
View Source
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import boto3  # type: ignore
import os
import json
import re
from tqdm import tqdm  # type: ignore
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, List, Any
from datetime import datetime

from botocore import client  # type: ignore
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError, ProfileNotFound  # type: ignore
from botocore.config import Config  # type: ignore
from omegaconf import DictConfig

from mephisto.data_model.qualification import QUAL_EXISTS, QUAL_NOT_EXIST
from mephisto.utils.logger_core import get_logger, format_loud
from mephisto.operations.config_handler import get_config_arg

logger = get_logger(name=__name__)


MTurkClient = Any

MTURK_LOCALE_REQUIREMENT = "00000000000000000071"

botoconfig = Config(retries=dict(max_attempts=10))

    "You have already created a QualificationType with this name."

def client_is_sandbox(client: MTurkClient) -> bool:
    Determine if the given client is communicating with
    the live server or a sandbox
    return client.meta.endpoint_url == SANDBOX_ENDPOINT

def check_aws_credentials(profile_name: str) -> bool:
        # Check existing credentials
        return True
    except ProfileNotFound:
        return False

def setup_aws_credentials(
    profile_name: str, register_args: Optional[DictConfig] = None
) -> bool:
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser("~/.aws/")):
    aws_credentials_file_path = "~/.aws/credentials"
    expanded_aws_file_path = os.path.expanduser(aws_credentials_file_path)
        # Check existing credentials
        if register_args is not None:
            # Eventually we could manually re-parse the file and see
            # if the credentials line up or not, then fix ourselves
            aws_credentials_file_string = ""
            with open(expanded_aws_file_path, "r") as aws_credentials_file:
                aws_credentials_file_string =
            # accessing the aws_credentials_file
            aws_credentials = aws_credentials_file_string.split("\n")
            # iterating to get the profile

            for credentialIndex in range(0, len(aws_credentials)):
                if str(aws_credentials[credentialIndex]).startswith(
                        credentialIndex + 1
                    ] = "aws_access_key_id={}\n".format(register_args.access_key_id)
                        credentialIndex + 2
                    ] = "aws_access_key_id={}\n".format(register_args.access_key_id)

            with open(expanded_aws_file_path, "w") as aws_credentials_file:
                # overWrite login details
                    f"We found an existing entry for {profile_name}. As new credentials have been provided, "
                    f"we're updating the credentials, overwriting ones that already existed for the profile "
        return True

    except ProfileNotFound:
        # Setup new credentials
        if register_args is not None:
            aws_access_key_id = register_args.access_key_id
            aws_secret_access_key = register_args.secret_access_key
                f"AWS credentials for {profile_name} not found. Please create "
                "an IAM user with "
                "programmatic access and AdministratorAccess policy at "
                ' (On the "Set permissions" '
                'page, choose "Attach existing policies directly" and then select '
                '"AdministratorAccess" policy). After creating the IAM user, '
                "please enter the user's Access Key ID and Secret Access "
                "Key below:"
            aws_access_key_id = input("Access Key ID: ")
            aws_secret_access_key = input("Secret Access Key: ")
        aws_credentials_file_string = ""
        if os.path.exists(expanded_aws_file_path):
            with open(expanded_aws_file_path, "r") as aws_credentials_file:
                aws_credentials_file_string =
        with open(expanded_aws_file_path, "a+") as aws_credentials_file:
            # Clean up file
            if aws_credentials_file_string:
                if aws_credentials_file_string.endswith("\n\n"):
                elif aws_credentials_file_string.endswith("\n"):
            # Write login details
            "AWS credentials successfully saved in {} file.\n".format(
        return True

def calculate_mturk_task_fee(task_amount: float) -> float:
    MTurk Pricing:
    20% fee on the reward and bonus amount (if any) you pay Workers.
    return MTURK_TASK_FEE * task_amount

def calculate_mturk_bonus_fee(bonus_amount: float) -> float:
    MTurk Pricing:
    20% fee on the reward and bonus amount (if any) you pay Workers.
    return MTURK_BONUS_FEE * bonus_amount

def get_requester_balance(client: MTurkClient) -> float:
    """Get the balance for the requester associated with this client"""
    return float(client.get_account_balance()["AvailableBalance"])

def check_mturk_balance(client: MTurkClient, balance_needed: float):
    """Checks to see if there is at least balance_needed amount in the
    requester account, returns True if the balance is greater than
    # Test that you can connect to the API by checking your account balance
    # In Sandbox this always returns $10,000
        user_balance = float(client.get_account_balance()["AvailableBalance"])
    except ClientError as e:
        if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "RequestError":
                "ERROR: To use the MTurk API, you will need an Amazon Web "
                "Services (AWS) Account. Your AWS account must be linked to "
                "your Amazon Mechanical Turk Account. Visit "
                " to get started. "
                "(Note: if you have recently linked your account, please wait "
                "for a couple minutes before trying again.)\n"

    if user_balance < balance_needed:
            "You might not have enough money in your MTurk account. Please go "
            "to and increase your balance "
            "to at least ${}, and then try again.".format(balance_needed)
        return False
        return True

