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#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from hydra.core.config_store import ConfigStoreWithProvider
from mephisto.abstractions.blueprint import BlueprintArgs
from mephisto.abstractions.architect import ArchitectArgs
from mephisto.abstractions.crowd_provider import ProviderArgs
from mephisto.data_model.task_run import TaskRunArgs
from mephisto.utils.logger_core import get_logger, warn_once
from mephisto.utils.dirs import get_run_file_dir
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, fields, Field
from omegaconf import OmegaConf, MISSING, DictConfig
from typing import List, Type, Dict, Any, TYPE_CHECKING

    from mephisto.abstractions.architect import Architect
    from mephisto.abstractions.blueprint import Blueprint

logger = get_logger(name=__name__)

config = ConfigStoreWithProvider("mephisto")

class DatabaseArgs:
    _database_type: str = "singleton"  # default DB is performant singleton

class MephistoConfig:
    blueprint: BlueprintArgs = MISSING
    provider: ProviderArgs = MISSING
    architect: ArchitectArgs = MISSING
    task: TaskRunArgs = TaskRunArgs()
    database: DatabaseArgs = DatabaseArgs()
    log_level: str = "info"

class TaskConfig:
    mephisto: MephistoConfig = MephistoConfig()
    task_dir: str = get_run_file_dir()
    num_tasks: int = 5

def register_abstraction_config(name: str, node: Any, abstraction_type: str):

def build_default_task_config(conf_name: str) -> Type[TaskConfig]:
    default_list = ["_self_", {"conf": conf_name}]

    class DefaultTaskConfig(TaskConfig):
        defaults: List[Any] = field(default_factory=lambda: default_list)

    return DefaultTaskConfig

class RunScriptConfig(TaskConfig):
    def __post_init__(self):
            "RunScriptConfig has been deprecated in Mephisto 1.0 in favor "
            "of using TaskConfig and the `task_script` decorator. See "
            "our new examples for usage."

def initialize_named_configs():
    Functionality to register the core mephisto configuration structure. Must be done in __init__

def register_script_config(name: str, module: Any):
    check_for_hydra_compat(), node=module)

def check_for_hydra_compat():
    # Required for determining 0.3.x to 0.4.0 conversion
    # of scripts
    import inspect
    import os

    callsite = inspect.stack(0)[-1].filename
    call_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(".", callsite))
    if "hydra_configs" not in os.listdir(call_dir):
            f"We noticed you don't have a hydra_configs directory in the folder "
            f"{call_dir} where you are running this script from.\n"
            "Mephisto Version 0.4.0 has breaking changes for user scripts due "
            "to the Hydra 1.1 upgrade. This may prevent scripts from launching. "
            "See for "
            "remediation details."

## Hydra argument config parsing helpers for other uses, generally the server API

def get_dict_from_field(in_field: Field) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Extract all of the arguments from an argument group
    and return a dict mapping from argument dest to argument dict
        found_type = in_field.type.__name__
    except AttributeError:
        found_type = in_field.metadata.get("type", "unknown")
    return {
        "type": found_type,
        "default": in_field.metadata.get("default", in_field.default),
        "help": in_field.metadata.get("help"),
        "choices": in_field.metadata.get("choices"),
        "required": in_field.metadata.get("required", False),

def get_extra_argument_dicts(customizable_class: Any) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
    Produce the argument dicts for the given customizable class
    (Blueprint, Architect, etc)
    dict_fields = fields(customizable_class.ArgsClass)
    usable_fields = []
    group_field = None
    for f in dict_fields:
        if not"_"):
        elif == "_group":
            group_field = f
    parsed_fields = [get_dict_from_field(f) for f in usable_fields]
    help_text = ""
    if group_field is not None:
        help_text = group_field.metadata.get("help", "")
    return [{"desc": help_text, "args": {f["dest"]: f for f in parsed_fields}}]

def get_task_state_dicts(customizable_class: Type["Blueprint"]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
    Return the SharedTaskState configurable class for the given blueprint
    dict_fields = fields(customizable_class.SharedStateClass)
    usable_fields = []
    for f in dict_fields:
        if not"_"):
    parsed_fields = [get_dict_from_field(f) for f in usable_fields]
    return [{"desc": "", "args": {f["dest"]: f for f in parsed_fields}}]

def parse_arg_dict(customizable_class: Any, args: Dict[str, Any]) -> DictConfig:
    Get the ArgsClass for a class, then parse the given args using
    it. Return the DictConfig of the finalized namespace.
    return OmegaConf.structured(customizable_class.ArgsClass(**args))
#   class DatabaseArgs:
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class DatabaseArgs:
    _database_type: str = "singleton"  # default DB is performant singleton

DatabaseArgs(_database_type: str = 'singleton')

