
View Source
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import (

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from omegaconf import MISSING, DictConfig

from mephisto.abstractions._subcomponents.task_builder import TaskBuilder
from mephisto.abstractions._subcomponents.task_runner import TaskRunner
from mephisto.abstractions._subcomponents.agent_state import AgentState

    from mephisto.data_model.agent import Agent, OnboardingAgent
    from mephisto.data_model.task_run import TaskRun
    from mephisto.data_model.assignment import InitializationData
    from mephisto.data_model.unit import Unit
    from mephisto.data_model.worker import Worker

from mephisto.utils.logger_core import get_logger

logger = get_logger(name=__name__)

class BlueprintArgs:
    _blueprint_type: str = MISSING
    block_qualification: str = field(
            "help": ("Specify the name of a qualification used to soft block workers.")

class SharedTaskState:
    Base class for specifying additional state that can't just
    be passed as Hydra args, like functions and objects

    task_config: Dict[str, Any] = field(
            "help": (
                "Values to be included in the frontend MephistoTask.task_config object"
            "type": "Dict[str, Any]",
            "default": "{}",
    qualifications: List[Any] = field(
            "help": (
                "List of qualification dicts of the form returned by "
                "mephisto.utils.qualifications.make_qualification_dict "
                "to be used with this task run."
            "type": "List[Dict]",
            "default": "[]",
    worker_can_do_unit: Callable[["Worker", "Unit"], bool] = field(
        default_factory=lambda: (lambda worker, unit: True),
            "help": ("Function to evaluate if a worker is eligible for a given unit"),
            "type": "Callable[[Worker, Unit], bool]",
            "default": "Returns True always",
    on_unit_submitted: Callable[["Unit"], None] = field(
        default_factory=lambda: (lambda unit: None),
            "help": ("Function to evaluate on every unit completed or disconnected"),
            "type": "Callable[[Unit], None]",
            "default": "No-op function",

class BlueprintMixin(ABC):
    Base class for compositional mixins for blueprints

    We expect mixins that subclass other mixins to handle subinitialization
    work, such that only the highest class needs to be called.

    # @property
    # @abstractmethod
    # def ArgsMixin(self) -> Type[object]:  # Should be a dataclass, to extend BlueprintArgs
    #     pass

    # @property
    # @abstractmethod
    # def SharedStateMixin(
    #     self,
    # ) -> Type[object]:  # Also should be a dataclass, to extend SharedTaskState
    #     pass
    ArgsMixin: ClassVar[Type[object]]
    SharedStateMixin: ClassVar[Type[object]]

    def extract_unique_mixins(blueprint_class: Type["Blueprint"]):
        """Return the unique mixin classes that are used in the given blueprint class"""
        mixin_subclasses = [
            for clazz in blueprint_class.mro()
            if issubclass(clazz, BlueprintMixin)
        target_class: Union[Type["Blueprint"], Type["BlueprintMixin"]] = blueprint_class
        # Remove magic created with `mixin_args_and_state`
        while target_class.__name__ == "MixedInBlueprint":
            target_class = mixin_subclasses.pop(0)
        removed_locals = [
            for clazz in mixin_subclasses
            if "MixedInBlueprint" not in clazz.__name__
        filtered_subclasses = set(
            for clazz in removed_locals
            if clazz != BlueprintMixin and clazz != target_class
        # we also want to make sure that we don't double-count extensions of mixins, so remove classes that other classes are subclasses of
        def is_subclassed(clazz):
            return True in [
                issubclass(x, clazz) and x != clazz for x in filtered_subclasses

        unique_subclasses = [
            clazz for clazz in filtered_subclasses if not is_subclassed(clazz)
        return unique_subclasses

    def init_mixin_config(
        self, task_run: "TaskRun", args: "DictConfig", shared_state: "SharedTaskState"
    ) -> None:
        """Method to initialize any required attributes to make this mixin function"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def assert_mixin_args(
        cls, args: "DictConfig", shared_state: "SharedTaskState"
    ) -> None:
        """Method to validate the incoming args and throw if something won't work"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_mixin_qualifications(
        cls, args: "DictConfig", shared_state: "SharedTaskState"
    ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
        """Method to provide any required qualifications to make this mixin function"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def mixin_args_and_state(
        mixin_cls: Type["BlueprintMixin"], target_cls: Type["Blueprint"]
        Magic utility decorator that can be used to inject mixin configurations
        (BlueprintArgs and SharedTaskState) without the user needing to define new
        classes for these. Should only be used by tasks that aren't already specifying
        new versions of these, which should just inherit otherwise.