def create_hit_config(
    opt: Dict[str, Any], task_description: str, unique_worker: bool, is_sandbox: bool
) -> None:
    """Writes a HIT config to file"""
    mturk_submit_url = ""
    if not is_sandbox:
        mturk_submit_url = ""
    hit_config = {
        "task_description": task_description,
        "is_sandbox": is_sandbox,
        "mturk_submit_url": mturk_submit_url,
        "unique_worker": unique_worker,
        "frame_height": opt.get("frame_height", 0),
        "allow_reviews": opt.get("allow_reviews", False),
        "block_mobile": opt.get("block_mobile", True),
        # Populate the chat pane title from chat_title, defaulting to the
        # hit_title if the task provides no chat_title
        "chat_title": opt.get("chat_title", opt.get("hit_title", "Live Chat")),
        "template_type": opt.get("frontend_template_type", "default"),
    hit_config_file_path = os.path.join(opt["tmp_dir"], "hit_config.json")
    if os.path.exists(hit_config_file_path):
    with open(hit_config_file_path, "w") as hit_config_file:

def delete_qualification(client: MTurkClient, qualification_id: str) -> None:
    """Deletes a qualification by id"""

def find_qualification(
    client: MTurkClient, qualification_name: str, must_be_owned: bool = True
) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]:
    """Query amazon to find the existing qualification name, return the Id,
    otherwise return none.
    If must_be_owned is true, it only returns qualifications owned by the user.
    Will return False if it finds another's qualification

    The return format is (meets_owner_constraint, qual_id)
    # Search for the qualification owned by the current user
    response = client.list_qualification_types(
        Query=qualification_name, MustBeRequestable=True, MustBeOwnedByCaller=True
    for qualification in response["QualificationTypes"]:
        if qualification["Name"] == qualification_name:
            return (True, qualification["QualificationTypeId"])

    # Qualification was not found to exist, check to see if someone else has it
    response = client.list_qualification_types(
        Query=qualification_name, MustBeRequestable=True, MustBeOwnedByCaller=False

    for qualification in response["QualificationTypes"]:
        if qualification["Name"] == qualification_name:
            if must_be_owned:
                return (False, qualification["QualificationTypeId"])
            return (True, qualification["QualificationTypeId"])
    return (True, None)

def find_or_create_qualification(
    client: MTurkClient,
    qualification_name: str,
    description: str,
    must_be_owned: bool = True,
) -> Optional[str]:
    """Query amazon to find the existing qualification name, return the Id. If
    it exists and must_be_owned is true but we don't own it, this returns none.
    If it doesn't exist, the qualification is created

    def _try_finding_qual_id():
        qual_usable, qual_id = find_qualification(
            client, qualification_name, must_be_owned=must_be_owned
        if qual_id is None:
            return False, None
        elif qual_usable is False:
            return True, None
            return True, qual_id

    found_qual, qual_id = _try_finding_qual_id()
    if found_qual:
        return qual_id

    # Create the qualification, as it doesn't exist yet
        response = client.create_qualification_type(
    except ClientError as e:
        msg = e.response.get("Error", {}).get("Message")
        if msg is not None and msg.startswith(QUALIFICATION_TYPE_EXISTS_MESSAGE):
            # Created this qualification somewhere else - find instead
            found_qual, qual_id = _try_finding_qual_id()
            assert found_qual, "Qualification exists, but could not be found?"
            return qual_id
            raise e

    return response["QualificationType"]["QualificationTypeId"]

def give_worker_qualification(
    client: MTurkClient,
    worker_id: str,
    qualification_id: str,
    value: Optional[int] = None,
) -> None:
    """Give a qualification to the given worker"""
    if value is not None:

def remove_worker_qualification(
    client: MTurkClient, worker_id: str, qualification_id: str, reason: str = ""
) -> None:
    """Give a qualification to the given worker"""
        QualificationTypeId=qualification_id, WorkerId=worker_id, Reason=reason

def convert_mephisto_qualifications(
    client: MTurkClient, qualifications: List[Dict[str, Any]]
    """Convert qualifications from mephisto's format to MTurk's"""
    converted_qualifications = []
    for qualification in qualifications:
        converted = {}
        mturk_keys = [
        for key in mturk_keys:
            converted[key] = qualification.get(key)

        if converted["QualificationTypeId"] is None:
            qualification_name = qualification["qualification_name"]
            if client_is_sandbox(client):
                qualification_name += "_sandbox"
            qual_id = find_or_create_qualification(
                "Qualification required for Mephisto-launched tasks",
            if qual_id is None:
                    f"Qualification name {qualification_name} can not be found or created on MTurk. "
                    f"{format_loud('SKIPPING THIS QUALIFICATION')} and continuing conversion."
            converted["QualificationTypeId"] = qual_id

        if converted["Comparator"] is None:
            converted["Comparator"] = qualification["comparator"]

