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Manual installation Mephisto


First, clone this repo to your local system.

Mephisto requires >= Python 3.8 and >= npm v6.


You can install Mephisto in a few ways (Docker being the safest choice):

  • Using docker: see Running Mephisto with Docker
  • Using pip: run this in the root repo directory
    $ pip install -e .
  • Using poetry: run this in the root repo directory
    # install poetry
    $ curl -sSL | python3 -
    # from the root dir, install Mephisto:
    $ poetry install


Now that you have Mephisto installed, you should have access to the mephisto CLI tool. If using Docker, you will need to SSH into the Docker container first.

  • We can use this CLI tool to change data directory (where the results of your crowdsourcing tasks will be stored). Its default location is data inside the repo root; and here we will set it to ~/mephisto-data/data directory:
    $ mkdir ~/mephisto-data
    $ mkdir ~/mephisto-data/data
    $ mephisto config core.main_data_directory ~/mephisto-data/data
  • We can check that everything has been set up correctly:
$ mephisto check
Mephisto seems to be set up correctly.

Note that registering a sandbox user will not create a new entry in your ~/.aws/credentials file if it's for the same account as your production user, as sandbox and prod on AWS use the same access keys.

Task parameters

After registering a requester, you can use mephisto.provider.requester_name=my_mturk_user or mephisto.provider.requester_name=my_mturk_user_sandbox respectively to launch a task on Mturk.

Let's get running!

Now that you have your environment set up, you're ready for Running your first task.