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Architect API

The Architect API is what allows Mephisto to completely abstract away the process of getting workers to operate in Mephisto tasks. In short, it aims to cover 4 primary functions:

  1. Worker/Agent registration and validation
  2. Seamless frontend access to Unit data made available on the Python side both when accepting and working on a task.
  3. Method to submit completed task data to the backend when a task is complete.
  4. Worker liveliness and status checking and syncing.

We also have a few additional goals, which influence design decisions:

  1. Tasks without the need for live interaction with the backend should be REST-ful rather than socket-based. This prevents the need to be fully connected throughout the task, reducing unexpected disconnects.
  2. The system should include failsafes to allow for retries.
  3. We should prioritize low latency where possible.
  4. The interaction layer should be simple.

This document aims to describe how we got from these requirements and goals to the system we have now.


Worker/Agent registration

Mephisto allows for multiple stages of filtering for a worker, which leads the registration process to be staged. The complete order is listed below: 0. CrowdProvider-set qualifications may prevent a worker from even seeing a task.

  1. Qualifications may be set locally that a CrowdProvider is not aware of. Workers not meeting these Mephisto qualifications (as set by SharedState.qualifications) should be filtered out.
  2. Configuration requirements may be set, like maximum_units_per_worker or allowed_concurrent which could prevent a worker from completing more than a maximum number of units on a task or work on too many tasks at once respectively.
  3. Of all available Units on Assignments the worker hasn't yet worked on, workers may be further filtered by the user-provided worker_can_do_unit function.

This also provides a template of the failure conditions for a worker to be made aware of:

  1. Worker doesn't meet the qualifications for a task.
  2. Worker is working on too many tasks at a time.
  3. Worker has completed the maximum amount of units for the given task, as set by the requester.
  4. None of the currently available units are available for Worker to access.

Frontend access to backend Unit data

Mephisto must provide users with two key ways to provide data to a worker:

  1. Setting AssignmentData for an Assignment, which define the data made available for a Unit on the frontend, and which may also be used to duplicate units.
  2. Providing additional data during a live task, including derived data from partial work. These should be both available via pull and push mechanisms.

Covering these two areas ensures that it's possible to create a broad variety of task types.

Task data submission

Like backend data, completed task data should be able to be either tracked during the course of a task or submitted at the end, or both. This leads to two main event types:

  1. Posting completed task data for a task during one of the completion points (onboarding, completing main Unit content)
  2. Sending arbitrary task data at any point during a task (for data that needs a response, or longer forms of logging)

Worker Liveliness and Status

Over the course of a task, there are a few key states to consider:

  1. Connecting
  2. Onboarding
  3. Waiting (for other Units in an assignment)
  4. In-Task
  5. Completed (task complete, or partner disconnects)
  6. Disconnected (Server disconnect, timeout, return)
  7. Failed to connect (no available tasks)

We've also considered a "post-task" state after the completion of a task for surveys or related content.

The routing server is responsible for keeping track of the liveliness of individual Agents. If it observes a disconnect on the socket, as well as timeouts on heartbeat packets.

Certain status transitions will come in from the main server, and the router may be responsible for cleaning up local state or caching results at this stage.

RESTful vs Socket interactions

We've divided Mephisto tasks into two primary types, static and live tasks. The former shouldn't require backend access through the majority of the task, only during key points (starting, submission), while the latter can have direct communication throughout the task.

Beyond just being simpler to implement, static tasks also have the advantage of being lenient on worker behavior; if a worker suspends progress and returns within the timeout window, they aren't penalized, even if their machine were to sleep during that window.

The Mephisto backend channels expect to communicate with the router in a certain way. Our primary Channel is the WebsocketChannel, and as such we expect to receive Packets over the wire from the routing server.

Implementation (proposed)

The core carrier for information in the Mephisto Architect API is the Packet class. Downstream, they act as the way to tie an Agent class in python to an actual human worker.

The Channel is the primary way of trasmitting packets, with the WebsocketChannel being the main implementation Mephisto currently uses with its Architects. The ClientIOHandler is responsible for using and interpreting packets, so it defines the key types to be handled.