        # if no Mturk Values are set, pull from the qualification's value
        if (
            converted["IntegerValue"] is None
            and converted["IntegerValues"] is None
            and converted["LocaleValues"] is None
            and converted["Comparator"] not in [QUAL_EXISTS, QUAL_NOT_EXIST]
            value = qualification["value"]
            if isinstance(value, list):
                converted["IntegerValues"] = value
            elif isinstance(value, int):
                converted["IntegerValue"] = value

        # IntegerValue is deprecated, and needs conversion to IntegerValues
        if converted["IntegerValue"] is not None:
            converted["IntegerValues"] = [converted["IntegerValue"]]
        del converted["IntegerValue"]

        if converted["IntegerValues"] is None:
            del converted["IntegerValues"]

        if converted["LocaleValues"] is None:
            del converted["LocaleValues"]

        if converted["ActionsGuarded"] is None:
            converted["ActionsGuarded"] = "DiscoverPreviewAndAccept"

    return converted_qualifications

def create_hit_type(
    client: MTurkClient,
    task_args: "DictConfig",  # MephistoConfig.task
    qualifications: List[Dict[str, Any]],
    auto_approve_delay: Optional[int] = 7 * 24 * 3600,  # default 1 week
) -> str:
    """Create a HIT type to be used to generate HITs of the requested params"""
    hit_title = task_args.task_title
    hit_description = task_args.task_description
    hit_keywords = ",".join(task_args.task_tags)
    hit_reward = task_args.task_reward
    assignment_duration_in_seconds = task_args.assignment_duration_in_seconds
    existing_qualifications = convert_mephisto_qualifications(client, qualifications)

    # If the user hasn't specified a location qualification, we assume to
    # restrict the HIT to some english-speaking countries.
    locale_requirements: List[Any] = []
    has_locale_qual = skip_locale_qual
    if existing_qualifications is not None:
        for q in existing_qualifications:
            if q["QualificationTypeId"] == MTURK_LOCALE_REQUIREMENT:
                has_locale_qual = True
        locale_requirements += existing_qualifications

    if not has_locale_qual and not client_is_sandbox(client):
        allowed_locales = get_config_arg("mturk", "allowed_locales")
        if allowed_locales is None:
            allowed_locales = [
                {"Country": "US"},
                {"Country": "CA"},
                {"Country": "GB"},
                {"Country": "AU"},
                {"Country": "NZ"},
                "QualificationTypeId": MTURK_LOCALE_REQUIREMENT,
                "Comparator": "In",
                "LocaleValues": allowed_locales,
                "ActionsGuarded": "DiscoverPreviewAndAccept",

    # Create the HIT type
    response = client.create_hit_type(
    hit_type_id = response["HITTypeId"]
    return hit_type_id

def create_compensation_hit_with_hit_type(
    client: MTurkClient,
    reason: str,
    hit_type_id: str,
    num_assignments: int = 1,
) -> Tuple[str, str, Dict[str, Any]]:
    """Creates a simple compensation HIT to direct workers to submit"""
    amazon_ext_url = (
    question_data_structure = (
        f'<QuestionForm xmlns="{amazon_ext_url}">'
        "<DisplayName>Confirm Worker ID</DisplayName>"
        f"<Text>This compensation task was launched for the following reason: {reason}... Enter Worker ID to submit</Text>"
        '<Length minLength="2" />'
        '<AnswerFormatRegex regex="\S" errorText="The content cannot be blank."/>'

    is_sandbox = client_is_sandbox(client)

    # Create the HIT
    response = client.create_hit_with_hit_type(
        LifetimeInSeconds=60 * 60 * 24 * 31,

    # The response included several fields that will be helpful later
    hit_type_id = response["HIT"]["HITTypeId"]
    hit_id = response["HIT"]["HITId"]

    # Construct the hit URL
    url_target = "workersandbox"
    if not is_sandbox:
        url_target = "www"
    hit_link = "https://{}{}".format(
        url_target, hit_type_id
    return hit_link, hit_id, response

def create_hit_with_hit_type(
    client: MTurkClient,
    frame_height: int,
    page_url: str,
    hit_type_id: str,
    num_assignments: int = 1,
) -> Tuple[str, str, Dict[str, Any]]:
    """Creates the actual HIT given the type and page to direct clients to"""
    page_url = page_url.replace("&", "&amp;")
    amazon_ext_url = (
    question_data_structure = (
        '<ExternalQuestion xmlns="{}">'
        "<ExternalURL>{}</ExternalURL>"  # noqa: E131
        "".format(amazon_ext_url, page_url, frame_height)

    is_sandbox = client_is_sandbox(client)

    # Create the HIT
    response = client.create_hit_with_hit_type(
        LifetimeInSeconds=60 * 60 * 24 * 31,

    # The response included several fields that will be helpful later
    hit_type_id = response["HIT"]["HITTypeId"]
    hit_id = response["HIT"]["HITId"]