          class MyBlueprint(ABlueprintMixin, Blueprint):
        # Ignore typing on most of this, as mypy is not able to parse what's happening
        class MixedInArgsClass(mixin_cls.ArgsMixin, target_cls.ArgsClass):  # type: ignore

        class MixedInSharedStateClass(
            mixin_cls.SharedStateMixin, target_cls.SharedStateClass  # type: ignore

        class MixedInBlueprint(target_cls):  # type: ignore
            ArgsClass = MixedInArgsClass
            SharedStateClass = MixedInSharedStateClass

        return MixedInBlueprint

class Blueprint(ABC):
    Configuration class for the various parts of building, launching,
    and running a task of a specific task. Provides utility functions
    for managing between the three main components, which are separated
    into separate classes in acknowledgement that some tasks may have
    particularly complicated processes for them

    AgentStateClass: ClassVar[Type["AgentState"]]
    OnboardingAgentStateClass: ClassVar[Type["AgentState"]] = AgentState  # type: ignore
    TaskRunnerClass: ClassVar[Type["TaskRunner"]]
    TaskBuilderClass: ClassVar[Type["TaskBuilder"]]
    ArgsClass: ClassVar[Type["BlueprintArgs"]] = BlueprintArgs
    SharedStateClass: ClassVar[Type["SharedTaskState"]] = SharedTaskState

    def __init__(
        self, task_run: "TaskRun", args: "DictConfig", shared_state: "SharedTaskState"
        self.args = args
        self.shared_state = shared_state
        self.frontend_task_config = shared_state.task_config

        # We automatically call all mixins `init_mixin_config` methods available.
        mixin_subclasses = BlueprintMixin.extract_unique_mixins(self.__class__)
        for clazz in mixin_subclasses:
            clazz.init_mixin_config(self, task_run, args, shared_state)

    def get_required_qualifications(
        cls, args: DictConfig, shared_state: "SharedTaskState"
        quals = []
        for clazz in BlueprintMixin.extract_unique_mixins(cls):
            quals += clazz.get_mixin_qualifications(args, shared_state)
        return quals

    def assert_task_args(cls, args: DictConfig, shared_state: "SharedTaskState"):
        Assert that the provided arguments are valid. Should
        fail if a task launched with these arguments would
        not work
        # We automatically call all mixins `assert_task_args` methods available.
        mixin_subclasses = BlueprintMixin.extract_unique_mixins(cls)
        for clazz in mixin_subclasses:
            clazz.assert_mixin_args(args, shared_state)

    def get_frontend_args(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Specifies what options should be fowarded
        to the client for use by the task's frontend
        return self.frontend_task_config.copy()

    def get_initialization_data(
    ) -> Iterable["InitializationData"]:
        Get all of the data used to initialize tasks from this blueprint.
        Can either be a simple iterable if all the assignments can
        be processed at once, or a Generator if the number
        of tasks is unknown or changes based on something running
        concurrently with the job.
        raise NotImplementedError
#   class BlueprintArgs:
View Source
class BlueprintArgs:
    _blueprint_type: str = MISSING
    block_qualification: str = field(
            "help": ("Specify the name of a qualification used to soft block workers.")

BlueprintArgs(_blueprint_type: str = '???', block_qualification: str = '???')

#   BlueprintArgs(_blueprint_type: str = '???', block_qualification: str = '???')
#   block_qualification: str = '???'
#   class SharedTaskState:
View Source
class SharedTaskState:
    Base class for specifying additional state that can't just
    be passed as Hydra args, like functions and objects

    task_config: Dict[str, Any] = field(
            "help": (
                "Values to be included in the frontend MephistoTask.task_config object"
            "type": "Dict[str, Any]",
            "default": "{}",
    qualifications: List[Any] = field(
            "help": (
                "List of qualification dicts of the form returned by "
                "mephisto.utils.qualifications.make_qualification_dict "
                "to be used with this task run."
            "type": "List[Dict]",
            "default": "[]",
    worker_can_do_unit: Callable[["Worker", "Unit"], bool] = field(
        default_factory=lambda: (lambda worker, unit: True),
            "help": ("Function to evaluate if a worker is eligible for a given unit"),
            "type": "Callable[[Worker, Unit], bool]",
            "default": "Returns True always",
    on_unit_submitted: Callable[["Unit"], None] = field(
        default_factory=lambda: (lambda unit: None),
            "help": ("Function to evaluate on every unit completed or disconnected"),
            "type": "Callable[[Unit], None]",
            "default": "No-op function",

