run FormComposer tasks

To create and launch a FormComposer task, first create your JSON form configuration, and then run the below commands.

Once your Task launches, your console will display you URLs like this: http://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/?worker_id=x&assignment_id=1.

  • If you're doing local testing with local architect and mock provider, your URLs will start with http://localhost:3000/. To access your Task units as a worker, just paste one of these URLs into your browser.
    • If running with Docker, you will need to replace port 3000 in the console URLs with the remapped port (e.g. for 3001:3000 it will be 3001).
  • If you're running with a "real" provider, to access your Task units you will need to log into the provider's platform as a worker, and find them there.

With docker-compose

You can launch FormComposer inside a Docker container:

  1. Prepare configs using form_composer_config command:
docker-compose -f docker/ run \
--build \
--rm mephisto_dc \
mephisto form_composer_config --extrapolate-token-sets
  1. Run composer itself using form_composer command:
docker-compose -f docker/ run \
--build \
--publish 8081:8000 \
--publish 3001:3000 \
--rm mephisto_dc \
mephisto form_composer

Without docker-compose

First ensure that mephisto package is installed locally - please refer to Mephisto's main doc. Once that is done, run form_composer_config command if needed, followed by form_composer command:

mephisto form_composer_config --extrapolate-token-sets
mephisto form_composer
mephisto form_composer --task-data-config-only