    # Construct the hit URL
    url_target = "workersandbox"
    if not is_sandbox:
        url_target = "www"
    hit_link = "https://{}{}".format(
        url_target, hit_type_id
    return hit_link, hit_id, response

def expire_hit(client: MTurkClient, hit_id: str):
    # Update expiration to a time in the past, the HIT expires instantly
    past_time = datetime(2015, 1, 1)
    client.update_expiration_for_hit(HITId=hit_id, ExpireAt=past_time)

def get_hit(client: MTurkClient, hit_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Get hit from mturk by hit_id"""
    hit = None
        return client.get_hit(HITId=hit_id)
    except ClientError as er:
            f"Skipping HIT {hit_id}. Unable to retrieve due to ClientError: {er}."
    return {}

def get_assignment(client: MTurkClient, assignment_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Gets assignment from mturk by assignment_id. Only works if the
    assignment is in a completed state
    return client.get_assignment(AssignmentId=assignment_id)

def get_assignments_for_hit(client: MTurkClient, hit_id: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
    """Get completed assignments for a hit"""
    assignments_info = client.list_assignments_for_hit(HITId=hit_id)
    return assignments_info.get("Assignments", [])

def approve_work(
    client: MTurkClient, assignment_id: str, override_rejection: bool = False
) -> None:
    """approve work for a given assignment through the mturk client"""
            AssignmentId=assignment_id, OverrideRejection=override_rejection
    except Exception as e:
            f"Approving MTurk assignment failed, likely because it has auto-approved. Details: {e}",

def reject_work(client: MTurkClient, assignment_id: str, reason: str) -> None:
    """reject work for a given assignment through the mturk client"""
        client.reject_assignment(AssignmentId=assignment_id, RequesterFeedback=reason)
    except Exception as e:
            f"Rejecting MTurk assignment failed, likely because it has auto-approved. Details:{e}",

def approve_assignments_for_hit(
    client: MTurkClient, hit_id: str, override_rejection: bool = False
    """Approve work for assignments associated with a given hit, through
    mturk client
    assignments = get_assignments_for_hit(client, hit_id)
    for assignment in assignments:
        assignment_id = assignment["AssignmentId"]
            AssignmentId=assignment_id, OverrideRejection=override_rejection

def block_worker(client: MTurkClient, worker_id: str, reason: str) -> None:
    """Block a worker by id using the mturk client, passes reason along"""
    res = client.create_worker_block(WorkerId=worker_id, Reason=reason)

def unblock_worker(client: MTurkClient, worker_id: str, reason: str) -> None:
    """Remove a block on the given worker"""
    client.delete_worker_block(WorkerId=worker_id, Reason=reason)

def is_worker_blocked(client: MTurkClient, worker_id: str) -> bool:
    """Determine if the given worker is blocked by this client"""
    blocks = client.list_worker_blocks(MaxResults=100)["WorkerBlocks"]
    blocked_ids = [x["WorkerId"] for x in blocks]
    return worker_id in blocked_ids

def pay_bonus(
    client: MTurkClient,
    worker_id: str,
    bonus_amount: float,
    assignment_id: str,
    reason: str,
    unique_request_token: str,
) -> bool:
    """Handles paying bonus to a Turker, fails for insufficient funds.
    Returns True on success and False on failure
    total_cost = bonus_amount + calculate_mturk_bonus_fee(bonus_amount)
    if not check_mturk_balance(client, balance_needed=total_cost):
        print("Cannot pay bonus. Reason: Insufficient " "funds in your MTurk account.")
        return False


    return True

def email_worker(
    client: MTurkClient, worker_id: str, subject: str, message_text: str
) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
    """Send an email to a worker through the mturk client"""
    response = client.notify_workers(
        Subject=subject, MessageText=message_text, WorkerIds=[worker_id]
    if len(response["NotifyWorkersFailureStatuses"]) > 0:
        failure_message = response["NotifyWorkersFailureStatuses"][0]
        return (False, failure_message["NotifyWorkersFailureMessage"])
        return (True, "")

def get_outstanding_hits(client: MTurkClient) -> Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
    """Return the HITs sorted by HITTypeId that are still on the MTurk Server"""
    new_hits = client.list_hits(MaxResults=100)
    all_hits = new_hits["HITs"]
    while len(new_hits["HITs"]) > 0:
        new_hits = client.list_hits(MaxResults=100, NextToken=new_hits["NextToken"])
        all_hits += new_hits["HITs"]

    hit_by_type: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]] = {}
    for h in all_hits:
        hit_type = h["HITTypeId"]
        if hit_type not in hit_by_type:
            hit_by_type[hit_type] = []

    return hit_by_type

def expire_and_dispose_hits(
    client: MTurkClient, hits: List[Dict[str, Any]], quiet: bool = False
) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
    Loops over attempting to expire and dispose any hits in the hits list that can be disposed
    Returns any HITs that could not be disposed of
    non_disposed_hits = []
    for h in tqdm(hits, disable=quiet):
        except Exception as e:
                HITId=h["HITId"], ExpireAt=datetime(2015, 1, 1)
            h["dispose_exception"] = e
    return non_disposed_hits
#   def client_is_sandbox(client: Any) -> bool:
View Source
def client_is_sandbox(client: MTurkClient) -> bool:
    Determine if the given client is communicating with
    the live server or a sandbox
    return client.meta.endpoint_url == SANDBOX_ENDPOINT

