
View Source
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from typing import (

import types
from mephisto.abstractions.blueprint import BlueprintMixin
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from omegaconf import MISSING, DictConfig
from mephisto.data_model.qualification import QUAL_NOT_EXIST
from mephisto.utils.qualifications import (

    from mephisto.abstractions.blueprint import SharedTaskState
    from mephisto.data_model.task_run import TaskRun
    from mephisto.data_model.unit import Unit
    from mephisto.data_model.packet import Packet
    from mephisto.data_model.worker import Worker
    from argparse import _ArgumentGroup as ArgumentGroup

class ScreenTaskRequiredArgs:
    passed_qualification_name: str = field(
            "help": (
                "Specify the name of a qualification used to designate "
                "workers who have passed screening."
    max_screening_units: int = field(
            "help": (
                "The maximum number of screening units that can be launched "
                "with this batch, specified to limit the number of validations "
                "you may need to pay out for."
    use_screening_task: bool = field(
        metadata={"help": ("Whether or not to use a screening task in this run.")},

ScreenUnitDataGenerator = Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None]

def blank_generator():
    while True:
        yield {}

class ScreenTaskSharedState:
    screening_data_factory: Tuple[bool, ScreenUnitDataGenerator] = field(
        default_factory=lambda: blank_generator(),
            "help": (
                "Either a generator that will create task data dicts to "
                "be used as the `shared` field in InitializationData, or "
                "the bool False to use real data in screening tasks."
            "Type": "Tuple[bool, ScreenUnitDataGenerator]",
            "default": "Generator that creates empty data forever",

class ScreenTaskRequired(BlueprintMixin):
    Compositional class for blueprints that may have a first task to
    qualify workers who have never attempted the task before

    shared_state: "SharedTaskState"
    ArgsMixin = ScreenTaskRequiredArgs
    SharedStateMixin = ScreenTaskSharedState

    def init_mixin_config(
        task_run: "TaskRun",
        args: "DictConfig",
        shared_state: "SharedTaskState",
    ) -> None:
        assert isinstance(
            shared_state, ScreenTaskSharedState
        ), "Must use ScreenTaskSharedState with ScreenTaskRequired blueprint"
        return self.init_screening_config(task_run, args, shared_state)

    def init_screening_config(
        task_run: "TaskRun",
        args: "DictConfig",
        shared_state: "ScreenTaskSharedState",
    ) -> None:
        self.use_screening_task = args.blueprint.get("use_screening_task", False)
        if not self.use_screening_task:

        # Runs that are using a qualification task should be able to assign
        # a specially generated unit to unqualified workers
        self.passed_qualification_name = args.blueprint.passed_qualification_name
        self.failed_qualification_name = args.blueprint.block_qualification
        self.screening_data_factory: Tuple[
            bool, ScreenUnitDataGenerator
        ] = shared_state.screening_data_factory
        self.screening_units_launched = 0
        self.screening_unit_cap = args.blueprint.max_screening_units

        find_or_create_qualification(task_run.db, self.passed_qualification_name)
        find_or_create_qualification(task_run.db, self.failed_qualification_name)

    def assert_mixin_args(cls, args: "DictConfig", shared_state: "SharedTaskState"):
        use_screening_task = args.blueprint.get("use_screening_task", False)
        assert isinstance(
            shared_state, ScreenTaskSharedState
        ), "Must use ScreenTaskSharedState with ScreenTaskRequired blueprint"
        if not use_screening_task:
        passed_qualification_name = args.blueprint.passed_qualification_name
        failed_qualification_name = args.blueprint.block_qualification
        assert args.task.allowed_concurrent == 1, (
            "Can only run this task type with one allowed concurrent unit at a time per worker, to ensure "
            "screening before moving into real units."
        assert (
            passed_qualification_name is not None
        ), "Must supply an passed_qualification_name in Hydra args to use a qualification task"
        assert (
            failed_qualification_name is not None
        ), "Must supply an block_qualification in Hydra args to use a qualification task"
        assert hasattr(shared_state, "screening_data_factory"), (
            "You must supply a screening_data_factory generator in your SharedTaskState to use "
            "screening units, or False if you can screen on any tasks."
        max_screening_units = args.blueprint.max_screening_units
        assert max_screening_units is not None, (
            "You must supply a blueprint.max_screening_units argument to set the maximum number of "
            "additional units you will pay out for the purpose of screening new workers. Note that you "
            "do pay for screening units, they are just like any other units."
        screening_data_factory = shared_state.screening_data_factory
        if screening_data_factory is not False:
            assert isinstance(screening_data_factory, types.GeneratorType), (
                "Must provide a generator function to SharedTaskState.screening_data_factory if "
                "you want to generate screening tasks on the fly, or False if you can screen on any task "