Base class for specifying additional state that can't just be passed as Hydra args, like functions and objects

#   SharedTaskState( task_config: Dict[str, Any] = <factory>, qualifications: List[Any] = <factory>, worker_can_do_unit:[mephisto.data_model.worker.Worker, mephisto.data_model.unit.Unit, bool] = <factory>, on_unit_submitted:[mephisto.data_model.unit.Unit, NoneType] = <factory> )
#   class BlueprintMixin(abc.ABC):
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class BlueprintMixin(ABC):
    Base class for compositional mixins for blueprints

    We expect mixins that subclass other mixins to handle subinitialization
    work, such that only the highest class needs to be called.

    # @property
    # @abstractmethod
    # def ArgsMixin(self) -> Type[object]:  # Should be a dataclass, to extend BlueprintArgs
    #     pass

    # @property
    # @abstractmethod
    # def SharedStateMixin(
    #     self,
    # ) -> Type[object]:  # Also should be a dataclass, to extend SharedTaskState
    #     pass
    ArgsMixin: ClassVar[Type[object]]
    SharedStateMixin: ClassVar[Type[object]]

    def extract_unique_mixins(blueprint_class: Type["Blueprint"]):
        """Return the unique mixin classes that are used in the given blueprint class"""
        mixin_subclasses = [
            for clazz in blueprint_class.mro()
            if issubclass(clazz, BlueprintMixin)
        target_class: Union[Type["Blueprint"], Type["BlueprintMixin"]] = blueprint_class
        # Remove magic created with `mixin_args_and_state`
        while target_class.__name__ == "MixedInBlueprint":
            target_class = mixin_subclasses.pop(0)
        removed_locals = [
            for clazz in mixin_subclasses
            if "MixedInBlueprint" not in clazz.__name__
        filtered_subclasses = set(
            for clazz in removed_locals
            if clazz != BlueprintMixin and clazz != target_class
        # we also want to make sure that we don't double-count extensions of mixins, so remove classes that other classes are subclasses of
        def is_subclassed(clazz):
            return True in [
                issubclass(x, clazz) and x != clazz for x in filtered_subclasses

        unique_subclasses = [
            clazz for clazz in filtered_subclasses if not is_subclassed(clazz)
        return unique_subclasses

    def init_mixin_config(
        self, task_run: "TaskRun", args: "DictConfig", shared_state: "SharedTaskState"
    ) -> None:
        """Method to initialize any required attributes to make this mixin function"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def assert_mixin_args(
        cls, args: "DictConfig", shared_state: "SharedTaskState"
    ) -> None:
        """Method to validate the incoming args and throw if something won't work"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_mixin_qualifications(
        cls, args: "DictConfig", shared_state: "SharedTaskState"
    ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
        """Method to provide any required qualifications to make this mixin function"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def mixin_args_and_state(
        mixin_cls: Type["BlueprintMixin"], target_cls: Type["Blueprint"]
        Magic utility decorator that can be used to inject mixin configurations
        (BlueprintArgs and SharedTaskState) without the user needing to define new
        classes for these. Should only be used by tasks that aren't already specifying
        new versions of these, which should just inherit otherwise.

          class MyBlueprint(ABlueprintMixin, Blueprint):
        # Ignore typing on most of this, as mypy is not able to parse what's happening
        class MixedInArgsClass(mixin_cls.ArgsMixin, target_cls.ArgsClass):  # type: ignore

        class MixedInSharedStateClass(
            mixin_cls.SharedStateMixin, target_cls.SharedStateClass  # type: ignore

        class MixedInBlueprint(target_cls):  # type: ignore
            ArgsClass = MixedInArgsClass
            SharedStateClass = MixedInSharedStateClass

        return MixedInBlueprint

Base class for compositional mixins for blueprints

We expect mixins that subclass other mixins to handle subinitialization work, such that only the highest class needs to be called.

