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video_annotator config command

The video_annotator config utility command helps auto-generate VideoAnnotator config. It supports several options:

# Sample launching commands
mephisto video_annotator config
mephisto video_annotator config --update-file-location-values "" --use_presigned_urls
mephisto video_annotator config --update-file-location-values ""
mephisto video_annotator config --permutate-separate-tokens
mephisto video_annotator config --extrapolate-token-sets
mephisto video_annotator config --verify
# Parameters that work together
mephisto video_annotator config --directory /my/own/path/to/data/ --verify
mephisto video_annotator config --directory /my/own/path/to/data/ --extrapolate-token-sets
mephisto video_annotator config --update-file-location-values ""


  • -d/--directory - a modifier for all video_annotator config command options that specifies the directory where all annotator JSON config files are located (if missing the default is mephisto/generators/video_annotator/data directory)
  • -v/--verify - if truthy, validates all JSON configs currently present in the annotator builder config directory
  • -p/--permutate-sepatate-tokens - if truthy, generates token sets values as all possible combinations of values of individual tokens
  • -f/--update-file-location-values S3_FOLDER_URL - generates token values based on file names found within the specified S3 folder (see a separate section about this mode of running VideoAnnotator)
  • -e/--extrapolate-token-sets - if truthy, generates Task data config based on provided annotator config and token sets values
  • -u/--use-presigned-urls - a modifier for --update-file-location-values command that converts S3 URLs into short-lived rtemporary ones (for more detailes see "Presigned URLs" section)

Shortcut commands

  • mephisto video_annotator config executes the following commands in one step:
mephisto video_annotator config --permutate-separate-tokens
mephisto video_annotator config --extrapolate-token-sets
mephisto video_annotator config --verify