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#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) Meta Platforms and its affiliates. # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import os import sh # type: ignore import shutil import time import requests import re import json import boto3 # type: ignore from dataclasses import dataclass, field from omegaconf import MISSING, DictConfig # type: ignore from mephisto.abstractions.architect import Architect, ArchitectArgs from mephisto.abstractions.architects.router.build_router import build_router from mephisto.abstractions.architects.channels.websocket_channel import WebsocketChannel from mephisto.operations.registry import register_mephisto_abstraction from typing import List, Dict, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Callable import mephisto.abstractions.architects.ec2.ec2_helpers as ec2_helpers from mephisto.abstractions.architects.ec2.ec2_helpers import ( DEFAULT_FALLBACK_FILE, DEFAULT_SERVER_DETAIL_LOCATION, SCRIPTS_DIRECTORY, ) if TYPE_CHECKING: from import Channel from mephisto.data_model.packet import Packet from mephisto.data_model.task_run import TaskRun from mephisto.abstractions.database import MephistoDB from mephisto.abstractions.blueprint import SharedTaskState from mephisto.utils.logger_core import get_logger logger = get_logger(name=__name__) ARCHITECT_TYPE = "ec2" FINAL_SERVER_BUILD_DIRECTORY = "routing_server" DEPLOY_WAIT_TIME = 3 def url_safe_string(in_string: str) -> str: """ Produces a domain string that is safe for use in ec2 resources """ hyphenated = in_string.replace("_", "-") return re.sub("[^0-9a-zA-Z-]+", "", hyphenated) @dataclass class EC2ArchitectArgs(ArchitectArgs): """Additional arguments for configuring a heroku architect""" _architect_type: str = ARCHITECT_TYPE instance_type: str = field( default="t2.micro", metadata={"help": "Instance type to run router"} ) subdomain: str = field( default="${mephisto.task.task_name}", metadata={"help": "Subdomain name for routing"}, ) profile_name: str = field( default=MISSING, metadata={"help": "Profile name for deploying an ec2 instance"} ) @register_mephisto_abstraction() class EC2Architect(Architect): """ Sets up a server on heroku and deploys the task on that server """ ArgsClass = EC2ArchitectArgs ARCHITECT_TYPE = ARCHITECT_TYPE def __init__( self, db: "MephistoDB", args: DictConfig, shared_state: "SharedTaskState", task_run: "TaskRun", build_dir_root: str, ): """ Create an architect with all required parameters for launch loaded """ self.args = args self.task_run = task_run with open(DEFAULT_FALLBACK_FILE, "r") as fallback_detail_file: self.fallback_details = json.load(fallback_detail_file) self.subdomain = url_safe_string(args.architect.subdomain) self.root_domain = self.fallback_details["domain"] self.router_name = f"{self.subdomain}-routing-server" self.full_domain = f"{self.subdomain}.{self.root_domain}" self.server_source_path = args.architect.get("server_source_path", None) self.instance_type = args.architect.instance_type self.profile_name = args.architect.profile_name self.server_type: str = args.architect.server_type self.build_dir = build_dir_root self.server_detail_path = self._get_detail_path(self.subdomain) self.session = boto3.Session( profile_name=self.profile_name, region_name="us-east-2" ) self.server_dir: Optional[str] = None self.server_id: Optional[str] = None self.target_group_arn: Optional[str] = None self.router_rule_arn: Optional[str] = None self.created = False @classmethod def _get_detail_path(cls, subdomain): """Return the location where a detail file will be stored for the given domain""" return os.path.join(DEFAULT_SERVER_DETAIL_LOCATION, f"{subdomain}.json") def _get_socket_urls(self) -> List[str]: """Returns the path to the heroku app socket""" return [f"wss://{self.full_domain}/"] def get_channels( self, on_channel_open: Callable[[str], None], on_catastrophic_disconnect: Callable[[str], None], on_message: Callable[[str, "Packet"], None], ) -> List["Channel"]: """ Return a list of all relevant channels that the ClientIOHandler will need to register to in order to function """ urls = self._get_socket_urls() return [ WebsocketChannel( f"ec2_channel_{self.subdomain}_{idx}", on_channel_open=on_channel_open, on_catastrophic_disconnect=on_catastrophic_disconnect, on_message=on_message, socket_url=url, ) for