#   DatabaseArgs(_database_type: str = 'singleton')
#   class MephistoConfig:
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class MephistoConfig:
    blueprint: BlueprintArgs = MISSING
    provider: ProviderArgs = MISSING
    architect: ArchitectArgs = MISSING
    task: TaskRunArgs = TaskRunArgs()
    database: DatabaseArgs = DatabaseArgs()
    log_level: str = "info"

MephistoConfig(blueprint: mephisto.abstractions.blueprint.BlueprintArgs = '???', provider: mephisto.abstractions.crowd_provider.ProviderArgs = '???', architect: mephisto.abstractions.architect.ArchitectArgs = '???', task: mephisto.data_model.task_run.TaskRunArgs = TaskRunArgs(task_name='???', task_title='???', task_description='???', task_reward='???', task_tags='???', assignment_duration_in_seconds=1800, allowed_concurrent=0, maximum_units_per_worker=0, max_num_concurrent_units=0, submission_timeout=600), database: mephisto.operations.hydra_config.DatabaseArgs = DatabaseArgs(_database_type='singleton'), log_level: str = 'info')

#   MephistoConfig( blueprint: mephisto.abstractions.blueprint.BlueprintArgs = '???', provider: mephisto.abstractions.crowd_provider.ProviderArgs = '???', architect: mephisto.abstractions.architect.ArchitectArgs = '???', task: mephisto.data_model.task_run.TaskRunArgs = TaskRunArgs(task_name='???', task_title='???', task_description='???', task_reward='???', task_tags='???', assignment_duration_in_seconds=1800, allowed_concurrent=0, maximum_units_per_worker=0, max_num_concurrent_units=0, submission_timeout=600), database: mephisto.operations.hydra_config.DatabaseArgs = DatabaseArgs(_database_type='singleton'), log_level: str = 'info' )
#   task: mephisto.data_model.task_run.TaskRunArgs = TaskRunArgs(task_name='???', task_title='???', task_description='???', task_reward='???', task_tags='???', assignment_duration_in_seconds=1800, allowed_concurrent=0, maximum_units_per_worker=0, max_num_concurrent_units=0, submission_timeout=600)
#   database: mephisto.operations.hydra_config.DatabaseArgs = DatabaseArgs(_database_type='singleton')
#   log_level: str = 'info'
#   class TaskConfig:
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class TaskConfig:
    mephisto: MephistoConfig = MephistoConfig()
    task_dir: str = get_run_file_dir()
    num_tasks: int = 5

TaskConfig(mephisto: mephisto.operations.hydra_config.MephistoConfig = MephistoConfig(blueprint='???', provider='???', architect='???', task=TaskRunArgs(task_name='???', task_title='???', task_description='???', task_reward='???', task_tags='???', assignment_duration_in_seconds=1800, allowed_concurrent=0, maximum_units_per_worker=0, max_num_concurrent_units=0, submission_timeout=600), database=DatabaseArgs(_database_type='singleton'), log_level='info'), task_dir: str = '/Users/jju/miniconda3/envs/py38/bin', num_tasks: int = 5)

#   TaskConfig( mephisto: mephisto.operations.hydra_config.MephistoConfig = MephistoConfig(blueprint='???', provider='???', architect='???', task=TaskRunArgs(task_name='???', task_title='???', task_description='???', task_reward='???', task_tags='???', assignment_duration_in_seconds=1800, allowed_concurrent=0, maximum_units_per_worker=0, max_num_concurrent_units=0, submission_timeout=600), database=DatabaseArgs(_database_type='singleton'), log_level='info'), task_dir: str = '/Users/jju/miniconda3/envs/py38/bin', num_tasks: int = 5 )
#   mephisto: mephisto.operations.hydra_config.MephistoConfig = MephistoConfig(blueprint='???', provider='???', architect='???', task=TaskRunArgs(task_name='???', task_title='???', task_description='???', task_reward='???', task_tags='???', assignment_duration_in_seconds=1800, allowed_concurrent=0, maximum_units_per_worker=0, max_num_concurrent_units=0, submission_timeout=600), database=DatabaseArgs(_database_type='singleton'), log_level='info')
#   task_dir: str = '/Users/jju/miniconda3/envs/py38/bin'
#   num_tasks: int = 5
#   def register_abstraction_config(name: str, node: Any, abstraction_type: str):
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def register_abstraction_config(name: str, node: Any, abstraction_type: str):
#   def build_default_task_config(conf_name: str) -> Type[mephisto.operations.hydra_config.TaskConfig]:
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def build_default_task_config(conf_name: str) -> Type[TaskConfig]:
    default_list = ["_self_", {"conf": conf_name}]

    class DefaultTaskConfig(TaskConfig):
        defaults: List[Any] = field(default_factory=lambda: default_list)

    return DefaultTaskConfig
#   class RunScriptConfig(TaskConfig):
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class RunScriptConfig(TaskConfig):
    def __post_init__(self):
            "RunScriptConfig has been deprecated in Mephisto 1.0 in favor "
            "of using TaskConfig and the `task_script` decorator. See "
            "our new examples for usage."

