
View Source
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import os
import json
from dataclasses import dataclass, field

from mephisto.data_model.requester import Requester
from mephisto.data_model.constants.assignment_state import AssignmentState
from mephisto.data_model._db_backed_meta import (
from mephisto.utils.dirs import get_dir_for_run

from omegaconf import OmegaConf, MISSING

from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Mapping, TYPE_CHECKING, Any

    from mephisto.abstractions.database import MephistoDB
    from mephisto.data_model.assignment import Assignment
    from mephisto.abstractions.blueprint import Blueprint, SharedTaskState
    from mephisto.data_model.worker import Worker
    from mephisto.data_model.unit import Unit
    from mephisto.abstractions.crowd_provider import CrowdProvider
    from mephisto.data_model.task import Task
    from omegaconf import DictConfig

from mephisto.utils.logger_core import get_logger

logger = get_logger(name=__name__)

class TaskRunArgs:
    """Object for grouping the contents to configure a class"""

    task_name: Optional[str] = field(
            "help": "Grouping to launch this task run under, none defaults to the blueprint type"
    task_title: str = field(
            "help": "Display title for your task on the crowd provider.",
            "required": True,
    task_description: str = field(
            "help": "Longer form description for what your task entails.",
            "required": True,
    task_reward: float = field(
            "help": "Amount to pay per worker per unit, in dollars.",
            "required": True,
    task_tags: str = field(
            "help": "Comma seperated tags for workers to use to find your task.",
            "required": True,
    assignment_duration_in_seconds: int = field(
        default=30 * 60,
        metadata={"help": "Time that workers have to work on your task once accepted."},
    allowed_concurrent: int = field(
            "help": "Maximum units a worker is allowed to work on at once. (0 is infinite)",
            "required": True,
    maximum_units_per_worker: int = field(
            "help": (
                "Maximum tasks of this task name that a worker can work on across all "
                "tasks that share this task_name. (0 is infinite)"
    max_num_concurrent_units: int = field(
            "help": (
                "Maximum units that will be released simultaneously, setting a limit "
                "on concurrent connections to Mephisto overall. (0 is infinite)"
    submission_timeout: int = field(
            "help": (
                "Time that mephisto will wait after marking a task done before abandoning "
                "waiting for the worker to actually press submit."

    def get_mock_params(cls) -> str:
        """Returns a param string with default / mock arguments to use for testing"""
        from mephisto.operations.hydra_config import MephistoConfig

        return OmegaConf.structured(
                    task_title="Mock Task Title",
                    task_description="This is a test description",

class TaskRun(MephistoDataModelComponentMixin, metaclass=MephistoDBBackedMeta):
    This class tracks an individual run of a specific task, and handles state management
    for the set of assignments within

    ArgsClass = TaskRunArgs

    def __init__(
        db: "MephistoDB",
        db_id: str,
        row: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None,
        _used_new_call: bool = False,
        if not _used_new_call:
            raise AssertionError(
                "Direct TaskRun and data model access via TaskRun(db, id) is "
                "now deprecated in favor of calling TaskRun.get(db, id). "
        self.db: "MephistoDB" = db
        if row is None:
            row = db.get_task_run(db_id)
        assert row is not None, f"Given db_id {db_id} did not exist in given db"
        self.db_id: str = row["task_run_id"]
        self.task_id: str = row["task_id"]
        self.requester_id: str = row["requester_id"]
        self.param_string: str = row["init_params"]
            self.args: "DictConfig" = OmegaConf.create(json.loads(self.param_string))
        except Exception as e:
            self.args = OmegaConf.create({})
        self.start_time = row["creation_date"]
        self.provider_type: str = row["provider_type"]
        self.task_type: str = row["task_type"]
        self.sandbox: bool = row["sandbox"]
        self.assignments_generator_done: bool = False

        # properties with deferred loading
        self.__is_completed = row["is_completed"]
        self.__has_assignments = False
        self.__task: Optional["Task"] = None
        self.__requester: Optional["Requester"] = None
        self.__run_dir: Optional[str] = None
        self.__blueprint: Optional["Blueprint"] = None
        self.__crowd_provider: Optional["CrowdProvider"] = None

    def get_units(self) -> List["Unit"]:
        Return the units associated with this task run.
        return self.db.find_units(task_run_id=self.db_id)

    def get_valid_units_for_worker(self, worker: "Worker") -> List["Unit"]:
        Get any units that the given worker could work on in this
        task run
        config = self.get_task_args()

        if config.allowed_concurrent != 0 or config.maximum_units_per_worker:
            current_units = self.db.find_units(
            currently_active = len(current_units)
            if config.allowed_concurrent != 0:
                if currently_active >= config.allowed_concurrent:
                        f"{worker} at maximum concurrent units {currently_active}"
                    return []  # currently at the maximum number of concurrent units
            if config.maximum_units_per_worker != 0:
                completed_types = AssignmentState.completed()
                related_units = self.db.find_units(
                currently_completed = len(
                    [u for u in related_units if u.db_status in completed_types]
                if (
                    currently_active + currently_completed
                    >= config.maximum_units_per_worker
                        f"{worker} at maximum units {currently_active}, {currently_completed}"
                    return []  # Currently at the maximum number of units for this task

        task_units: List["Unit"] = self.get_units()
        unit_assigns: Dict[str, List["Unit"]] = {}
        for unit in task_units:
            assignment_id = unit.assignment_id
            if assignment_id not in unit_assigns:
                unit_assigns[assignment_id] = []