Determine if the given client is communicating with the live server or a sandbox

#   def check_aws_credentials(profile_name: str) -> bool:
View Source
def check_aws_credentials(profile_name: str) -> bool:
        # Check existing credentials
        return True
    except ProfileNotFound:
        return False
#   def setup_aws_credentials( profile_name: str, register_args: Union[omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig, NoneType] = None ) -> bool:
View Source
def setup_aws_credentials(
    profile_name: str, register_args: Optional[DictConfig] = None
) -> bool:
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser("~/.aws/")):
    aws_credentials_file_path = "~/.aws/credentials"
    expanded_aws_file_path = os.path.expanduser(aws_credentials_file_path)
        # Check existing credentials
        if register_args is not None:
            # Eventually we could manually re-parse the file and see
            # if the credentials line up or not, then fix ourselves
            aws_credentials_file_string = ""
            with open(expanded_aws_file_path, "r") as aws_credentials_file:
                aws_credentials_file_string =
            # accessing the aws_credentials_file
            aws_credentials = aws_credentials_file_string.split("\n")
            # iterating to get the profile

            for credentialIndex in range(0, len(aws_credentials)):
                if str(aws_credentials[credentialIndex]).startswith(
                        credentialIndex + 1
                    ] = "aws_access_key_id={}\n".format(register_args.access_key_id)
                        credentialIndex + 2
                    ] = "aws_access_key_id={}\n".format(register_args.access_key_id)

            with open(expanded_aws_file_path, "w") as aws_credentials_file:
                # overWrite login details
                    f"We found an existing entry for {profile_name}. As new credentials have been provided, "
                    f"we're updating the credentials, overwriting ones that already existed for the profile "
        return True

    except ProfileNotFound:
        # Setup new credentials
        if register_args is not None:
            aws_access_key_id = register_args.access_key_id
            aws_secret_access_key = register_args.secret_access_key
                f"AWS credentials for {profile_name} not found. Please create "
                "an IAM user with "
                "programmatic access and AdministratorAccess policy at "
                ' (On the "Set permissions" '
                'page, choose "Attach existing policies directly" and then select '
                '"AdministratorAccess" policy). After creating the IAM user, '
                "please enter the user's Access Key ID and Secret Access "
                "Key below:"
            aws_access_key_id = input("Access Key ID: ")
            aws_secret_access_key = input("Secret Access Key: ")
        aws_credentials_file_string = ""
        if os.path.exists(expanded_aws_file_path):
            with open(expanded_aws_file_path, "r") as aws_credentials_file:
                aws_credentials_file_string =
        with open(expanded_aws_file_path, "a+") as aws_credentials_file:
            # Clean up file
            if aws_credentials_file_string:
                if aws_credentials_file_string.endswith("\n\n"):
                elif aws_credentials_file_string.endswith("\n"):
            # Write login details
            "AWS credentials successfully saved in {} file.\n".format(
        return True
#   def calculate_mturk_task_fee(task_amount: float) -> float:
View Source
def calculate_mturk_task_fee(task_amount: float) -> float:
    MTurk Pricing:
    20% fee on the reward and bonus amount (if any) you pay Workers.
    return MTURK_TASK_FEE * task_amount

MTurk Pricing: 20% fee on the reward and bonus amount (if any) you pay Workers.

#   def calculate_mturk_bonus_fee(bonus_amount: float) -> float:
View Source
def calculate_mturk_bonus_fee(bonus_amount: float) -> float:
    MTurk Pricing:
    20% fee on the reward and bonus amount (if any) you pay Workers.
    return MTURK_BONUS_FEE * bonus_amount

MTurk Pricing: 20% fee on the reward and bonus amount (if any) you pay Workers.

#   def get_requester_balance(client: Any) -> float:
View Source
def get_requester_balance(client: MTurkClient) -> float:
    """Get the balance for the requester associated with this client"""
    return float(client.get_account_balance()["AvailableBalance"])

Get the balance for the requester associated with this client

#   def check_mturk_balance(client: Any, balance_needed: float):
View Source
def check_mturk_balance(client: MTurkClient, balance_needed: float):
    """Checks to see if there is at least balance_needed amount in the
    requester account, returns True if the balance is greater than
    # Test that you can connect to the API by checking your account balance
    # In Sandbox this always returns $10,000
        user_balance = float(client.get_account_balance()["AvailableBalance"])
    except ClientError as e:
        if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "RequestError":
                "ERROR: To use the MTurk API, you will need an Amazon Web "
                "Services (AWS) Account. Your AWS account must be linked to "
                "your Amazon Mechanical Turk Account. Visit "
                " to get started. "
                "(Note: if you have recently linked your account, please wait "
                "for a couple minutes before trying again.)\n"

    if user_balance < balance_needed:
            "You might not have enough money in your MTurk account. Please go "
            "to and increase your balance "
            "to at least ${}, and then try again.".format(balance_needed)
        return False
        return True

Checks to see if there is at least balance_needed amount in the requester account, returns True if the balance is greater than balance_needed