    def worker_needs_screening(self, worker: "Worker") -> bool:
        """Workers that are able to access the task (not blocked) but are not passed need qualification"""
        return worker.get_granted_qualification(self.passed_qualification_name) is None

    def should_generate_unit(self) -> bool:
        return self.screening_data_factory is not False

    def get_screening_unit_data(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
            if self.screening_units_launched >= self.screening_unit_cap:
                return None  # Exceeded the cap on these units
                data = next(
                        Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None],
                self.screening_units_launched += 1
                return data
        except StopIteration:
            return None  # No screening units left...

    def create_validation_function(
        cls, args: "DictConfig", screen_unit: Callable[["Unit"], bool]
        Takes in a validator function to determine if validation units are
        passable, and returns a `on_unit_submitted` function to be used
        in the SharedTaskState
        passed_qualification_name = args.blueprint.passed_qualification_name
        failed_qualification_name = args.blueprint.block_qualification

        def _wrapped_validate(unit):
            if unit.unit_index >= 0:
                return  # We only run validation on the validatable units

            agent = unit.get_assigned_agent()
            if agent is None:
                return  # Cannot validate a unit with no agent

            validation_result = screen_unit(unit)
            if validation_result is True:
            elif validation_result is False:

        return _wrapped_validate

    def get_mixin_qualifications(
        cls, args: "DictConfig", shared_state: "SharedTaskState"
        """Creates the relevant task qualifications for this task"""
        passed_qualification_name = args.blueprint.passed_qualification_name
        failed_qualification_name = args.blueprint.block_qualification
        return [
#   class ScreenTaskRequiredArgs:
View Source
class ScreenTaskRequiredArgs:
    passed_qualification_name: str = field(
            "help": (
                "Specify the name of a qualification used to designate "
                "workers who have passed screening."
    max_screening_units: int = field(
            "help": (
                "The maximum number of screening units that can be launched "
                "with this batch, specified to limit the number of validations "
                "you may need to pay out for."
    use_screening_task: bool = field(
        metadata={"help": ("Whether or not to use a screening task in this run.")},

ScreenTaskRequiredArgs(passed_qualification_name: str = '???', max_screening_units: int = '???', use_screening_task: bool = False)

#   ScreenTaskRequiredArgs( passed_qualification_name: str = '???', max_screening_units: int = '???', use_screening_task: bool = False )
#   passed_qualification_name: str = '???'
#   max_screening_units: int = '???'
#   use_screening_task: bool = False
#   def blank_generator():
View Source
def blank_generator():
    while True:
        yield {}
#   class ScreenTaskSharedState:
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class ScreenTaskSharedState:
    screening_data_factory: Tuple[bool, ScreenUnitDataGenerator] = field(
        default_factory=lambda: blank_generator(),
            "help": (
                "Either a generator that will create task data dicts to "
                "be used as the `shared` field in InitializationData, or "
                "the bool False to use real data in screening tasks."
            "Type": "Tuple[bool, ScreenUnitDataGenerator]",
            "default": "Generator that creates empty data forever",

ScreenTaskSharedState(screening_data_factory: Tuple[bool, Generator[Dict[str, Any], NoneType, NoneType]] = )