        # Cannot pair with self
        units: List["Unit"] = []
        for unit_set in unit_assigns.values():
            is_self_set = map(lambda u: u.worker_id == worker.db_id, unit_set)
            if not any(is_self_set):
                units += unit_set
        # Valid units must be launched and must not be special units (negative indices)
        valid_units = [
            for u in units
            if u.get_status() == AssignmentState.LAUNCHED and u.unit_index >= 0
        logger.debug(f"Found {len(valid_units)} available units")

        # Should load cached blueprint for SharedTaskState
        blueprint = self.get_blueprint()
        ret_units = [
            for u in valid_units
            if blueprint.shared_state.worker_can_do_unit(worker, u)

        logger.debug(f"This worker is qualified for {len(ret_units)} unit.")
        logger.debug(f"Found {ret_units[:3]} for {worker}.")
        return ret_units

    def clear_reservation(self, unit: "Unit") -> None:
        Remove the holder used to reserve a unit
        file_name = f"unit_res_{unit.db_id}"
        write_dir = os.path.join(self.get_run_dir(), "reservations")
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(write_dir, file_name)):
            os.unlink(os.path.join(write_dir, file_name))
            logger.debug(f"Cleared reservation {file_name} for {unit}")

    def reserve_unit(self, unit: "Unit") -> Optional["Unit"]:
        'Atomically' reserve a unit by writing to the filesystem. If
        the file creation fails, return none
        file_name = f"unit_res_{unit.db_id}"
        write_dir = os.path.join(self.get_run_dir(), "reservations")
        os.makedirs(write_dir, exist_ok=True)
            with open(os.path.join(write_dir, file_name), "x") as res_file:
                pass  # Creating the file is sufficient
        except FileExistsError:
            print(os.path.join(write_dir, file_name), " existed")
            return None
        logger.debug(f"Reserved {unit} with {file_name}")
        return unit

    def get_blueprint(
        args: Optional["DictConfig"] = None,
        shared_state: Optional["SharedTaskState"] = None,
    ) -> "Blueprint":
        """Return the runner associated with this task run"""
        from mephisto.operations.registry import get_blueprint_from_type
        from mephisto.abstractions.blueprint import SharedTaskState

        if self.__blueprint is None:
            cache = False
            if args is None:
                args = self.args
                cache = True

            BlueprintClass = get_blueprint_from_type(self.task_type)
            if shared_state is None:
                shared_state = BlueprintClass.SharedStateClass()
            if not cache:
                return BlueprintClass(self, args, shared_state)
            self.__blueprint = BlueprintClass(self, args, shared_state)
        return self.__blueprint

    def get_provider(self) -> "CrowdProvider":
        """Return the crowd provider used to launch this task"""
        from mephisto.operations.registry import get_crowd_provider_from_type

        if self.__crowd_provider is None:
            CrowdProviderClass = get_crowd_provider_from_type(self.provider_type)
            self.__crowd_provider = CrowdProviderClass(self.db)
        return self.__crowd_provider

    def get_task(self) -> "Task":
        """Return the task used to initialize this run"""
        if self.__task is None:
            from mephisto.data_model.task import Task

            self.__task = Task.get(self.db, self.task_id)
        return self.__task

    def get_task_args(self) -> "DictConfig":
        return self.args.task

    def get_requester(self) -> Requester:
        Return the requester that started this task.
        if self.__requester is None:
            self.__requester = Requester.get(self.db, self.requester_id)
        return self.__requester

    def get_has_assignments(self) -> bool:
        """See if this task run has any assignments launched yet"""
        if not self.__has_assignments:
            if len(self.get_assignments()) > 0:
                self.__has_assignments = True
        return self.__has_assignments

    def get_assignments(self, status: Optional[str] = None) -> List["Assignment"]:
        Get assignments for this run, optionally filtering by their
        current status
        assert (
            status is None or status in AssignmentState.valid()
        ), "Invalid assignment status"
        assignments = self.db.find_assignments(task_run_id=self.db_id)
        if status is not None:
            assignments = [a for a in assignments if a.get_status() == status]
        return assignments