#   def create_hit_config( opt: Dict[str, Any], task_description: str, unique_worker: bool, is_sandbox: bool ) -> None:
View Source
def create_hit_config(
    opt: Dict[str, Any], task_description: str, unique_worker: bool, is_sandbox: bool
) -> None:
    """Writes a HIT config to file"""
    mturk_submit_url = ""
    if not is_sandbox:
        mturk_submit_url = ""
    hit_config = {
        "task_description": task_description,
        "is_sandbox": is_sandbox,
        "mturk_submit_url": mturk_submit_url,
        "unique_worker": unique_worker,
        "frame_height": opt.get("frame_height", 0),
        "allow_reviews": opt.get("allow_reviews", False),
        "block_mobile": opt.get("block_mobile", True),
        # Populate the chat pane title from chat_title, defaulting to the
        # hit_title if the task provides no chat_title
        "chat_title": opt.get("chat_title", opt.get("hit_title", "Live Chat")),
        "template_type": opt.get("frontend_template_type", "default"),
    hit_config_file_path = os.path.join(opt["tmp_dir"], "hit_config.json")
    if os.path.exists(hit_config_file_path):
    with open(hit_config_file_path, "w") as hit_config_file:

Writes a HIT config to file

#   def delete_qualification(client: Any, qualification_id: str) -> None:
View Source
def delete_qualification(client: MTurkClient, qualification_id: str) -> None:
    """Deletes a qualification by id"""

Deletes a qualification by id

#   def find_qualification( client: Any, qualification_name: str, must_be_owned: bool = True ) -> Tuple[bool, Union[str, NoneType]]:
View Source
def find_qualification(
    client: MTurkClient, qualification_name: str, must_be_owned: bool = True
) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]:
    """Query amazon to find the existing qualification name, return the Id,
    otherwise return none.
    If must_be_owned is true, it only returns qualifications owned by the user.
    Will return False if it finds another's qualification

    The return format is (meets_owner_constraint, qual_id)
    # Search for the qualification owned by the current user
    response = client.list_qualification_types(
        Query=qualification_name, MustBeRequestable=True, MustBeOwnedByCaller=True
    for qualification in response["QualificationTypes"]:
        if qualification["Name"] == qualification_name:
            return (True, qualification["QualificationTypeId"])

    # Qualification was not found to exist, check to see if someone else has it
    response = client.list_qualification_types(
        Query=qualification_name, MustBeRequestable=True, MustBeOwnedByCaller=False

    for qualification in response["QualificationTypes"]:
        if qualification["Name"] == qualification_name:
            if must_be_owned:
                return (False, qualification["QualificationTypeId"])
            return (True, qualification["QualificationTypeId"])
    return (True, None)

Query amazon to find the existing qualification name, return the Id, otherwise return none. If must_be_owned is true, it only returns qualifications owned by the user. Will return False if it finds another's qualification

The return format is (meets_owner_constraint, qual_id)

#   def find_or_create_qualification( client: Any, qualification_name: str, description: str, must_be_owned: bool = True ) -> Union[str, NoneType]:
View Source
def find_or_create_qualification(
    client: MTurkClient,
    qualification_name: str,
    description: str,
    must_be_owned: bool = True,
) -> Optional[str]:
    """Query amazon to find the existing qualification name, return the Id. If
    it exists and must_be_owned is true but we don't own it, this returns none.
    If it doesn't exist, the qualification is created

    def _try_finding_qual_id():
        qual_usable, qual_id = find_qualification(
            client, qualification_name, must_be_owned=must_be_owned
        if qual_id is None:
            return False, None
        elif qual_usable is False:
            return True, None
            return True, qual_id

    found_qual, qual_id = _try_finding_qual_id()
    if found_qual:
        return qual_id

    # Create the qualification, as it doesn't exist yet
        response = client.create_qualification_type(
    except ClientError as e:
        msg = e.response.get("Error", {}).get("Message")
        if msg is not None and msg.startswith(QUALIFICATION_TYPE_EXISTS_MESSAGE):
            # Created this qualification somewhere else - find instead
            found_qual, qual_id = _try_finding_qual_id()
            assert found_qual, "Qualification exists, but could not be found?"
            return qual_id
            raise e

    return response["QualificationType"]["QualificationTypeId"]

Query amazon to find the existing qualification name, return the Id. If it exists and must_be_owned is true but we don't own it, this returns none. If it doesn't exist, the qualification is created

#   def give_worker_qualification( client: Any, worker_id: str, qualification_id: str, value: Union[int, NoneType] = None ) -> None:
View Source
def give_worker_qualification(
    client: MTurkClient,
    worker_id: str,
    qualification_id: str,
    value: Optional[int] = None,
) -> None:
    """Give a qualification to the given worker"""
    if value is not None:

Give a qualification to the given worker

#   def remove_worker_qualification( client: Any, worker_id: str, qualification_id: str, reason: str = '' ) -> None:
View Source
def remove_worker_qualification(
    client: MTurkClient, worker_id: str, qualification_id: str, reason: str = ""
) -> None:
    """Give a qualification to the given worker"""
        QualificationTypeId=qualification_id, WorkerId=worker_id, Reason=reason