#   ScreenTaskSharedState( screening_data_factory: Tuple[bool, Generator[Dict[str, Any], NoneType, NoneType]] = <factory> )
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class ScreenTaskRequired(BlueprintMixin):
    Compositional class for blueprints that may have a first task to
    qualify workers who have never attempted the task before

    shared_state: "SharedTaskState"
    ArgsMixin = ScreenTaskRequiredArgs
    SharedStateMixin = ScreenTaskSharedState

    def init_mixin_config(
        task_run: "TaskRun",
        args: "DictConfig",
        shared_state: "SharedTaskState",
    ) -> None:
        assert isinstance(
            shared_state, ScreenTaskSharedState
        ), "Must use ScreenTaskSharedState with ScreenTaskRequired blueprint"
        return self.init_screening_config(task_run, args, shared_state)

    def init_screening_config(
        task_run: "TaskRun",
        args: "DictConfig",
        shared_state: "ScreenTaskSharedState",
    ) -> None:
        self.use_screening_task = args.blueprint.get("use_screening_task", False)
        if not self.use_screening_task:

        # Runs that are using a qualification task should be able to assign
        # a specially generated unit to unqualified workers
        self.passed_qualification_name = args.blueprint.passed_qualification_name
        self.failed_qualification_name = args.blueprint.block_qualification
        self.screening_data_factory: Tuple[
            bool, ScreenUnitDataGenerator
        ] = shared_state.screening_data_factory
        self.screening_units_launched = 0
        self.screening_unit_cap = args.blueprint.max_screening_units

        find_or_create_qualification(task_run.db, self.passed_qualification_name)
        find_or_create_qualification(task_run.db, self.failed_qualification_name)

    def assert_mixin_args(cls, args: "DictConfig", shared_state: "SharedTaskState"):
        use_screening_task = args.blueprint.get("use_screening_task", False)
        assert isinstance(
            shared_state, ScreenTaskSharedState
        ), "Must use ScreenTaskSharedState with ScreenTaskRequired blueprint"
        if not use_screening_task:
        passed_qualification_name = args.blueprint.passed_qualification_name
        failed_qualification_name = args.blueprint.block_qualification
        assert args.task.allowed_concurrent == 1, (
            "Can only run this task type with one allowed concurrent unit at a time per worker, to ensure "
            "screening before moving into real units."
        assert (
            passed_qualification_name is not None
        ), "Must supply an passed_qualification_name in Hydra args to use a qualification task"
        assert (
            failed_qualification_name is not None
        ), "Must supply an block_qualification in Hydra args to use a qualification task"
        assert hasattr(shared_state, "screening_data_factory"), (
            "You must supply a screening_data_factory generator in your SharedTaskState to use "
            "screening units, or False if you can screen on any tasks."
        max_screening_units = args.blueprint.max_screening_units
        assert max_screening_units is not None, (
            "You must supply a blueprint.max_screening_units argument to set the maximum number of "
            "additional units you will pay out for the purpose of screening new workers. Note that you "
            "do pay for screening units, they are just like any other units."
        screening_data_factory = shared_state.screening_data_factory
        if screening_data_factory is not False:
            assert isinstance(screening_data_factory, types.GeneratorType), (
                "Must provide a generator function to SharedTaskState.screening_data_factory if "
                "you want to generate screening tasks on the fly, or False if you can screen on any task "

    def worker_needs_screening(self, worker: "Worker") -> bool:
        """Workers that are able to access the task (not blocked) but are not passed need qualification"""
        return worker.get_granted_qualification(self.passed_qualification_name) is None

    def should_generate_unit(self) -> bool:
        return self.screening_data_factory is not False

    def get_screening_unit_data(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
            if self.screening_units_launched >= self.screening_unit_cap:
                return None  # Exceeded the cap on these units
                data = next(
                        Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None],
                self.screening_units_launched += 1
                return data
        except StopIteration:
            return None  # No screening units left...