    def get_assignment_statuses(self) -> Dict[str, int]:
        Get the statistics for all of the assignments for this run.
        assigns = self.get_assignments()
        assigns_with_status = [(x, x.get_status()) for x in assigns]
        return {
            status: len(
                [x for x, had_status in assigns_with_status if had_status == status]
            for status in AssignmentState.valid()

    def update_completion_progress(self, task_launcher=None, status=None) -> None:
        """Flag the task run that the assignments' generator has finished"""
        if task_launcher:
            if task_launcher.get_assignments_are_all_created():
                self.assignments_generator_done = True
        if status:
            self.assignments_generator_done = status

    def get_is_completed(self) -> bool:
        """get the completion status of this task"""
        return self.__is_completed

    def sync_completion_status(self) -> None:
        Update the is_complete status for this task run based on completion
        of subassignments. If this task run has no subassignments yet, it
        is not complete
        if not self.__is_completed and self.get_has_assignments():
            statuses = self.get_assignment_statuses()
            has_incomplete = False
            for status in AssignmentState.incomplete():
                if statuses[status] > 0:
                    has_incomplete = True
            if not has_incomplete and self.assignments_generator_done is not False:
                self.db.update_task_run(self.db_id, is_completed=True)
                self.__is_completed = True

    def get_run_dir(self) -> str:
        Return the directory where the data from this run is stored
        if self.__run_dir is None:
            task = self.get_task()
            project = task.get_project()
            if project is None:
                self.__run_dir = get_dir_for_run(self)
                self.__run_dir = get_dir_for_run(self, project.project_name)
            os.makedirs(self.__run_dir, exist_ok=True)
        return self.__run_dir

    def get_total_spend(self) -> float:
        Return the total amount spent on this run, based on any assignments
        that are still in a payable state.
        assigns = self.get_assignments()
        total_amount = 0.0
        for assign in assigns:
            total_amount += assign.get_cost_of_statuses(AssignmentState.payable())
        return total_amount

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Return a dict containing any important information about this task run"""
        return {
            "task_run_id": self.db_id,
            "task_id": self.task_id,
            "task_name": self.get_task().task_name,
            "task_type": self.task_type,
            "start_time": self.start_time,
            "params": OmegaConf.to_container(self.args),
            "param_string": self.param_string,
            "task_status": self.get_assignment_statuses(),
            "sandbox": self.get_requester().is_sandbox(),

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"TaskRun({self.db_id})"

    def new(
        db: "MephistoDB", task: "Task", requester: Requester, param_string: str
    ) -> "TaskRun":
        Create a new run for the given task with the given params
        db_id = db.new_task_run(
        task_run = TaskRun.get(db, db_id)
        logger.debug(f"Created new task run {task_run}")
        return task_run
#   class TaskRunArgs:
View Source
class TaskRunArgs:
    """Object for grouping the contents to configure a class"""

    task_name: Optional[str] = field(
            "help": "Grouping to launch this task run under, none defaults to the blueprint type"
    task_title: str = field(
            "help": "Display title for your task on the crowd provider.",
            "required": True,
    task_description: str = field(
            "help": "Longer form description for what your task entails.",
            "required": True,
    task_reward: float = field(
            "help": "Amount to pay per worker per unit, in dollars.",
            "required": True,
    task_tags: str = field(
            "help": "Comma seperated tags for workers to use to find your task.",
            "required": True,
    assignment_duration_in_seconds: int = field(
        default=30 * 60,
        metadata={"help": "Time that workers have to work on your task once accepted."},
    allowed_concurrent: int = field(
            "help": "Maximum units a worker is allowed to work on at once. (0 is infinite)",
            "required": True,
    maximum_units_per_worker: int = field(
            "help": (
                "Maximum tasks of this task name that a worker can work on across all "
                "tasks that share this task_name. (0 is infinite)"
    max_num_concurrent_units: int = field(
            "help": (
                "Maximum units that will be released simultaneously, setting a limit "
                "on concurrent connections to Mephisto overall. (0 is infinite)"
    submission_timeout: int = field(
            "help": (
                "Time that mephisto will wait after marking a task done before abandoning "
                "waiting for the worker to actually press submit."

    def get_mock_params(cls) -> str:
        """Returns a param string with default / mock arguments to use for testing"""
        from mephisto.operations.hydra_config import MephistoConfig

        return OmegaConf.structured(
                    task_title="Mock Task Title",
                    task_description="This is a test description",

Object for grouping the contents to configure a class

#   TaskRunArgs( task_name: Union[str, NoneType] = '???', task_title: str = '???', task_description: str = '???', task_reward: float = '???', task_tags: str = '???', assignment_duration_in_seconds: int = 1800, allowed_concurrent: int = 0, maximum_units_per_worker: int = 0, max_num_concurrent_units: int = 0, submission_timeout: int = 600 )
#   task_name: Union[str, NoneType] = '???'
#   task_title: str = '???'
#   task_description: str = '???'
#   task_reward: float = '???'
#   task_tags: str = '???'
#   assignment_duration_in_seconds: int = 1800
#   allowed_concurrent: int = 0
#   maximum_units_per_worker: int = 0
#   max_num_concurrent_units: int = 0
#   submission_timeout: int = 600
def get_mock_params(cls) -> str:
View Source
    def get_mock_params(cls) -> str:
        """Returns a param string with default / mock arguments to use for testing"""
        from mephisto.operations.hydra_config import MephistoConfig

        return OmegaConf.structured(
                    task_title="Mock Task Title",
                    task_description="This is a test description",

