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#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from mephisto.abstractions.database import MephistoDB
from mephisto.data_model.unit import Unit
from mephisto.data_model.task_run import TaskRun
from mephisto.abstractions.blueprint import AgentState
from mephisto.data_model.agent import Agent
from mephisto.data_model.worker import Worker

from mephisto.abstractions.databases.local_database import LocalMephistoDB
from mephisto.data_model.constants.assignment_state import AssignmentState

from typing import List, Optional, Any, Dict

class DataBrowser:
    Class with convenience methods for getting completed data
    back from runs to parse and manage with other scripts

    def __init__(self, db=None):
        if db is None:
            db = LocalMephistoDB()
        self.db = db

    def _get_units_for_task_runs(self, task_runs: List[TaskRun]) -> List[Unit]:
        Return a list of all Units in a terminal completed state from all
        the provided TaskRuns.
        units = []
        for task_run in task_runs:
            assignments = task_run.get_assignments()
            for assignment in assignments:
                found_units = assignment.get_units()
                for unit in found_units:
                    if unit.get_status() in [
        return units

    def get_task_name_list(self) -> List[str]:
        return [task.task_name for task in self.db.find_tasks()]

    def get_units_for_task_name(self, task_name: str) -> List[Unit]:
        Return a list of all Units in a terminal completed state from all
        task runs with the given task_name
        tasks = self.db.find_tasks(task_name=task_name)
        assert len(tasks) >= 1, f"No task found under name {task_name}"
        task_runs = self.db.find_task_runs(task_id=tasks[0].db_id)
        return self._get_units_for_task_runs(task_runs)

    def get_units_for_run_id(self, run_id: str) -> List[Unit]:
        Return a list of all Units in a terminal completed state from the
        task run with the given run_id
        task_run = TaskRun.get(self.db, run_id)
        return self._get_units_for_task_runs([task_run])

    def get_data_from_unit(self, unit: Unit) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Return a dict containing all data associated with the given
        unit, including its status, data, and start and end time.

        Also includes the DB ids for the worker, the unit, and the
        relevant assignment this unit was a part of.
        agent = unit.get_assigned_agent()
        assert (
            agent is not None
        ), f"Trying to get completed data from unassigned unit {unit}"
        return {
            "worker_id": agent.worker_id,
            "unit_id": unit.db_id,
            "assignment_id": unit.assignment_id,
            "status": agent.db_status,
            "data": agent.state.get_parsed_data(),
            "task_start": agent.state.get_task_start(),
            "task_end": agent.state.get_task_end(),

    def get_workers_with_qualification(self, qualification_name: str) -> List[Worker]:
        Returns a list of 'Worker's for workers who are qualified wrt `qualification_name`.
        qual_list = self.db.find_qualifications(qualification_name=qualification_name)
        assert len(qual_list) >= 1, f"No qualification found named {qualification_name}"
        qualification_id = qual_list[0].db_id
        qualifieds = self.db.check_granted_qualifications(
            qualification_id=qualification_id, value=1
        return [Worker.get(self.db, qual.worker_id) for qual in qualifieds]
#   class DataBrowser:
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class DataBrowser:
    Class with convenience methods for getting completed data
    back from runs to parse and manage with other scripts

    def __init__(self, db=None):
        if db is None:
            db = LocalMephistoDB()
        self.db = db

    def _get_units_for_task_runs(self, task_runs: List[TaskRun]) -> List[Unit]:
        Return a list of all Units in a terminal completed state from all
        the provided TaskRuns.
        units = []
        for task_run in task_runs:
            assignments = task_run.get_assignments()
            for assignment in assignments:
                found_units = assignment.get_units()
                for unit in found_units:
                    if unit.get_status() in [
        return units

    def get_task_name_list(self) -> List[str]:
        return [task.task_name for task in self.db.find_tasks()]

    def get_units_for_task_name(self, task_name: str) -> List[Unit]:
        Return a list of all Units in a terminal completed state from all
        task runs with the given task_name
        tasks = self.db.find_tasks(task_name=task_name)
        assert len(tasks) >= 1, f"No task found under name {task_name}"
        task_runs = self.db.find_task_runs(task_id=tasks[0].db_id)
        return self._get_units_for_task_runs(task_runs)

    def get_units_for_run_id(self, run_id: str) -> List[Unit]:
        Return a list of all Units in a terminal completed state from the
        task run with the given run_id
        task_run = TaskRun.get(self.db, run_id)
        return self._get_units_for_task_runs([task_run])

    def get_data_from_unit(self, unit: Unit) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Return a dict containing all data associated with the given
        unit, including its status, data, and start and end time.