idx, url in enumerate(urls) ] def download_file(self, target_filename: str, save_dir: str) -> None: """ Download the file from local storage """ target_url = f"https://{self.full_domain}/download_file/{target_filename}" dest_path = os.path.join(save_dir, target_filename) r = requests.get(target_url, stream=True) with open(dest_path, "wb") as out_file: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: out_file.write(chunk) @classmethod def check_domain_unused_locally(self, subdomain: str): """ Checks to see if we have an active local record for the given subdomain """ return not os.path.exists(self._get_detail_path(subdomain)) @classmethod def assert_task_args(cls, args: DictConfig, shared_state: "SharedTaskState"): """ Assert that the given profile is already ready, that a fallback exists and that all the configuration is ready """ profile_name = args.architect.profile_name assert ec2_helpers.check_aws_credentials( profile_name ), "Given profile doesn't have registered credentials" # Producing a domain string that is safe for use # in ec2 resources subdomain = url_safe_string(args.architect.subdomain) assert cls.check_domain_unused_locally( subdomain=subdomain ), "Given subdomain does exist" # VALID_INSTANCES = [] # assert args.architect.instance_type in VALID_INSTANCES assert os.path.exists( DEFAULT_FALLBACK_FILE ), "Must have fallback launched to use EC2 architect" with open(DEFAULT_FALLBACK_FILE, "r") as fallback_detail_file: fallback_details = json.load(fallback_detail_file) REQUIRED_KEYS = [ "key_pair_name", "security_group_id", "vpc_details", "listener_arn", ] for key in REQUIRED_KEYS: assert key in fallback_details, f"Fallback file missing required key {key}" session = boto3.Session(profile_name=profile_name, region_name="us-east-2") assert ec2_helpers.rule_is_new( session, subdomain, fallback_details["listener_arn"] ), "Rule was not new, existing subdomain found registered to the listener. Check on AWS." def __get_build_directory(self) -> str: """ Return the string where the server should be built in. """ return os.path.join( self.build_dir, FINAL_SERVER_BUILD_DIRECTORY, ) def __compile_server(self) -> str: """ Move the required task files to a specific directory to be deployed to ec2 directly. Return the location that the packaged files are now prepared in. """ print("Building server files...") server_build_root = self.__get_build_directory() os.makedirs(server_build_root) self.server_dir = server_dir = build_router( server_build_root, self.task_run, version=self.server_type, server_source_path=self.server_source_path, ) setup_path = os.path.join(SCRIPTS_DIRECTORY, self.server_type) setup_dest = os.path.join(server_build_root, "setup") shutil.copytree(setup_path, setup_dest) possible_node_modules = os.path.join( server_build_root, "router", "node_modules" ) if os.path.exists(possible_node_modules): shutil.rmtree(possible_node_modules) return server_dir def __setup_ec2_server(self) -> str: """ Deploy the server using the setup server directory, return the URL """ server_dir = os.path.abspath(self.__get_build_directory()) print("EC2: Starting instance...") # Launch server server_id = ec2_helpers.create_instance( self.session, self.fallback_details["key_pair_name"], self.fallback_details["security_group_id"], self.fallback_details["vpc_details"]["subnet_1_id"], self.router_name, instance_type=self.instance_type, ) self.server_id = server_id self.created = True print("EC2: Configuring routing table...") # Configure router ( self.target_group_arn, self.router_rule_arn, ) = ec2_helpers.register_instance_to_listener( self.session, server_id, self.fallback_details["vpc_details"]["vpc_id"], self.fallback_details["listener_arn"], self.full_domain, ) # Write out details server_details = { "balancer_rule_arn": self.router_rule_arn, "instance_id": self.server_id, "subdomain": self.subdomain, "target_group_arn": self.target_group_arn, } with open(self.server_detail_path, "w+") as detail_file: json.dump(server_details, detail_file) print("EC2: Deploying server...") # Push server files and execute launch ec2_helpers.deploy_to_routing_server( self.session, server_id, self.fallback_details["key_pair_name"], server_dir, ) return f"https://{self.full_domain}" def __delete_ec2_server(self): """ Remove the heroku server associated with this task run """ server_id = self.server_id assert server_id is not None, "Cannot shutdown a non-existent server" print(f"Ec2: Deleting server: {self.server_id}") if self.router_rule_arn is not None: ec2_helpers.delete_rule( self.session, self.router_rule_arn, self.target_group_arn, ) ec2_helpers.delete_instance( self.session, server_id, ) os.unlink(self.server_detail_path) def server_is_running(self) -> bool: """ Utility function to check if the given heroku app (by app-name) is still running """ return os.path.exists(self.server_detail_path) def build_is_clean(self) -> bool: """ Utility function to see if the build has been cleaned up """ server_dir = self.__get_build_directory() return not os.path.exists(server_dir) def prepare(self) -> str: """ Produce the server files that will be deployed to the server """ return self.__compile_server() def deploy(self) -> str: """ Launch the server, and push the task files to the server. Return the server URL """ return self.__setup_ec2_server() def cleanup(self) -> None: """ Remove any files that were used for the deployment process that no longer need to be kept track of now that the task has been launched. """ server_dir = self.__get_build_directory() shutil.rmtree(server_dir) def shutdown(self) -> None: """ Shut down the server launched by this Architect, as stored in the db. """ if self.created: # only delete the server if it's created by us self.__delete_ec2_server()
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def url_safe_string(in_string: str) -> str: """ Produces a domain string that is safe for use in ec2 resources """ hyphenated = in_string.replace("_", "-") return re.sub("[^0-9a-zA-Z-]+", "", hyphenated)
Produces a domain string that is safe for use in ec2 resources
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class EC2ArchitectArgs(ArchitectArgs): """Additional arguments for configuring a heroku architect""" _architect_type: str = ARCHITECT_TYPE instance_type: str = field( default="t2.micro", metadata={"help": "Instance type to run router"} ) subdomain: str = field( default="${mephisto.task.task_name}", metadata={"help": "Subdomain name for routing"}, ) profile_name: str = field( default=MISSING, metadata={"help": "Profile name for deploying an ec2 instance"} )
Additional arguments for configuring a heroku architect
Inherited Members
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class EC2Architect(Architect): """ Sets up a server on heroku and deploys the task on that server """ ArgsClass = EC2ArchitectArgs ARCHITECT_TYPE = ARCHITECT_TYPE def __init__( self, db: "MephistoDB", args: DictConfig, shared_state: "SharedTaskState", task_run: "TaskRun", build_dir_root: str, ): """ Create an architect with all required parameters for launch loaded """ self.args = args self.task_run = task_run with open(DEFAULT_FALLBACK_FILE, "r") as fallback_detail_file: self.fallback_details = json.load(fallback_detail_file) self.subdomain = url_safe_string(args.architect.subdomain) self.root_domain = self.fallback_details["domain"] self.router_name = f"{self.subdomain}-routing-server" self.full_domain = f"{self.subdomain}.{self.root_domain}" self.server_source_path = args.architect.get("server_source_path", None) self.instance_type = args.architect.instance_type self.profile_name = args.architect.profile_name self.server_type: str = args.architect.server_type self.build_dir = build_dir_root self.server_detail_path = self._get_detail_path(self.subdomain) self.session = boto3.Session( profile_name=self.profile_name, region_name="us-east-2" ) self.server_dir: Optional[str] = None self.server_id: Optional[str] = None self.target_group_arn: Optional[str] = None self.router_rule_arn: Optional[str] = None self.created = False @classmethod def _get_detail_path(cls, subdomain): """Return the location where a detail file will be stored for the given domain""" return os.path.join(DEFAULT_SERVER_DETAIL_LOCATION, f"{subdomain}.json") def _get_socket_urls(self) -> List[str]: """Returns the path to the heroku app socket""" return [f"wss://{self.full_domain}/"] def get_channels( self, on_channel_open: Callable[[str], None], on_catastrophic_disconnect: Callable[[str], None], on_message: Callable[[str, "Packet"], None], ) -> List["Channel"]: """ Return a list of all relevant channels that the ClientIOHandler will need to register to in order to function """ urls = self._get_socket_urls() return [ WebsocketChannel( f"ec2_channel_{self.subdomain}_{idx}", on_channel_open=on_channel_open, on_catastrophic_disconnect=on_catastrophic_disconnect, on_message=on_message, socket_url=url, ) for idx, url in enumerate(urls) ] def download_file(self, target_filename: str, save_dir: str) -> None: """ Download the file from local storage """ target_url = f"https://{self.full_domain}/download_file/{target_filename}" dest_path = os.path.join(save_dir, target_filename) r = requests.get(target_url, stream=True) with open(dest_path, "wb") as out_file: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: out_file.write(chunk) @classmethod def check_domain_unused_locally(self, subdomain: str): """ Checks to see if we have an active local record for the given subdomain """ return not os.path.exists(self._get_detail_path(subdomain)) @classmethod def assert_task_args(cls, args: DictConfig, shared_state: "SharedTaskState"): """ Assert that the given profile is already ready, that a fallback exists and that all the configuration is ready """ profile_name = args.architect.profile_name assert ec2_helpers.check_aws_credentials( profile_name ), "Given profile doesn't have registered credentials" # Producing a domain string that is safe for use # in ec2 resources subdomain = url_safe_string(args.architect.subdomain) assert cls.check_domain_unused_locally( subdomain=subdomain ), "Given subdomain does exist" # VALID_INSTANCES = [] # assert args.architect.instance_type in VALID_INSTANCES assert os.path.exists( DEFAULT_FALLBACK_FILE ), "Must have fallback launched to use EC2 architect" with open(DEFAULT_FALLBACK_FILE, "r") as fallback_detail_file: fallback_details = json.load(fallback_detail_file) REQUIRED_KEYS = [ "key_pair_name", "security_group_id", "vpc_details", "listener_arn", ] for key in REQUIRED_KEYS: assert key in fallback_details, f"Fallback file missing required key {key}" session = boto3.Session(profile_name=profile_name, region_name="us-east-2") assert ec2_helpers.rule_is_new( session, subdomain, fallback_details["listener_arn"] ), "Rule was not new, existing subdomain found registered to the listener. Check on AWS." def __get_build_directory(self) -> str: """ Return the string where the server should be built in. """ return os.path.join( self.build_dir, FINAL_SERVER_BUILD_DIRECTORY, ) def __compile_server(self) -> str: """ Move the required task files to a specific directory to be deployed to ec2 directly. Return the location that the packaged files are now prepared in. """ print("Building server files...") server_build_root = self.__get_build_directory() os.makedirs(server_build_root) self.server_dir = server_dir = build_router( server_build_root, self.task_run, version=self.server_type, server_source_path=self.server_source_path, ) setup_path = os.path.join(SCRIPTS_DIRECTORY, self.server_type) setup_dest = os.path.join(server_build_root, "setup") shutil.copytree(setup_path, setup_dest) possible_node_modules = os.path.join( server_build_root, "router", "node_modules" ) if os.path.exists(possible_node_modules): shutil.rmtree(possible_node_modules) return server_dir def __setup_ec2_server(self) -> str: """ Deploy the server using the setup server directory, return the URL """ server_dir = os.path.abspath(self.__get_build_directory()) print("EC2: Starting instance...") # Launch server server_id = ec2_helpers.create_instance( self.session, self.fallback_details["key_pair_name"], self.fallback_details["security_group_id"], self.fallback_details["vpc_details"]["subnet_1_id"], self.router_name, instance_type=self.instance_type, ) self.server_id = server_id self.created = True print("EC2: Configuring routing table...") # Configure router ( self.target_group_arn, self.router_rule_arn, ) = ec2_helpers.register_instance_to_listener( self.session, server_id, self.fallback_details["vpc_details"]["vpc_id"], self.fallback_details["listener_arn"], self.full_domain, ) # Write out details server_details = { "balancer_rule_arn": self.router_rule_arn, "instance_id": self.server_id, "subdomain": self.subdomain, "target_group_arn": self.target_group_arn, } with open(self.server_detail_path, "w+") as