def extract_unique_mixins(blueprint_class: type[mephisto.abstractions.blueprint.Blueprint]):
View Source
    def extract_unique_mixins(blueprint_class: Type["Blueprint"]):
        """Return the unique mixin classes that are used in the given blueprint class"""
        mixin_subclasses = [
            for clazz in blueprint_class.mro()
            if issubclass(clazz, BlueprintMixin)
        target_class: Union[Type["Blueprint"], Type["BlueprintMixin"]] = blueprint_class
        # Remove magic created with `mixin_args_and_state`
        while target_class.__name__ == "MixedInBlueprint":
            target_class = mixin_subclasses.pop(0)
        removed_locals = [
            for clazz in mixin_subclasses
            if "MixedInBlueprint" not in clazz.__name__
        filtered_subclasses = set(
            for clazz in removed_locals
            if clazz != BlueprintMixin and clazz != target_class
        # we also want to make sure that we don't double-count extensions of mixins, so remove classes that other classes are subclasses of
        def is_subclassed(clazz):
            return True in [
                issubclass(x, clazz) and x != clazz for x in filtered_subclasses

        unique_subclasses = [
            clazz for clazz in filtered_subclasses if not is_subclassed(clazz)
        return unique_subclasses

Return the unique mixin classes that are used in the given blueprint class

def init_mixin_config( self, task_run: mephisto.data_model.task_run.TaskRun, args: omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig, shared_state: mephisto.abstractions.blueprint.SharedTaskState ) -> None:
View Source
    def init_mixin_config(
        self, task_run: "TaskRun", args: "DictConfig", shared_state: "SharedTaskState"
    ) -> None:
        """Method to initialize any required attributes to make this mixin function"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

Method to initialize any required attributes to make this mixin function

def assert_mixin_args( cls, args: omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig, shared_state: mephisto.abstractions.blueprint.SharedTaskState ) -> None:
View Source
    def assert_mixin_args(
        cls, args: "DictConfig", shared_state: "SharedTaskState"
    ) -> None:
        """Method to validate the incoming args and throw if something won't work"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

Method to validate the incoming args and throw if something won't work

def get_mixin_qualifications( cls, args: omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig, shared_state: mephisto.abstractions.blueprint.SharedTaskState ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
View Source
    def get_mixin_qualifications(
        cls, args: "DictConfig", shared_state: "SharedTaskState"
    ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
        """Method to provide any required qualifications to make this mixin function"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

Method to provide any required qualifications to make this mixin function

def mixin_args_and_state( mixin_cls: type[mephisto.abstractions.blueprint.BlueprintMixin], target_cls: type[mephisto.abstractions.blueprint.Blueprint] ):
View Source
    def mixin_args_and_state(
        mixin_cls: Type["BlueprintMixin"], target_cls: Type["Blueprint"]
        Magic utility decorator that can be used to inject mixin configurations
        (BlueprintArgs and SharedTaskState) without the user needing to define new
        classes for these. Should only be used by tasks that aren't already specifying
        new versions of these, which should just inherit otherwise.

          class MyBlueprint(ABlueprintMixin, Blueprint):
        # Ignore typing on most of this, as mypy is not able to parse what's happening
        class MixedInArgsClass(mixin_cls.ArgsMixin, target_cls.ArgsClass):  # type: ignore

        class MixedInSharedStateClass(
            mixin_cls.SharedStateMixin, target_cls.SharedStateClass  # type: ignore

        class MixedInBlueprint(target_cls):  # type: ignore
            ArgsClass = MixedInArgsClass
            SharedStateClass = MixedInSharedStateClass

        return MixedInBlueprint

Magic utility decorator that can be used to inject mixin configurations (BlueprintArgs and SharedTaskState) without the user needing to define new classes for these. Should only be used by tasks that aren't already specifying new versions of these, which should just inherit otherwise.

Usage: @register_mephisto_abstraction() @ABlueprintMixin.mixin_args_and_state class MyBlueprint(ABlueprintMixin, Blueprint): pass

#   class Blueprint(abc.ABC):
View Source
class Blueprint(ABC):
    Configuration class for the various parts of building, launching,
    and running a task of a specific task. Provides utility functions
    for managing between the three main components, which are separated
    into separate classes in acknowledgement that some tasks may have
    particularly complicated processes for them

