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Architecture diagram

At a high level, Mephisto runs its data collection/annotation tasks as shown in this sequence diagram.


Codebase structure

This is a quick guide over file directories in Mephisto project. Note that some directories include their own file with further details.

  • data - contain local Mephisto database, provider-specific data stores, and worker input collected during Task runs
  • docker - dockerization setup for Mephisto project
  • docs - content, config, and build for docs
    • legacy - deprecated doc pages
    • web - Docusaurus React app (used to serve doc pages)
      • blog, docs - actual content (pages in Markdown format)
      • other folders - react app build
  • examples - Mephisto use cases
    • form_composer_demo - FormComposer (FC) examples
      • data - JSON configurations for each type of FC setup
      • hydra_configs/conf - YAML configurations for related TaskRuns
      • preview - simple HTML template (used only for Task Preview on Mturk platform)
      • webapp - task's React app containing FC
        • src - React code to display FC component (example of using FC plugin in a project)
        • webpack.config.js - webpack config for React app containing FC
        • webpack.config.remote_procedure.js - webpack config for React app containing FC with remote procedures (e.g. presigned S3 URLs feature)
        • - webpack config for React app displayin read-only task page inside iframe (for TaskReview app)
      • static_react_task - simple React application (with Onboarding and Screening)
      • static_react_task_with_worker_opinion - simple React application with Worker Opinion widget
      • simple_static_task - deprecated example (Mephisto is moving away from HTML templates as its tooling mostly supports React-based tasks)
      • other examples - older Mephisto examples (working, but not the best code structure)
  • hydra_configs - settings for Hydra (Mephisto's configuration tool)
    • hydra/job_logging - default YAML config for logging
    • profile - "drop-in" configs (can be used in any Task by referencing a profile name in Task launch command with a "+" sign)
  • hydra_plugins - additional tooling for Hydra
  • mephisto - main Mephisto project folder
    • abstractions - interface to Mephisto primitives, with subfolders containing their implementations for specific cases (e.g. Parlai Chat, Prolific provider, EC2 architect)
    • client - collection of CLI tools (e.g. launch TaskReview app, launch FormComposer generator, etc)
      • - contains all supported CLI commands for use with mephisto … command
    • data_model - classes representing core Mephisto objects
    • generators - Mephisto apps generating code for Task apps based on their configuration
      • form_composer - builds React app for form-based tasks (based on specific provided FC JSON config files), and launches a server to display task units in a browser
    • operations - part of core Mephisto code
    • review_app - builds React app for TaskReview, and launches a server to display TaskReview in a browser
  • outputs - exhaust produced by running the code (logs, database dumps, etc)
  • packages - npm packages (can be used locally, and some are also in npm repo)
    • mephisto-addons - package with FC React component
  • scripts - command-line utilities for code upkeep
  • test - All tests (Back-end and Front-end, Unittests and Integration tests)