detail_file: json.dump(server_details, detail_file) print("EC2: Deploying server...") # Push server files and execute launch ec2_helpers.deploy_to_routing_server( self.session, server_id, self.fallback_details["key_pair_name"], server_dir, ) return f"https://{self.full_domain}" def __delete_ec2_server(self): """ Remove the heroku server associated with this task run """ server_id = self.server_id assert server_id is not None, "Cannot shutdown a non-existent server" print(f"Ec2: Deleting server: {self.server_id}") if self.router_rule_arn is not None: ec2_helpers.delete_rule( self.session, self.router_rule_arn, self.target_group_arn, ) ec2_helpers.delete_instance( self.session, server_id, ) os.unlink(self.server_detail_path) def server_is_running(self) -> bool: """ Utility function to check if the given heroku app (by app-name) is still running """ return os.path.exists(self.server_detail_path) def build_is_clean(self) -> bool: """ Utility function to see if the build has been cleaned up """ server_dir = self.__get_build_directory() return not os.path.exists(server_dir) def prepare(self) -> str: """ Produce the server files that will be deployed to the server """ return self.__compile_server() def deploy(self) -> str: """ Launch the server, and push the task files to the server. Return the server URL """ return self.__setup_ec2_server() def cleanup(self) -> None: """ Remove any files that were used for the deployment process that no longer need to be kept track of now that the task has been launched. """ server_dir = self.__get_build_directory() shutil.rmtree(server_dir) def shutdown(self) -> None: """ Shut down the server launched by this Architect, as stored in the db. """ if self.created: # only delete the server if it's created by us self.__delete_ec2_server()
Sets up a server on heroku and deploys the task on that server
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def __init__( self, db: "MephistoDB", args: DictConfig, shared_state: "SharedTaskState", task_run: "TaskRun", build_dir_root: str, ): """ Create an architect with all required parameters for launch loaded """ self.args = args self.task_run = task_run with open(DEFAULT_FALLBACK_FILE, "r") as fallback_detail_file: self.fallback_details = json.load(fallback_detail_file) self.subdomain = url_safe_string(args.architect.subdomain) self.root_domain = self.fallback_details["domain"] self.router_name = f"{self.subdomain}-routing-server" self.full_domain = f"{self.subdomain}.{self.root_domain}" self.server_source_path = args.architect.get("server_source_path", None) self.instance_type = args.architect.instance_type self.profile_name = args.architect.profile_name self.server_type: str = args.architect.server_type self.build_dir = build_dir_root self.server_detail_path = self._get_detail_path(self.subdomain) self.session = boto3.Session( profile_name=self.profile_name, region_name="us-east-2" ) self.server_dir: Optional[str] = None self.server_id: Optional[str] = None self.target_group_arn: Optional[str] = None self.router_rule_arn: Optional[str] = None self.created = False
Create an architect with all required parameters for launch loaded
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def get_channels( self, on_channel_open: Callable[[str], None], on_catastrophic_disconnect: Callable[[str], None], on_message: Callable[[str, "Packet"], None], ) -> List["Channel"]: """ Return a list of all relevant channels that the ClientIOHandler will need to register to in order to function """ urls = self._get_socket_urls() return [ WebsocketChannel( f"ec2_channel_{self.subdomain}_{idx}", on_channel_open=on_channel_open, on_catastrophic_disconnect=on_catastrophic_disconnect, on_message=on_message, socket_url=url, ) for idx, url in enumerate(urls) ]
Return a list of all relevant channels that the ClientIOHandler will need to register to in order to function
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def download_file(self, target_filename: str, save_dir: str) -> None: """ Download the file from local storage """ target_url = f"https://{self.full_domain}/download_file/{target_filename}" dest_path = os.path.join(save_dir, target_filename) r = requests.get(target_url, stream=True) with open(dest_path, "wb") as out_file: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: out_file.write(chunk)