Returns a param string with default / mock arguments to use for testing

View Source
class TaskRun(MephistoDataModelComponentMixin, metaclass=MephistoDBBackedMeta):
    This class tracks an individual run of a specific task, and handles state management
    for the set of assignments within

    ArgsClass = TaskRunArgs

    def __init__(
        db: "MephistoDB",
        db_id: str,
        row: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None,
        _used_new_call: bool = False,
        if not _used_new_call:
            raise AssertionError(
                "Direct TaskRun and data model access via TaskRun(db, id) is "
                "now deprecated in favor of calling TaskRun.get(db, id). "
        self.db: "MephistoDB" = db
        if row is None:
            row = db.get_task_run(db_id)
        assert row is not None, f"Given db_id {db_id} did not exist in given db"
        self.db_id: str = row["task_run_id"]
        self.task_id: str = row["task_id"]
        self.requester_id: str = row["requester_id"]
        self.param_string: str = row["init_params"]
            self.args: "DictConfig" = OmegaConf.create(json.loads(self.param_string))
        except Exception as e:
            self.args = OmegaConf.create({})
        self.start_time = row["creation_date"]
        self.provider_type: str = row["provider_type"]
        self.task_type: str = row["task_type"]
        self.sandbox: bool = row["sandbox"]
        self.assignments_generator_done: bool = False

        # properties with deferred loading
        self.__is_completed = row["is_completed"]
        self.__has_assignments = False
        self.__task: Optional["Task"] = None
        self.__requester: Optional["Requester"] = None
        self.__run_dir: Optional[str] = None
        self.__blueprint: Optional["Blueprint"] = None
        self.__crowd_provider: Optional["CrowdProvider"] = None

    def get_units(self) -> List["Unit"]:
        Return the units associated with this task run.
        return self.db.find_units(task_run_id=self.db_id)

    def get_valid_units_for_worker(self, worker: "Worker") -> List["Unit"]:
        Get any units that the given worker could work on in this
        task run
        config = self.get_task_args()

        if config.allowed_concurrent != 0 or config.maximum_units_per_worker:
            current_units = self.db.find_units(
            currently_active = len(current_units)
            if config.allowed_concurrent != 0:
                if currently_active >= config.allowed_concurrent:
                        f"{worker} at maximum concurrent units {currently_active}"
                    return []  # currently at the maximum number of concurrent units
            if config.maximum_units_per_worker != 0:
                completed_types = AssignmentState.completed()
                related_units = self.db.find_units(
                currently_completed = len(
                    [u for u in related_units if u.db_status in completed_types]
                if (
                    currently_active + currently_completed
                    >= config.maximum_units_per_worker
                        f"{worker} at maximum units {currently_active}, {currently_completed}"
                    return []  # Currently at the maximum number of units for this task

        task_units: List["Unit"] = self.get_units()
        unit_assigns: Dict[str, List["Unit"]] = {}
        for unit in task_units:
            assignment_id = unit.assignment_id
            if assignment_id not in unit_assigns:
                unit_assigns[assignment_id] = []

        # Cannot pair with self
        units: List["Unit"] = []
        for unit_set in unit_assigns.values():
            is_self_set = map(lambda u: u.worker_id == worker.db_id, unit_set)
            if not any(is_self_set):
                units += unit_set
        # Valid units must be launched and must not be special units (negative indices)
        valid_units = [
            for u in units
            if u.get_status() == AssignmentState.LAUNCHED and u.unit_index >= 0
        logger.debug(f"Found {len(valid_units)} available units")

        # Should load cached blueprint for SharedTaskState
        blueprint = self.get_blueprint()
        ret_units = [
            for u in valid_units
            if blueprint.shared_state.worker_can_do_unit(worker, u)

        logger.debug(f"This worker is qualified for {len(ret_units)} unit.")
        logger.debug(f"Found {ret_units[:3]} for {worker}.")
        return ret_units

    def clear_reservation(self, unit: "Unit") -> None:
        Remove the holder used to reserve a unit
        file_name = f"unit_res_{unit.db_id}"
        write_dir = os.path.join(self.get_run_dir(), "reservations")
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(write_dir, file_name)):
            os.unlink(os.path.join(write_dir, file_name))
            logger.debug(f"Cleared reservation {file_name} for {unit}")