Give a qualification to the given worker

#   def convert_mephisto_qualifications(client: Any, qualifications: List[Dict[str, Any]]):
View Source
def convert_mephisto_qualifications(
    client: MTurkClient, qualifications: List[Dict[str, Any]]
    """Convert qualifications from mephisto's format to MTurk's"""
    converted_qualifications = []
    for qualification in qualifications:
        converted = {}
        mturk_keys = [
        for key in mturk_keys:
            converted[key] = qualification.get(key)

        if converted["QualificationTypeId"] is None:
            qualification_name = qualification["qualification_name"]
            if client_is_sandbox(client):
                qualification_name += "_sandbox"
            qual_id = find_or_create_qualification(
                "Qualification required for Mephisto-launched tasks",
            if qual_id is None:
                    f"Qualification name {qualification_name} can not be found or created on MTurk. "
                    f"{format_loud('SKIPPING THIS QUALIFICATION')} and continuing conversion."
            converted["QualificationTypeId"] = qual_id

        if converted["Comparator"] is None:
            converted["Comparator"] = qualification["comparator"]

        # if no Mturk Values are set, pull from the qualification's value
        if (
            converted["IntegerValue"] is None
            and converted["IntegerValues"] is None
            and converted["LocaleValues"] is None
            and converted["Comparator"] not in [QUAL_EXISTS, QUAL_NOT_EXIST]
            value = qualification["value"]
            if isinstance(value, list):
                converted["IntegerValues"] = value
            elif isinstance(value, int):
                converted["IntegerValue"] = value

        # IntegerValue is deprecated, and needs conversion to IntegerValues
        if converted["IntegerValue"] is not None:
            converted["IntegerValues"] = [converted["IntegerValue"]]
        del converted["IntegerValue"]

        if converted["IntegerValues"] is None:
            del converted["IntegerValues"]

        if converted["LocaleValues"] is None:
            del converted["LocaleValues"]

        if converted["ActionsGuarded"] is None:
            converted["ActionsGuarded"] = "DiscoverPreviewAndAccept"

    return converted_qualifications

Convert qualifications from mephisto's format to MTurk's

#   def create_hit_type( client: Any, task_args: omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig, qualifications: List[Dict[str, Any]], auto_approve_delay: Union[int, NoneType] = 604800, skip_locale_qual=False ) -> str:
View Source
def create_hit_type(
    client: MTurkClient,
    task_args: "DictConfig",  # MephistoConfig.task
    qualifications: List[Dict[str, Any]],
    auto_approve_delay: Optional[int] = 7 * 24 * 3600,  # default 1 week
) -> str:
    """Create a HIT type to be used to generate HITs of the requested params"""
    hit_title = task_args.task_title
    hit_description = task_args.task_description
    hit_keywords = ",".join(task_args.task_tags)
    hit_reward = task_args.task_reward
    assignment_duration_in_seconds = task_args.assignment_duration_in_seconds
    existing_qualifications = convert_mephisto_qualifications(client, qualifications)

    # If the user hasn't specified a location qualification, we assume to
    # restrict the HIT to some english-speaking countries.
    locale_requirements: List[Any] = []
    has_locale_qual = skip_locale_qual
    if existing_qualifications is not None:
        for q in existing_qualifications:
            if q["QualificationTypeId"] == MTURK_LOCALE_REQUIREMENT:
                has_locale_qual = True
        locale_requirements += existing_qualifications

    if not has_locale_qual and not client_is_sandbox(client):
        allowed_locales = get_config_arg("mturk", "allowed_locales")
        if allowed_locales is None:
            allowed_locales = [
                {"Country": "US"},
                {"Country": "CA"},
                {"Country": "GB"},
                {"Country": "AU"},
                {"Country": "NZ"},
                "QualificationTypeId": MTURK_LOCALE_REQUIREMENT,
                "Comparator": "In",
                "LocaleValues": allowed_locales,
                "ActionsGuarded": "DiscoverPreviewAndAccept",

    # Create the HIT type
    response = client.create_hit_type(
    hit_type_id = response["HITTypeId"]
    return hit_type_id

Create a HIT type to be used to generate HITs of the requested params

#   def create_compensation_hit_with_hit_type( client: Any, reason: str, hit_type_id: str, num_assignments: int = 1 ) -> Tuple[str, str, Dict[str, Any]]:
View Source
def create_compensation_hit_with_hit_type(
    client: MTurkClient,
    reason: str,
    hit_type_id: str,
    num_assignments: int = 1,
) -> Tuple[str, str, Dict[str, Any]]:
    """Creates a simple compensation HIT to direct workers to submit"""
    amazon_ext_url = (
    question_data_structure = (
        f'<QuestionForm xmlns="{amazon_ext_url}">'
        "<DisplayName>Confirm Worker ID</DisplayName>"
        f"<Text>This compensation task was launched for the following reason: {reason}... Enter Worker ID to submit</Text>"
        '<Length minLength="2" />'
        '<AnswerFormatRegex regex="\S" errorText="The content cannot be blank."/>'

    is_sandbox = client_is_sandbox(client)

