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The blueprints contain all of the related code required to set up a task run.

parlai chat

Tasks launched from ParlAI blueprints require the number of conversations (either an int or task data for each convo), as well as a world to initialize for connecting workers.

block_qualificationstr???Specify the name of a qualification used to soft block workers.NoneFalse
tips_locationstrpath_to_task/assets/tips.csvPath to csv file containing tipsNoneFalse
onboarding_qualificationstr???Specify the name of a qualification used to block workers who fail onboarding, Empty will skip onboarding.NoneFalse
world_filestr???Path to file containing ParlAI worldNoneTrue
preview_sourcestr???Optional path to source HTML file to preview the taskNoneFalse
task_description_filestr???Path to file for the extended description of the task. Required if not providing a custom source bundle.NoneFalse
custom_source_bundlestr???Optional path to a fully custom frontend bundleNoneFalse
custom_source_dirstr???Optional path to a directory containing custom js codeNoneFalse
task_source_reviewstrPath to file containing javascript bundle for the task review applicationNoneFalse
extra_source_dirstr???Optional path to sources that the frontend may refer to (such as images/video/css/scripts)NoneFalse
context_csvstr???Optional path to csv containing task contextNoneFalse
context_jsonlstr???Optional path to jsonl file containing task contextNoneFalse
num_conversationsint???Optional count of conversations to have if no context providedNoneFalse

static react task

Tasks launched from static blueprints need a prebuilt javascript bundle containing the task. We suggest building with our provided useMephistoTask hook.

block_qualificationstr???Specify the name of a qualification used to soft block workers.NoneFalse
tips_locationstrpath_to_task/assets/tips.csvPath to csv file containing tipsNoneFalse
gold_qualification_basestr???Basename for a qualification that tracks gold completion ratesNoneFalse
max_gold_unitsint???The maximum number of gold units that can be launched with this batch, specified to limit the number of golds you may need to pay out for.NoneFalse
use_goldsboolFalseWhether or not to use gold tasks in this run.NoneFalse
min_goldsint1Minimum golds a worker needs to complete before getting real units.NoneFalse
max_incorrect_goldsint0Maximum number of golds a worker can get incorrect before being disqualifiedNoneFalse
onboarding_qualificationstr???Specify the name of a qualification used to block workers who fail onboarding, Empty will skip onboarding.NoneFalse
passed_qualification_namestr???Specify the name of a qualification used to designate workers who have passed screening.NoneFalse
max_screening_unitsint???The maximum number of screening units that can be launched with this batch, specified to limit the number of validations you may need to pay out for.NoneFalse
use_screening_taskboolFalseWhether or not to use a screening task in this run.NoneFalse
units_per_assignmentint1How many workers you want to do each assignmentNoneFalse
task_source_reviewstrPath to file containing javascript bundle for the task review applicationNoneFalse
extra_source_dirstr???Optional path to sources that the HTML may refer to (such as images/video/css/scripts)NoneFalse
data_jsonstr???Path to JSON file containing task dataNoneFalse
data_jsonlstr???Path to JSON-L file containing task dataNoneFalse
data_csvstr???Path to csv file containing task dataNoneFalse
task_sourcestr???Path to file containing javascript bundle for the taskNoneTrue
link_task_sourceboolFalseSymlinks the task_source file in your development folder to the one used for the server. Useful for local development so you can run a watch-based build for your task_source, allowing the UI code to update without having to restart the server each time.NoneFalse

static task

Tasks launched from static blueprints need a source html file to display to workers, as well as a csv containing values that will be inserted into templates in the html.