    def reserve_unit(self, unit: "Unit") -> Optional["Unit"]:
        'Atomically' reserve a unit by writing to the filesystem. If
        the file creation fails, return none
        file_name = f"unit_res_{unit.db_id}"
        write_dir = os.path.join(self.get_run_dir(), "reservations")
        os.makedirs(write_dir, exist_ok=True)
            with open(os.path.join(write_dir, file_name), "x") as res_file:
                pass  # Creating the file is sufficient
        except FileExistsError:
            print(os.path.join(write_dir, file_name), " existed")
            return None
        logger.debug(f"Reserved {unit} with {file_name}")
        return unit

    def get_blueprint(
        args: Optional["DictConfig"] = None,
        shared_state: Optional["SharedTaskState"] = None,
    ) -> "Blueprint":
        """Return the runner associated with this task run"""
        from mephisto.operations.registry import get_blueprint_from_type
        from mephisto.abstractions.blueprint import SharedTaskState

        if self.__blueprint is None:
            cache = False
            if args is None:
                args = self.args
                cache = True

            BlueprintClass = get_blueprint_from_type(self.task_type)
            if shared_state is None:
                shared_state = BlueprintClass.SharedStateClass()
            if not cache:
                return BlueprintClass(self, args, shared_state)
            self.__blueprint = BlueprintClass(self, args, shared_state)
        return self.__blueprint

    def get_provider(self) -> "CrowdProvider":
        """Return the crowd provider used to launch this task"""
        from mephisto.operations.registry import get_crowd_provider_from_type

        if self.__crowd_provider is None:
            CrowdProviderClass = get_crowd_provider_from_type(self.provider_type)
            self.__crowd_provider = CrowdProviderClass(self.db)
        return self.__crowd_provider

    def get_task(self) -> "Task":
        """Return the task used to initialize this run"""
        if self.__task is None:
            from mephisto.data_model.task import Task

            self.__task = Task.get(self.db, self.task_id)
        return self.__task

    def get_task_args(self) -> "DictConfig":
        return self.args.task

    def get_requester(self) -> Requester:
        Return the requester that started this task.
        if self.__requester is None:
            self.__requester = Requester.get(self.db, self.requester_id)
        return self.__requester

    def get_has_assignments(self) -> bool:
        """See if this task run has any assignments launched yet"""
        if not self.__has_assignments:
            if len(self.get_assignments()) > 0:
                self.__has_assignments = True
        return self.__has_assignments

    def get_assignments(self, status: Optional[str] = None) -> List["Assignment"]:
        Get assignments for this run, optionally filtering by their
        current status
        assert (
            status is None or status in AssignmentState.valid()
        ), "Invalid assignment status"
        assignments = self.db.find_assignments(task_run_id=self.db_id)
        if status is not None:
            assignments = [a for a in assignments if a.get_status() == status]
        return assignments

    def get_assignment_statuses(self) -> Dict[str, int]:
        Get the statistics for all of the assignments for this run.
        assigns = self.get_assignments()
        assigns_with_status = [(x, x.get_status()) for x in assigns]
        return {
            status: len(
                [x for x, had_status in assigns_with_status if had_status == status]
            for status in AssignmentState.valid()

    def update_completion_progress(self, task_launcher=None, status=None) -> None:
        """Flag the task run that the assignments' generator has finished"""
        if task_launcher:
            if task_launcher.get_assignments_are_all_created():
                self.assignments_generator_done = True
        if status:
            self.assignments_generator_done = status

    def get_is_completed(self) -> bool:
        """get the completion status of this task"""
        return self.__is_completed

    def sync_completion_status(self) -> None:
        Update the is_complete status for this task run based on completion
        of subassignments. If this task run has no subassignments yet, it
        is not complete
        if not self.__is_completed and self.get_has_assignments():
            statuses = self.get_assignment_statuses()
            has_incomplete = False
            for status in AssignmentState.incomplete():
                if statuses[status] > 0:
                    has_incomplete = True
            if not has_incomplete and self.assignments_generator_done is not False:
                self.db.update_task_run(self.db_id, is_completed=True)
                self.__is_completed = True

    def get_run_dir(self) -> str:
        Return the directory where the data from this run is stored
        if self.__run_dir is None:
            task = self.get_task()
            project = task.get_project()
            if project is None:
                self.__run_dir = get_dir_for_run(self)
                self.__run_dir = get_dir_for_run(self, project.project_name)
            os.makedirs(self.__run_dir, exist_ok=True)
        return self.__run_dir

    def get_total_spend(self) -> float:
        Return the total amount spent on this run, based on any assignments
        that are still in a payable state.
        assigns = self.get_assignments()
        total_amount = 0.0
        for assign in assigns:
            total_amount += assign.get_cost_of_statuses(AssignmentState.payable())
        return total_amount