    AgentStateClass: ClassVar[Type["AgentState"]]
    OnboardingAgentStateClass: ClassVar[Type["AgentState"]] = AgentState  # type: ignore
    TaskRunnerClass: ClassVar[Type["TaskRunner"]]
    TaskBuilderClass: ClassVar[Type["TaskBuilder"]]
    ArgsClass: ClassVar[Type["BlueprintArgs"]] = BlueprintArgs
    SharedStateClass: ClassVar[Type["SharedTaskState"]] = SharedTaskState

    def __init__(
        self, task_run: "TaskRun", args: "DictConfig", shared_state: "SharedTaskState"
        self.args = args
        self.shared_state = shared_state
        self.frontend_task_config = shared_state.task_config

        # We automatically call all mixins `init_mixin_config` methods available.
        mixin_subclasses = BlueprintMixin.extract_unique_mixins(self.__class__)
        for clazz in mixin_subclasses:
            clazz.init_mixin_config(self, task_run, args, shared_state)

    def get_required_qualifications(
        cls, args: DictConfig, shared_state: "SharedTaskState"
        quals = []
        for clazz in BlueprintMixin.extract_unique_mixins(cls):
            quals += clazz.get_mixin_qualifications(args, shared_state)
        return quals

    def assert_task_args(cls, args: DictConfig, shared_state: "SharedTaskState"):
        Assert that the provided arguments are valid. Should
        fail if a task launched with these arguments would
        not work
        # We automatically call all mixins `assert_task_args` methods available.
        mixin_subclasses = BlueprintMixin.extract_unique_mixins(cls)
        for clazz in mixin_subclasses:
            clazz.assert_mixin_args(args, shared_state)

    def get_frontend_args(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Specifies what options should be fowarded
        to the client for use by the task's frontend
        return self.frontend_task_config.copy()

    def get_initialization_data(
    ) -> Iterable["InitializationData"]:
        Get all of the data used to initialize tasks from this blueprint.
        Can either be a simple iterable if all the assignments can
        be processed at once, or a Generator if the number
        of tasks is unknown or changes based on something running
        concurrently with the job.
        raise NotImplementedError

Configuration class for the various parts of building, launching, and running a task of a specific task. Provides utility functions for managing between the three main components, which are separated into separate classes in acknowledgement that some tasks may have particularly complicated processes for them

def get_required_qualifications( cls, args: omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig, shared_state: mephisto.abstractions.blueprint.SharedTaskState ):
View Source
    def get_required_qualifications(
        cls, args: DictConfig, shared_state: "SharedTaskState"
        quals = []
        for clazz in BlueprintMixin.extract_unique_mixins(cls):
            quals += clazz.get_mixin_qualifications(args, shared_state)
        return quals
def assert_task_args( cls, args: omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig, shared_state: mephisto.abstractions.blueprint.SharedTaskState ):
View Source
    def assert_task_args(cls, args: DictConfig, shared_state: "SharedTaskState"):
        Assert that the provided arguments are valid. Should
        fail if a task launched with these arguments would
        not work
        # We automatically call all mixins `assert_task_args` methods available.
        mixin_subclasses = BlueprintMixin.extract_unique_mixins(cls)
        for clazz in mixin_subclasses:
            clazz.assert_mixin_args(args, shared_state)

Assert that the provided arguments are valid. Should fail if a task launched with these arguments would not work

#   def get_frontend_args(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
View Source
    def get_frontend_args(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Specifies what options should be fowarded
        to the client for use by the task's frontend
        return self.frontend_task_config.copy()

Specifies what options should be fowarded to the client for use by the task's frontend

def get_initialization_data( self ) ->[mephisto.data_model.assignment.InitializationData]:
View Source
    def get_initialization_data(
    ) -> Iterable["InitializationData"]:
        Get all of the data used to initialize tasks from this blueprint.
        Can either be a simple iterable if all the assignments can
        be processed at once, or a Generator if the number
        of tasks is unknown or changes based on something running
        concurrently with the job.
        raise NotImplementedError

Get all of the data used to initialize tasks from this blueprint. Can either be a simple iterable if all the assignments can be processed at once, or a Generator if the number of tasks is unknown or changes based on something running concurrently with the job.

#   class Blueprint.OnboardingAgentStateClass(abc.ABC):
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class AgentState(ABC):
    Class for holding state information about work by an Agent on a Unit, currently
    stored as current task work into a json file.

    Specific state implementations will need to be created for different Task Types,
    as different tasks store and load differing data.