Packet Types

There are a number of different packet types used by Mephisto:

  • PACKET_TYPE_ALIVE: Used to mark the success of a new socket connection.
  • PACKET_TYPE_SUBMIT_ONBOARDING: Used to handle submission of onboarding.
  • PACKET_TYPE_SUBMIT_UNIT: Used to handle submission of a Unit.
  • PACKET_TYPE_CLIENT_BOUND_LIVE_UPDATE: Used to send any new live data to an agent.
  • PACKET_TYPE_MEPHISTO_BOUND_LIVE_UPDATE: Used for the frontend to send any type of data to the backend, usually to be processed by a user-defined callback.
  • PACKET_TYPE_REGISTER_AGENT: Used to request a new Agent and Unit data for a specific worker on a task.
  • PACKET_TYPE_AGENT_DETAILS: Used to respond with the details of a worker registration request.
  • PACKET_TYPE_UPDATE_STATUS: Used by Mephisto to push a status update to the router and frontend worker.
  • PACKET_TYPE_REQUEST_STATUSES: Used by Mephisto to poll for the current statuses for a worker.
  • PACKET_TYPE_RETURN_STATUSES: Used by the router to return updates for all of the currently registered agents.
  • PACKET_TYPE_ERROR: Used by the router and frontend to communicate to the python backend that an error has occurred.

Architect Responsibilities

While this is the "Architect API" most of the responsibilities for the architect are merely pointing the ClientIOHandler to the correct Channels for sending packets for a given client. Ultimately it is the ClientIOHandler that dictates the responsibilities that the transmitted messages carry:

  • The ClientIOHandler must send a PACKET_TYPE_ALIVE whenever it opens a new channel (in this case, to a router).
  • For Unit Registration, in response to a PACKET_TYPE_REGISTER_AGENT, the handler must return a PACKET_TYPE_AGENT_DETAILS with the details of an agent and it's initialization data, or the failure status for why an agent couldn't be created.
  • During a Unit the handler must process PACKET_TYPE_MEPHISTO_BOUND_LIVE_UPDATE and direct the content to the correct handlers, and should send a PACKET_TYPE_CLIENT_BOUND_LIVE_UPDATE for any Agent.send_data() call on a live connected Agent. The handler must also process PACKET_TYPE_SUBMIT_* packets for the key transitions of a Unit in progress, and should respond with PACKET_TYPE_AGENT_DETAILS for a submit on an OnboardingAgent.
  • Over any run, the handler should poll with PACKET_TYPE_REQUEST_STATUS and update local Agent statuses on disconnects from PACKET_TYPE_RETURN_STATUSES. This also acts as a heartbeat from the Python core to the router. The handler should also take PACKET_TYPE_ERROR and log the contents if this ever occurs.

Router Responsibilities

The primary responsiblity of the router is to take incoming packets from client connections and direct them to the core Mephisto ClientIOHandler and to do the reverse as well. All packets will have a core agent_id field denoting either the sender or receiver of the packet, depending on the packet type. The only exception is the PACKET_TYPE_ALIVE, which is directed to the router and allows for any registration of an incoming connection.

Secondarily, the router is responsible for converting RESTful POST requests from mephisto-task into socket messages, and relaying the response as a standard POST response. This behavior is only for the PACKET_TYPE_REGISTER_AGENT, and PACKET_TYPE_SUBMIT_ONBOARDING packets, and both of them will be serviced by PACKET_TYPE_AGENT_DETAILS responses. For these it should be listening to POST requests at /register_worker, /submit_onboarding, and /submit_task. POST requests to /log_error should result in forwarding a PACKET_TYPE_ERROR.

Third, the router is responsible for maintaining track of agent status, and acting as a cache for this information after disconnects. This allows for a worker to return to a task and have updated information about what has transpired, even when the main Mephisto server has cleaned up the related TaskRunner and live Agent.

Fourth, the router is responsible for serving the static task_config.json file, which allows the frontend to load certain details about the full task before going through any registration handshakes.

mephisto-task responsibilities.

The useMephistoTask hook is responsible for allowing a worker to connect to a task and submit the relevant data. For this, it only needs to make POST requests related to the PACKET_TYPE_SUBMIT_* and PACKET_TYPE_REGISTER_AGENT events. The former should be triggered on handleSubmit, while the latter should trigger immediately on load.

The useMephistoLiveTask hook is responsible for the rest of the packets. Data packets should be sent via sendData and handled with the onLiveUpdate callback. So long as your data is json-serializable, you can send anything you want this way.

We also provide a useMephistoRemoteProcedureTask hook, which is a wrapper around useMephistoLiveTask that instead allows for making remote procedure calls from static tasks (when combined with the RemoteProcedureBlueprint or a similar API). Here people can make requests to the backend from an otherwise static task, and potentially receive responses and take action on them if they've registered callbacks. The only interface here is thus makeRemoteCall.