RunScriptConfig(mephisto: mephisto.operations.hydra_config.MephistoConfig = MephistoConfig(blueprint='???', provider='???', architect='???', task=TaskRunArgs(task_name='???', task_title='???', task_description='???', task_reward='???', task_tags='???', assignment_duration_in_seconds=1800, allowed_concurrent=0, maximum_units_per_worker=0, max_num_concurrent_units=0, submission_timeout=600), database=DatabaseArgs(_database_type='singleton'), log_level='info'), task_dir: str = '/Users/jju/miniconda3/envs/py38/bin', num_tasks: int = 5)

#   RunScriptConfig( mephisto: mephisto.operations.hydra_config.MephistoConfig = MephistoConfig(blueprint='???', provider='???', architect='???', task=TaskRunArgs(task_name='???', task_title='???', task_description='???', task_reward='???', task_tags='???', assignment_duration_in_seconds=1800, allowed_concurrent=0, maximum_units_per_worker=0, max_num_concurrent_units=0, submission_timeout=600), database=DatabaseArgs(_database_type='singleton'), log_level='info'), task_dir: str = '/Users/jju/miniconda3/envs/py38/bin', num_tasks: int = 5 )
#   def initialize_named_configs():
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def initialize_named_configs():
    Functionality to register the core mephisto configuration structure. Must be done in __init__

Functionality to register the core mephisto configuration structure. Must be done in __init__

#   def register_script_config(name: str, module: Any):
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def register_script_config(name: str, module: Any):
    check_for_hydra_compat(), node=module)
#   def check_for_hydra_compat():
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def check_for_hydra_compat():
    # Required for determining 0.3.x to 0.4.0 conversion
    # of scripts
    import inspect
    import os

    callsite = inspect.stack(0)[-1].filename
    call_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.join(".", callsite))
    if "hydra_configs" not in os.listdir(call_dir):
            f"We noticed you don't have a hydra_configs directory in the folder "
            f"{call_dir} where you are running this script from.\n"
            "Mephisto Version 0.4.0 has breaking changes for user scripts due "
            "to the Hydra 1.1 upgrade. This may prevent scripts from launching. "
            "See for "
            "remediation details."
#   def get_dict_from_field(in_field: dataclasses.Field) -> Dict[str, Any]:
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def get_dict_from_field(in_field: Field) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Extract all of the arguments from an argument group
    and return a dict mapping from argument dest to argument dict
        found_type = in_field.type.__name__
    except AttributeError:
        found_type = in_field.metadata.get("type", "unknown")
    return {
        "type": found_type,
        "default": in_field.metadata.get("default", in_field.default),
        "help": in_field.metadata.get("help"),
        "choices": in_field.metadata.get("choices"),
        "required": in_field.metadata.get("required", False),

Extract all of the arguments from an argument group and return a dict mapping from argument dest to argument dict

#   def get_extra_argument_dicts(customizable_class: Any) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
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def get_extra_argument_dicts(customizable_class: Any) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
    Produce the argument dicts for the given customizable class
    (Blueprint, Architect, etc)
    dict_fields = fields(customizable_class.ArgsClass)
    usable_fields = []
    group_field = None
    for f in dict_fields:
        if not"_"):
        elif == "_group":
            group_field = f
    parsed_fields = [get_dict_from_field(f) for f in usable_fields]
    help_text = ""
    if group_field is not None:
        help_text = group_field.metadata.get("help", "")
    return [{"desc": help_text, "args": {f["dest"]: f for f in parsed_fields}}]

Produce the argument dicts for the given customizable class (Blueprint, Architect, etc)

#   def get_task_state_dicts( customizable_class: type[mephisto.abstractions.blueprint.Blueprint] ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
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def get_task_state_dicts(customizable_class: Type["Blueprint"]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
    Return the SharedTaskState configurable class for the given blueprint
    dict_fields = fields(customizable_class.SharedStateClass)
    usable_fields = []
    for f in dict_fields:
        if not"_"):
    parsed_fields = [get_dict_from_field(f) for f in usable_fields]
    return [{"desc": "", "args": {f["dest"]: f for f in parsed_fields}}]

Return the SharedTaskState configurable class for the given blueprint

#   def parse_arg_dict( customizable_class: Any, args: Dict[str, Any] ) -> omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig:
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def parse_arg_dict(customizable_class: Any, args: Dict[str, Any]) -> DictConfig:
    Get the ArgsClass for a class, then parse the given args using
    it. Return the DictConfig of the finalized namespace.
    return OmegaConf.structured(customizable_class.ArgsClass(**args))

Get the ArgsClass for a class, then parse the given args using it. Return the DictConfig of the finalized namespace.