Download the file from local storage
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@classmethod def check_domain_unused_locally(self, subdomain: str): """ Checks to see if we have an active local record for the given subdomain """ return not os.path.exists(self._get_detail_path(subdomain))
Checks to see if we have an active local record for the given subdomain
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@classmethod def assert_task_args(cls, args: DictConfig, shared_state: "SharedTaskState"): """ Assert that the given profile is already ready, that a fallback exists and that all the configuration is ready """ profile_name = args.architect.profile_name assert ec2_helpers.check_aws_credentials( profile_name ), "Given profile doesn't have registered credentials" # Producing a domain string that is safe for use # in ec2 resources subdomain = url_safe_string(args.architect.subdomain) assert cls.check_domain_unused_locally( subdomain=subdomain ), "Given subdomain does exist" # VALID_INSTANCES = [] # assert args.architect.instance_type in VALID_INSTANCES assert os.path.exists( DEFAULT_FALLBACK_FILE ), "Must have fallback launched to use EC2 architect" with open(DEFAULT_FALLBACK_FILE, "r") as fallback_detail_file: fallback_details = json.load(fallback_detail_file) REQUIRED_KEYS = [ "key_pair_name", "security_group_id", "vpc_details", "listener_arn", ] for key in REQUIRED_KEYS: assert key in fallback_details, f"Fallback file missing required key {key}" session = boto3.Session(profile_name=profile_name, region_name="us-east-2") assert ec2_helpers.rule_is_new( session, subdomain, fallback_details["listener_arn"] ), "Rule was not new, existing subdomain found registered to the listener. Check on AWS."
Assert that the given profile is already ready, that a fallback exists and that all the configuration is ready
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def server_is_running(self) -> bool: """ Utility function to check if the given heroku app (by app-name) is still running """ return os.path.exists(self.server_detail_path)
Utility function to check if the given heroku app (by app-name) is still running
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def build_is_clean(self) -> bool: """ Utility function to see if the build has been cleaned up """ server_dir = self.__get_build_directory() return not os.path.exists(server_dir)
Utility function to see if the build has been cleaned up
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def prepare(self) -> str: """ Produce the server files that will be deployed to the server """ return self.__compile_server()
Produce the server files that will be deployed to the server
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def deploy(self) -> str: """ Launch the server, and push the task files to the server. Return the server URL """ return self.__setup_ec2_server()
Launch the server, and push the task files to the server. Return the server URL
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def cleanup(self) -> None: """ Remove any files that were used for the deployment process that no longer need to be kept track of now that the task has been launched. """ server_dir = self.__get_build_directory() shutil.rmtree(server_dir)
Remove any files that were used for the deployment process that no longer need to be kept track of now that the task has been launched.
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def shutdown(self) -> None: """ Shut down the server launched by this Architect, as stored in the db. """ if self.created: # only delete the server if it's created by us self.__delete_ec2_server()
Shut down the server launched by this Architect, as stored in the db.
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class EC2ArchitectArgs(ArchitectArgs): """Additional arguments for configuring a heroku architect""" _architect_type: str = ARCHITECT_TYPE instance_type: str = field( default="t2.micro", metadata={"help": "Instance type to run router"} ) subdomain: str = field( default="${mephisto.task.task_name}", metadata={"help": "Subdomain name for routing"}, ) profile_name: str = field( default=MISSING, metadata={"help": "Profile name for deploying an ec2 instance"} )
Additional arguments for configuring a heroku architect