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Return a dict containing any important information about this task run"""
        return {
            "task_run_id": self.db_id,
            "task_id": self.task_id,
            "task_name": self.get_task().task_name,
            "task_type": self.task_type,
            "start_time": self.start_time,
            "params": OmegaConf.to_container(self.args),
            "param_string": self.param_string,
            "task_status": self.get_assignment_statuses(),
            "sandbox": self.get_requester().is_sandbox(),

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"TaskRun({self.db_id})"

    def new(
        db: "MephistoDB", task: "Task", requester: Requester, param_string: str
    ) -> "TaskRun":
        Create a new run for the given task with the given params
        db_id = db.new_task_run(
        task_run = TaskRun.get(db, db_id)
        logger.debug(f"Created new task run {task_run}")
        return task_run

This class tracks an individual run of a specific task, and handles state management for the set of assignments within

#   TaskRun( db: mephisto.abstractions.database.MephistoDB, db_id: str, row: Union[Mapping[str, Any], NoneType] = None, _used_new_call: bool = False )
View Source
    def __init__(
        db: "MephistoDB",
        db_id: str,
        row: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None,
        _used_new_call: bool = False,
        if not _used_new_call:
            raise AssertionError(
                "Direct TaskRun and data model access via TaskRun(db, id) is "
                "now deprecated in favor of calling TaskRun.get(db, id). "
        self.db: "MephistoDB" = db
        if row is None:
            row = db.get_task_run(db_id)
        assert row is not None, f"Given db_id {db_id} did not exist in given db"
        self.db_id: str = row["task_run_id"]
        self.task_id: str = row["task_id"]
        self.requester_id: str = row["requester_id"]
        self.param_string: str = row["init_params"]
            self.args: "DictConfig" = OmegaConf.create(json.loads(self.param_string))
        except Exception as e:
            self.args = OmegaConf.create({})
        self.start_time = row["creation_date"]
        self.provider_type: str = row["provider_type"]
        self.task_type: str = row["task_type"]
        self.sandbox: bool = row["sandbox"]
        self.assignments_generator_done: bool = False

        # properties with deferred loading
        self.__is_completed = row["is_completed"]
        self.__has_assignments = False
        self.__task: Optional["Task"] = None
        self.__requester: Optional["Requester"] = None
        self.__run_dir: Optional[str] = None
        self.__blueprint: Optional["Blueprint"] = None
        self.__crowd_provider: Optional["CrowdProvider"] = None
#   def get_units(self) -> list[mephisto.data_model.unit.Unit]:
View Source
    def get_units(self) -> List["Unit"]:
        Return the units associated with this task run.
        return self.db.find_units(task_run_id=self.db_id)

Return the units associated with this task run.

#   def get_valid_units_for_worker( self, worker: mephisto.data_model.worker.Worker ) -> list[mephisto.data_model.unit.Unit]:
View Source
    def get_valid_units_for_worker(self, worker: "Worker") -> List["Unit"]:
        Get any units that the given worker could work on in this
        task run
        config = self.get_task_args()

        if config.allowed_concurrent != 0 or config.maximum_units_per_worker:
            current_units = self.db.find_units(
            currently_active = len(current_units)
            if config.allowed_concurrent != 0:
                if currently_active >= config.allowed_concurrent:
                        f"{worker} at maximum concurrent units {currently_active}"
                    return []  # currently at the maximum number of concurrent units
            if config.maximum_units_per_worker != 0:
                completed_types = AssignmentState.completed()
                related_units = self.db.find_units(
                currently_completed = len(
                    [u for u in related_units if u.db_status in completed_types]
                if (
                    currently_active + currently_completed
                    >= config.maximum_units_per_worker
                        f"{worker} at maximum units {currently_active}, {currently_completed}"
                    return []  # Currently at the maximum number of units for this task

        task_units: List["Unit"] = self.get_units()
        unit_assigns: Dict[str, List["Unit"]] = {}
        for unit in task_units:
            assignment_id = unit.assignment_id
            if assignment_id not in unit_assigns:
                unit_assigns[assignment_id] = []

        # Cannot pair with self
        units: List["Unit"] = []
        for unit_set in unit_assigns.values():
            is_self_set = map(lambda u: u.worker_id == worker.db_id, unit_set)
            if not any(is_self_set):
                units += unit_set
        # Valid units must be launched and must not be special units (negative indices)
        valid_units = [
            for u in units
            if u.get_status() == AssignmentState.LAUNCHED and u.unit_index >= 0
        logger.debug(f"Found {len(valid_units)} available units")

        # Should load cached blueprint for SharedTaskState
        blueprint = self.get_blueprint()
        ret_units = [
            for u in valid_units
            if blueprint.shared_state.worker_can_do_unit(worker, u)

        logger.debug(f"This worker is qualified for {len(ret_units)} unit.")
        logger.debug(f"Found {ret_units[:3]} for {worker}.")
        return ret_units