    def create_validation_function(
        cls, args: "DictConfig", screen_unit: Callable[["Unit"], bool]
        Takes in a validator function to determine if validation units are
        passable, and returns a `on_unit_submitted` function to be used
        in the SharedTaskState
        passed_qualification_name = args.blueprint.passed_qualification_name
        failed_qualification_name = args.blueprint.block_qualification

        def _wrapped_validate(unit):
            if unit.unit_index >= 0:
                return  # We only run validation on the validatable units

            agent = unit.get_assigned_agent()
            if agent is None:
                return  # Cannot validate a unit with no agent

            validation_result = screen_unit(unit)
            if validation_result is True:
            elif validation_result is False:

        return _wrapped_validate

    def get_mixin_qualifications(
        cls, args: "DictConfig", shared_state: "SharedTaskState"
        """Creates the relevant task qualifications for this task"""
        passed_qualification_name = args.blueprint.passed_qualification_name
        failed_qualification_name = args.blueprint.block_qualification
        return [

Compositional class for blueprints that may have a first task to qualify workers who have never attempted the task before

#   ScreenTaskRequired()
#   def init_mixin_config( self, task_run: mephisto.data_model.task_run.TaskRun, args: omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig, shared_state: mephisto.abstractions.blueprint.SharedTaskState ) -> None:
View Source
    def init_mixin_config(
        task_run: "TaskRun",
        args: "DictConfig",
        shared_state: "SharedTaskState",
    ) -> None:
        assert isinstance(
            shared_state, ScreenTaskSharedState
        ), "Must use ScreenTaskSharedState with ScreenTaskRequired blueprint"
        return self.init_screening_config(task_run, args, shared_state)

Method to initialize any required attributes to make this mixin function

#   def init_screening_config( self, task_run: mephisto.data_model.task_run.TaskRun, args: omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig, shared_state: mephisto.abstractions.blueprints.mixins.screen_task_required.ScreenTaskSharedState ) -> None:
View Source
    def init_screening_config(
        task_run: "TaskRun",
        args: "DictConfig",
        shared_state: "ScreenTaskSharedState",
    ) -> None:
        self.use_screening_task = args.blueprint.get("use_screening_task", False)
        if not self.use_screening_task:

        # Runs that are using a qualification task should be able to assign
        # a specially generated unit to unqualified workers
        self.passed_qualification_name = args.blueprint.passed_qualification_name
        self.failed_qualification_name = args.blueprint.block_qualification
        self.screening_data_factory: Tuple[
            bool, ScreenUnitDataGenerator
        ] = shared_state.screening_data_factory
        self.screening_units_launched = 0
        self.screening_unit_cap = args.blueprint.max_screening_units

        find_or_create_qualification(task_run.db, self.passed_qualification_name)
        find_or_create_qualification(task_run.db, self.failed_qualification_name)
def assert_mixin_args( cls, args: omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig, shared_state: mephisto.abstractions.blueprint.SharedTaskState ):
View Source
    def assert_mixin_args(cls, args: "DictConfig", shared_state: "SharedTaskState"):
        use_screening_task = args.blueprint.get("use_screening_task", False)
        assert isinstance(
            shared_state, ScreenTaskSharedState
        ), "Must use ScreenTaskSharedState with ScreenTaskRequired blueprint"
        if not use_screening_task:
        passed_qualification_name = args.blueprint.passed_qualification_name
        failed_qualification_name = args.blueprint.block_qualification
        assert args.task.allowed_concurrent == 1, (
            "Can only run this task type with one allowed concurrent unit at a time per worker, to ensure "
            "screening before moving into real units."
        assert (
            passed_qualification_name is not None
        ), "Must supply an passed_qualification_name in Hydra args to use a qualification task"
        assert (
            failed_qualification_name is not None
        ), "Must supply an block_qualification in Hydra args to use a qualification task"
        assert hasattr(shared_state, "screening_data_factory"), (
            "You must supply a screening_data_factory generator in your SharedTaskState to use "
            "screening units, or False if you can screen on any tasks."
        max_screening_units = args.blueprint.max_screening_units
        assert max_screening_units is not None, (
            "You must supply a blueprint.max_screening_units argument to set the maximum number of "
            "additional units you will pay out for the purpose of screening new workers. Note that you "
            "do pay for screening units, they are just like any other units."
        screening_data_factory = shared_state.screening_data_factory
        if screening_data_factory is not False:
            assert isinstance(screening_data_factory, types.GeneratorType), (
                "Must provide a generator function to SharedTaskState.screening_data_factory if "
                "you want to generate screening tasks on the fly, or False if you can screen on any task "