    # Possible Agent Status Values
    STATUS_NONE = "none"
    STATUS_ACCEPTED = "accepted"
    STATUS_ONBOARDING = "onboarding"
    STATUS_WAITING = "waiting"
    STATUS_IN_TASK = "in task"
    STATUS_COMPLETED = "completed"
    STATUS_DISCONNECT = "disconnect"
    STATUS_TIMEOUT = "timeout"
    STATUS_PARTNER_DISCONNECT = "partner disconnect"
    STATUS_EXPIRED = "expired"
    STATUS_RETURNED = "returned"
    STATUS_APPROVED = "approved"
    STATUS_SOFT_REJECTED = "soft_rejected"
    STATUS_REJECTED = "rejected"

    def __new__(cls, agent: Union["Agent", "OnboardingAgent"]) -> "AgentState":
        """Return the correct agent state for the given agent"""
        if cls == AgentState:
            from mephisto.data_model.agent import Agent
            from mephisto.operations.registry import get_blueprint_from_type

            # We are trying to construct an AgentState, find what type to use and
            # create that instead
            if isinstance(agent, Agent):
                correct_class = get_blueprint_from_type(agent.task_type).AgentStateClass
                correct_class = get_blueprint_from_type(
            return super().__new__(correct_class)
            # We are constructing another instance directly
            return super().__new__(cls)

    def complete() -> List[str]:
        """Return all final Agent statuses which will not be updated by the WorkerPool"""
        return [

    def valid() -> List[str]:
        """Return all valid Agent statuses"""
        return [

    # Implementations of an AgentState must implement the following:

    def __init__(self, agent: "Agent"):
        Create an AgentState to track the state of an agent's work on a Unit

        Implementations should initialize any required files for saving and
        loading state data somewhere.

        If said file already exists based on the given agent, load that data
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def set_init_state(self, data: Any) -> bool:
        """Set the initial state for this agent"""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_init_state(self) -> Optional[Any]:
        Return the initial state for this agent,
        None if no such state exists
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def load_data(self) -> None:
        Load stored data from a file to this object
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Return the currently stored data for this task in the format
        expected by any frontend displays
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_parsed_data(self) -> Any:
        Return the portion of the data that is relevant to a human
        who wants to parse or analyze the data

        Utility function to handle stripping the data of any
        context that is only important for reproducing the task
        exactly. By default is just `get_data`
        return self.get_data()

    def save_data(self) -> None:
        Save the relevant data from this Unit to a file in the expected location
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def update_data(self, live_update: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        Put new live update data into this AgentState. Keep only what is
        necessary to recreate the task for evaluation and later use.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def update_submit(self, submit_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        Update this AgentState with the final submission data.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def get_task_start(self) -> Optional[float]:
        Return the start time for this task, if it is available
        return 0.0

    def get_task_end(self) -> Optional[float]:
        Return the end time for this task, if it is available
        return 0.0

Class for holding state information about work by an Agent on a Unit, currently stored as current task work into a json file.

Specific state implementations will need to be created for different Task Types, as different tasks store and load differing data.

Inherited Members
#   class Blueprint.ArgsClass:
View Source
class BlueprintArgs:
    _blueprint_type: str = MISSING
    block_qualification: str = field(
            "help": ("Specify the name of a qualification used to soft block workers.")

BlueprintArgs(_blueprint_type: str = '???', block_qualification: str = '???')

#   class Blueprint.SharedStateClass:
View Source
class SharedTaskState:
    Base class for specifying additional state that can't just
    be passed as Hydra args, like functions and objects

    task_config: Dict[str, Any] = field(
            "help": (
                "Values to be included in the frontend MephistoTask.task_config object"
            "type": "Dict[str, Any]",
            "default": "{}",
    qualifications: List[Any] = field(
            "help": (
                "List of qualification dicts of the form returned by "
                "mephisto.utils.qualifications.make_qualification_dict "
                "to be used with this task run."
            "type": "List[Dict]",
            "default": "[]",
    worker_can_do_unit: Callable[["Worker", "Unit"], bool] = field(
        default_factory=lambda: (lambda worker, unit: True),
            "help": ("Function to evaluate if a worker is eligible for a given unit"),
            "type": "Callable[[Worker, Unit], bool]",
            "default": "Returns True always",
    on_unit_submitted: Callable[["Unit"], None] = field(
        default_factory=lambda: (lambda unit: None),
            "help": ("Function to evaluate on every unit completed or disconnected"),
            "type": "Callable[[Unit], None]",
            "default": "No-op function",

Base class for specifying additional state that can't just be passed as Hydra args, like functions and objects

Inherited Members