Get any units that the given worker could work on in this task run

#   def clear_reservation(self, unit: mephisto.data_model.unit.Unit) -> None:
View Source
    def clear_reservation(self, unit: "Unit") -> None:
        Remove the holder used to reserve a unit
        file_name = f"unit_res_{unit.db_id}"
        write_dir = os.path.join(self.get_run_dir(), "reservations")
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(write_dir, file_name)):
            os.unlink(os.path.join(write_dir, file_name))
            logger.debug(f"Cleared reservation {file_name} for {unit}")

Remove the holder used to reserve a unit

#   def reserve_unit( self, unit: mephisto.data_model.unit.Unit ) -> Union[mephisto.data_model.unit.Unit, NoneType]:
View Source
    def reserve_unit(self, unit: "Unit") -> Optional["Unit"]:
        'Atomically' reserve a unit by writing to the filesystem. If
        the file creation fails, return none
        file_name = f"unit_res_{unit.db_id}"
        write_dir = os.path.join(self.get_run_dir(), "reservations")
        os.makedirs(write_dir, exist_ok=True)
            with open(os.path.join(write_dir, file_name), "x") as res_file:
                pass  # Creating the file is sufficient
        except FileExistsError:
            print(os.path.join(write_dir, file_name), " existed")
            return None
        logger.debug(f"Reserved {unit} with {file_name}")
        return unit

'Atomically' reserve a unit by writing to the filesystem. If the file creation fails, return none

#   def get_blueprint( self, args: Union[omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig, NoneType] = None, shared_state: Union[mephisto.abstractions.blueprint.SharedTaskState, NoneType] = None ) -> mephisto.abstractions.blueprint.Blueprint:
View Source
    def get_blueprint(
        args: Optional["DictConfig"] = None,
        shared_state: Optional["SharedTaskState"] = None,
    ) -> "Blueprint":
        """Return the runner associated with this task run"""
        from mephisto.operations.registry import get_blueprint_from_type
        from mephisto.abstractions.blueprint import SharedTaskState

        if self.__blueprint is None:
            cache = False
            if args is None:
                args = self.args
                cache = True

            BlueprintClass = get_blueprint_from_type(self.task_type)
            if shared_state is None:
                shared_state = BlueprintClass.SharedStateClass()
            if not cache:
                return BlueprintClass(self, args, shared_state)
            self.__blueprint = BlueprintClass(self, args, shared_state)
        return self.__blueprint

Return the runner associated with this task run

View Source
    def get_provider(self) -> "CrowdProvider":
        """Return the crowd provider used to launch this task"""
        from mephisto.operations.registry import get_crowd_provider_from_type

        if self.__crowd_provider is None:
            CrowdProviderClass = get_crowd_provider_from_type(self.provider_type)
            self.__crowd_provider = CrowdProviderClass(self.db)
        return self.__crowd_provider

Return the crowd provider used to launch this task

#   def get_task(self) -> mephisto.data_model.task.Task:
View Source
    def get_task(self) -> "Task":
        """Return the task used to initialize this run"""
        if self.__task is None:
            from mephisto.data_model.task import Task

            self.__task = Task.get(self.db, self.task_id)
        return self.__task

Return the task used to initialize this run

#   def get_task_args(self) -> omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig:
View Source
    def get_task_args(self) -> "DictConfig":
        return self.args.task
#   def get_requester(self) -> mephisto.data_model.requester.Requester:
View Source
    def get_requester(self) -> Requester:
        Return the requester that started this task.
        if self.__requester is None:
            self.__requester = Requester.get(self.db, self.requester_id)
        return self.__requester

Return the requester that started this task.

#   def get_has_assignments(self) -> bool:
View Source
    def get_has_assignments(self) -> bool:
        """See if this task run has any assignments launched yet"""
        if not self.__has_assignments:
            if len(self.get_assignments()) > 0:
                self.__has_assignments = True
        return self.__has_assignments

See if this task run has any assignments launched yet

#   def get_assignments( self, status: Union[str, NoneType] = None ) -> list[mephisto.data_model.assignment.Assignment]:
View Source
    def get_assignments(self, status: Optional[str] = None) -> List["Assignment"]:
        Get assignments for this run, optionally filtering by their
        current status
        assert (
            status is None or status in AssignmentState.valid()
        ), "Invalid assignment status"
        assignments = self.db.find_assignments(task_run_id=self.db_id)
        if status is not None:
            assignments = [a for a in assignments if a.get_status() == status]
        return assignments

Get assignments for this run, optionally filtering by their current status

#   def get_assignment_statuses(self) -> Dict[str, int]:
View Source
    def get_assignment_statuses(self) -> Dict[str, int]:
        Get the statistics for all of the assignments for this run.
        assigns = self.get_assignments()
        assigns_with_status = [(x, x.get_status()) for x in assigns]
        return {
            status: len(
                [x for x, had_status in assigns_with_status if had_status == status]
            for status in AssignmentState.valid()

Get the statistics for all of the assignments for this run.