block_qualificationstr???Specify the name of a qualification used to soft block workers.NoneFalse
tips_locationstrpath_to_task/assets/tips.csvPath to csv file containing tipsNoneFalse
gold_qualification_basestr???Basename for a qualification that tracks gold completion ratesNoneFalse
max_gold_unitsint???The maximum number of gold units that can be launched with this batch, specified to limit the number of golds you may need to pay out for.NoneFalse
use_goldsboolFalseWhether or not to use gold tasks in this run.NoneFalse
min_goldsint1Minimum golds a worker needs to complete before getting real units.NoneFalse
max_incorrect_goldsint0Maximum number of golds a worker can get incorrect before being disqualifiedNoneFalse
onboarding_qualificationstr???Specify the name of a qualification used to block workers who fail onboarding, Empty will skip onboarding.NoneFalse
passed_qualification_namestr???Specify the name of a qualification used to designate workers who have passed screening.NoneFalse
max_screening_unitsint???The maximum number of screening units that can be launched with this batch, specified to limit the number of validations you may need to pay out for.NoneFalse
use_screening_taskboolFalseWhether or not to use a screening task in this run.NoneFalse
units_per_assignmentint1How many workers you want to do each assignmentNoneFalse
task_source_reviewstrPath to file containing javascript bundle for the task review applicationNoneFalse
extra_source_dirstr???Optional path to sources that the HTML may refer to (such as images/video/css/scripts)NoneFalse
data_jsonstr???Path to JSON file containing task dataNoneFalse
data_jsonlstr???Path to JSON-L file containing task dataNoneFalse
data_csvstr???Path to csv file containing task dataNoneFalse
task_sourcestr???Path to source HTML file for the task being runNoneTrue
preview_sourceunknown???Optional path to source HTML file to preview the taskNoneFalse
onboarding_sourceunknown???Optional path to source HTML file to onboarding the taskNoneFalse


passed_qualification_namestr???Specify the name of a qualification used to designate workers who have passed screening.NoneFalse
max_screening_unitsint???The maximum number of screening units that can be launched with this batch, specified to limit the number of validations you may need to pay out for.NoneFalse
use_screening_taskboolFalseWhether or not to use a screening task in this run.NoneFalse
onboarding_qualificationstr???Specify the name of a qualification used to block workers who fail onboarding, Empty will skip onboarding.NoneFalse
block_qualificationstr???Specify the name of a qualification used to soft block workers.NoneFalse
tips_locationstrpath_to_task/assets/tips.csvPath to csv file containing tipsNoneFalse
num_assignmentsint???How many workers you want to do each assignmentNoneTrue
use_onboardingboolFalseWhether onboarding should be requiredNoneFalse
timeout_timeint0Whether acts in the run assignment should have a timeoutNoneFalse
is_concurrentboolTrueWhether to run this mock task as a concurrent task or notNoneFalse
task_source_reviewstr/test/path/to/bundle.jsPath to file containing javascript bundle for the task review applicationNoneFalse

remote procedure

Tasks launched from remote query blueprints need a source html file to display to workers, as well as a csv containing values that will be inserted into templates in the html.

block_qualificationstr???Specify the name of a qualification used to soft block workers.NoneFalse
tips_locationstrpath_to_task/assets/tips.csvPath to csv file containing tipsNoneFalse
gold_qualification_basestr???Basename for a qualification that tracks gold completion ratesNoneFalse
max_gold_unitsint???The maximum number of gold units that can be launched with this batch, specified to limit the number of golds you may need to pay out for.NoneFalse
use_goldsboolFalseWhether or not to use gold tasks in this run.NoneFalse
min_goldsint1Minimum golds a worker needs to complete before getting real units.NoneFalse
max_incorrect_goldsint0Maximum number of golds a worker can get incorrect before being disqualifiedNoneFalse
onboarding_qualificationstr???Specify the name of a qualification used to block workers who fail onboarding, Empty will skip onboarding.NoneFalse
passed_qualification_namestr???Specify the name of a qualification used to designate workers who have passed screening.NoneFalse
max_screening_unitsint???The maximum number of screening units that can be launched with this batch, specified to limit the number of validations you may need to pay out for.NoneFalse
use_screening_taskboolFalseWhether or not to use a screening task in this run.NoneFalse
task_sourcestr???Path to file containing javascript bundle for the taskNoneTrue
task_source_reviewstrPath to file containing javascript bundle for the task review applicationNoneFalse
extra_source_dirstr???Optional path to sources that the HTML may refer to (such as images/video/css/scripts)NoneFalse
link_task_sourceboolFalseSymlinks the task_source file in your development folder to the one used for the server. Useful for local development so you can run a watch-based build for your task_source, allowing the UI code to update without having to restart the server each time.NoneFalse
units_per_assignmentint1How many workers you want to do each assignmentNoneFalse