        Also includes the DB ids for the worker, the unit, and the
        relevant assignment this unit was a part of.
        agent = unit.get_assigned_agent()
        assert (
            agent is not None
        ), f"Trying to get completed data from unassigned unit {unit}"
        return {
            "worker_id": agent.worker_id,
            "unit_id": unit.db_id,
            "assignment_id": unit.assignment_id,
            "status": agent.db_status,
            "data": agent.state.get_parsed_data(),
            "task_start": agent.state.get_task_start(),
            "task_end": agent.state.get_task_end(),

    def get_workers_with_qualification(self, qualification_name: str) -> List[Worker]:
        Returns a list of 'Worker's for workers who are qualified wrt `qualification_name`.
        qual_list = self.db.find_qualifications(qualification_name=qualification_name)
        assert len(qual_list) >= 1, f"No qualification found named {qualification_name}"
        qualification_id = qual_list[0].db_id
        qualifieds = self.db.check_granted_qualifications(
            qualification_id=qualification_id, value=1
        return [Worker.get(self.db, qual.worker_id) for qual in qualifieds]

Class with convenience methods for getting completed data back from runs to parse and manage with other scripts

#   DataBrowser(db=None)
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    def __init__(self, db=None):
        if db is None:
            db = LocalMephistoDB()
        self.db = db
#   def get_task_name_list(self) -> List[str]:
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    def get_task_name_list(self) -> List[str]:
        return [task.task_name for task in self.db.find_tasks()]
#   def get_units_for_task_name(self, task_name: str) -> List[mephisto.data_model.unit.Unit]:
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    def get_units_for_task_name(self, task_name: str) -> List[Unit]:
        Return a list of all Units in a terminal completed state from all
        task runs with the given task_name
        tasks = self.db.find_tasks(task_name=task_name)
        assert len(tasks) >= 1, f"No task found under name {task_name}"
        task_runs = self.db.find_task_runs(task_id=tasks[0].db_id)
        return self._get_units_for_task_runs(task_runs)

Return a list of all Units in a terminal completed state from all task runs with the given task_name

#   def get_units_for_run_id(self, run_id: str) -> List[mephisto.data_model.unit.Unit]:
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    def get_units_for_run_id(self, run_id: str) -> List[Unit]:
        Return a list of all Units in a terminal completed state from the
        task run with the given run_id
        task_run = TaskRun.get(self.db, run_id)
        return self._get_units_for_task_runs([task_run])

Return a list of all Units in a terminal completed state from the task run with the given run_id

#   def get_data_from_unit(self, unit: mephisto.data_model.unit.Unit) -> Dict[str, Any]:
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    def get_data_from_unit(self, unit: Unit) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Return a dict containing all data associated with the given
        unit, including its status, data, and start and end time.

        Also includes the DB ids for the worker, the unit, and the
        relevant assignment this unit was a part of.
        agent = unit.get_assigned_agent()
        assert (
            agent is not None
        ), f"Trying to get completed data from unassigned unit {unit}"
        return {
            "worker_id": agent.worker_id,
            "unit_id": unit.db_id,
            "assignment_id": unit.assignment_id,
            "status": agent.db_status,
            "data": agent.state.get_parsed_data(),
            "task_start": agent.state.get_task_start(),
            "task_end": agent.state.get_task_end(),

Return a dict containing all data associated with the given unit, including its status, data, and start and end time.

Also includes the DB ids for the worker, the unit, and the relevant assignment this unit was a part of.

#   def get_workers_with_qualification( self, qualification_name: str ) -> List[mephisto.data_model.worker.Worker]:
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    def get_workers_with_qualification(self, qualification_name: str) -> List[Worker]:
        Returns a list of 'Worker's for workers who are qualified wrt `qualification_name`.
        qual_list = self.db.find_qualifications(qualification_name=qualification_name)
        assert len(qual_list) >= 1, f"No qualification found named {qualification_name}"
        qualification_id = qual_list[0].db_id
        qualifieds = self.db.check_granted_qualifications(
            qualification_id=qualification_id, value=1
        return [Worker.get(self.db, qual.worker_id) for qual in qualifieds]

Returns a list of 'Worker's for workers who are qualified wrt qualification_name.