#   def update_completion_progress(self, task_launcher=None, status=None) -> None:
View Source
    def update_completion_progress(self, task_launcher=None, status=None) -> None:
        """Flag the task run that the assignments' generator has finished"""
        if task_launcher:
            if task_launcher.get_assignments_are_all_created():
                self.assignments_generator_done = True
        if status:
            self.assignments_generator_done = status

Flag the task run that the assignments' generator has finished

#   def get_is_completed(self) -> bool:
View Source
    def get_is_completed(self) -> bool:
        """get the completion status of this task"""
        return self.__is_completed

get the completion status of this task

#   def sync_completion_status(self) -> None:
View Source
    def sync_completion_status(self) -> None:
        Update the is_complete status for this task run based on completion
        of subassignments. If this task run has no subassignments yet, it
        is not complete
        if not self.__is_completed and self.get_has_assignments():
            statuses = self.get_assignment_statuses()
            has_incomplete = False
            for status in AssignmentState.incomplete():
                if statuses[status] > 0:
                    has_incomplete = True
            if not has_incomplete and self.assignments_generator_done is not False:
                self.db.update_task_run(self.db_id, is_completed=True)
                self.__is_completed = True

Update the is_complete status for this task run based on completion of subassignments. If this task run has no subassignments yet, it is not complete

#   def get_run_dir(self) -> str:
View Source
    def get_run_dir(self) -> str:
        Return the directory where the data from this run is stored
        if self.__run_dir is None:
            task = self.get_task()
            project = task.get_project()
            if project is None:
                self.__run_dir = get_dir_for_run(self)
                self.__run_dir = get_dir_for_run(self, project.project_name)
            os.makedirs(self.__run_dir, exist_ok=True)
        return self.__run_dir

Return the directory where the data from this run is stored

#   def get_total_spend(self) -> float:
View Source
    def get_total_spend(self) -> float:
        Return the total amount spent on this run, based on any assignments
        that are still in a payable state.
        assigns = self.get_assignments()
        total_amount = 0.0
        for assign in assigns:
            total_amount += assign.get_cost_of_statuses(AssignmentState.payable())
        return total_amount

Return the total amount spent on this run, based on any assignments that are still in a payable state.

#   def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
View Source
    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Return a dict containing any important information about this task run"""
        return {
            "task_run_id": self.db_id,
            "task_id": self.task_id,
            "task_name": self.get_task().task_name,
            "task_type": self.task_type,
            "start_time": self.start_time,
            "params": OmegaConf.to_container(self.args),
            "param_string": self.param_string,
            "task_status": self.get_assignment_statuses(),
            "sandbox": self.get_requester().is_sandbox(),

Return a dict containing any important information about this task run

View Source
    def new(
        db: "MephistoDB", task: "Task", requester: Requester, param_string: str
    ) -> "TaskRun":
        Create a new run for the given task with the given params
        db_id = db.new_task_run(
        task_run = TaskRun.get(db, db_id)
        logger.debug(f"Created new task run {task_run}")
        return task_run

Create a new run for the given task with the given params

#   class TaskRun.ArgsClass:
View Source
class TaskRunArgs:
    """Object for grouping the contents to configure a class"""

    task_name: Optional[str] = field(
            "help": "Grouping to launch this task run under, none defaults to the blueprint type"
    task_title: str = field(
            "help": "Display title for your task on the crowd provider.",
            "required": True,
    task_description: str = field(
            "help": "Longer form description for what your task entails.",
            "required": True,
    task_reward: float = field(
            "help": "Amount to pay per worker per unit, in dollars.",
            "required": True,
    task_tags: str = field(
            "help": "Comma seperated tags for workers to use to find your task.",
            "required": True,
    assignment_duration_in_seconds: int = field(
        default=30 * 60,
        metadata={"help": "Time that workers have to work on your task once accepted."},
    allowed_concurrent: int = field(
            "help": "Maximum units a worker is allowed to work on at once. (0 is infinite)",
            "required": True,
    maximum_units_per_worker: int = field(
            "help": (
                "Maximum tasks of this task name that a worker can work on across all "
                "tasks that share this task_name. (0 is infinite)"
    max_num_concurrent_units: int = field(
            "help": (
                "Maximum units that will be released simultaneously, setting a limit "
                "on concurrent connections to Mephisto overall. (0 is infinite)"
    submission_timeout: int = field(
            "help": (
                "Time that mephisto will wait after marking a task done before abandoning "
                "waiting for the worker to actually press submit."

    def get_mock_params(cls) -> str:
        """Returns a param string with default / mock arguments to use for testing"""
        from mephisto.operations.hydra_config import MephistoConfig

        return OmegaConf.structured(
                    task_title="Mock Task Title",
                    task_description="This is a test description",

Object for grouping the contents to configure a class