Method to validate the incoming args and throw if something won't work

#   def worker_needs_screening(self, worker: mephisto.data_model.worker.Worker) -> bool:
View Source
    def worker_needs_screening(self, worker: "Worker") -> bool:
        """Workers that are able to access the task (not blocked) but are not passed need qualification"""
        return worker.get_granted_qualification(self.passed_qualification_name) is None

Workers that are able to access the task (not blocked) but are not passed need qualification

#   def should_generate_unit(self) -> bool:
View Source
    def should_generate_unit(self) -> bool:
        return self.screening_data_factory is not False
#   def get_screening_unit_data(self) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], NoneType]:
View Source
    def get_screening_unit_data(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
            if self.screening_units_launched >= self.screening_unit_cap:
                return None  # Exceeded the cap on these units
                data = next(
                        Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None],
                self.screening_units_launched += 1
                return data
        except StopIteration:
            return None  # No screening units left...
def create_validation_function( cls, args: omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig, screen_unit:[mephisto.data_model.unit.Unit, bool] ):
View Source
    def create_validation_function(
        cls, args: "DictConfig", screen_unit: Callable[["Unit"], bool]
        Takes in a validator function to determine if validation units are
        passable, and returns a `on_unit_submitted` function to be used
        in the SharedTaskState
        passed_qualification_name = args.blueprint.passed_qualification_name
        failed_qualification_name = args.blueprint.block_qualification

        def _wrapped_validate(unit):
            if unit.unit_index >= 0:
                return  # We only run validation on the validatable units

            agent = unit.get_assigned_agent()
            if agent is None:
                return  # Cannot validate a unit with no agent

            validation_result = screen_unit(unit)
            if validation_result is True:
            elif validation_result is False:

        return _wrapped_validate

Takes in a validator function to determine if validation units are passable, and returns a on_unit_submitted function to be used in the SharedTaskState

def get_mixin_qualifications( cls, args: omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig, shared_state: mephisto.abstractions.blueprint.SharedTaskState ):
View Source
    def get_mixin_qualifications(
        cls, args: "DictConfig", shared_state: "SharedTaskState"
        """Creates the relevant task qualifications for this task"""
        passed_qualification_name = args.blueprint.passed_qualification_name
        failed_qualification_name = args.blueprint.block_qualification
        return [

Creates the relevant task qualifications for this task

#   class ScreenTaskRequired.ArgsMixin:
View Source
class ScreenTaskRequiredArgs:
    passed_qualification_name: str = field(
            "help": (
                "Specify the name of a qualification used to designate "
                "workers who have passed screening."
    max_screening_units: int = field(
            "help": (
                "The maximum number of screening units that can be launched "
                "with this batch, specified to limit the number of validations "
                "you may need to pay out for."
    use_screening_task: bool = field(
        metadata={"help": ("Whether or not to use a screening task in this run.")},

ScreenTaskRequiredArgs(passed_qualification_name: str = '???', max_screening_units: int = '???', use_screening_task: bool = False)

#   class ScreenTaskRequired.SharedStateMixin:
View Source
class ScreenTaskSharedState:
    screening_data_factory: Tuple[bool, ScreenUnitDataGenerator] = field(
        default_factory=lambda: blank_generator(),
            "help": (
                "Either a generator that will create task data dicts to "
                "be used as the `shared` field in InitializationData, or "
                "the bool False to use real data in screening tasks."
            "Type": "Tuple[bool, ScreenUnitDataGenerator]",
            "default": "Generator that creates empty data forever",

ScreenTaskSharedState(screening_data_factory: Tuple[bool, Generator[Dict[str, Any], NoneType, NoneType]] = )