    # Create the HIT
    response = client.create_hit_with_hit_type(
        LifetimeInSeconds=60 * 60 * 24 * 31,

    # The response included several fields that will be helpful later
    hit_type_id = response["HIT"]["HITTypeId"]
    hit_id = response["HIT"]["HITId"]

    # Construct the hit URL
    url_target = "workersandbox"
    if not is_sandbox:
        url_target = "www"
    hit_link = "https://{}{}".format(
        url_target, hit_type_id
    return hit_link, hit_id, response

Creates a simple compensation HIT to direct workers to submit

#   def create_hit_with_hit_type( client: Any, frame_height: int, page_url: str, hit_type_id: str, num_assignments: int = 1 ) -> Tuple[str, str, Dict[str, Any]]:
View Source
def create_hit_with_hit_type(
    client: MTurkClient,
    frame_height: int,
    page_url: str,
    hit_type_id: str,
    num_assignments: int = 1,
) -> Tuple[str, str, Dict[str, Any]]:
    """Creates the actual HIT given the type and page to direct clients to"""
    page_url = page_url.replace("&", "&amp;")
    amazon_ext_url = (
    question_data_structure = (
        '<ExternalQuestion xmlns="{}">'
        "<ExternalURL>{}</ExternalURL>"  # noqa: E131
        "".format(amazon_ext_url, page_url, frame_height)

    is_sandbox = client_is_sandbox(client)

    # Create the HIT
    response = client.create_hit_with_hit_type(
        LifetimeInSeconds=60 * 60 * 24 * 31,

    # The response included several fields that will be helpful later
    hit_type_id = response["HIT"]["HITTypeId"]
    hit_id = response["HIT"]["HITId"]

    # Construct the hit URL
    url_target = "workersandbox"
    if not is_sandbox:
        url_target = "www"
    hit_link = "https://{}{}".format(
        url_target, hit_type_id
    return hit_link, hit_id, response

Creates the actual HIT given the type and page to direct clients to

#   def expire_hit(client: Any, hit_id: str):
View Source
def expire_hit(client: MTurkClient, hit_id: str):
    # Update expiration to a time in the past, the HIT expires instantly
    past_time = datetime(2015, 1, 1)
    client.update_expiration_for_hit(HITId=hit_id, ExpireAt=past_time)
#   def get_hit(client: Any, hit_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
View Source
def get_hit(client: MTurkClient, hit_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Get hit from mturk by hit_id"""
    hit = None
        return client.get_hit(HITId=hit_id)
    except ClientError as er:
            f"Skipping HIT {hit_id}. Unable to retrieve due to ClientError: {er}."
    return {}

Get hit from mturk by hit_id

#   def get_assignment(client: Any, assignment_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
View Source
def get_assignment(client: MTurkClient, assignment_id: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Gets assignment from mturk by assignment_id. Only works if the
    assignment is in a completed state
    return client.get_assignment(AssignmentId=assignment_id)

Gets assignment from mturk by assignment_id. Only works if the assignment is in a completed state

#   def get_assignments_for_hit(client: Any, hit_id: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
View Source
def get_assignments_for_hit(client: MTurkClient, hit_id: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
    """Get completed assignments for a hit"""
    assignments_info = client.list_assignments_for_hit(HITId=hit_id)
    return assignments_info.get("Assignments", [])

Get completed assignments for a hit

#   def approve_work( client: Any, assignment_id: str, override_rejection: bool = False ) -> None:
View Source
def approve_work(
    client: MTurkClient, assignment_id: str, override_rejection: bool = False
) -> None:
    """approve work for a given assignment through the mturk client"""
            AssignmentId=assignment_id, OverrideRejection=override_rejection
    except Exception as e:
            f"Approving MTurk assignment failed, likely because it has auto-approved. Details: {e}",

approve work for a given assignment through the mturk client

#   def reject_work(client: Any, assignment_id: str, reason: str) -> None:
View Source
def reject_work(client: MTurkClient, assignment_id: str, reason: str) -> None:
    """reject work for a given assignment through the mturk client"""
        client.reject_assignment(AssignmentId=assignment_id, RequesterFeedback=reason)
    except Exception as e:
            f"Rejecting MTurk assignment failed, likely because it has auto-approved. Details:{e}",

reject work for a given assignment through the mturk client

#   def approve_assignments_for_hit(client: Any, hit_id: str, override_rejection: bool = False):
View Source
def approve_assignments_for_hit(
    client: MTurkClient, hit_id: str, override_rejection: bool = False
    """Approve work for assignments associated with a given hit, through
    mturk client
    assignments = get_assignments_for_hit(client, hit_id)
    for assignment in assignments:
        assignment_id = assignment["AssignmentId"]
            AssignmentId=assignment_id, OverrideRejection=override_rejection

Approve work for assignments associated with a given hit, through mturk client

#   def block_worker(client: Any, worker_id: str, reason: str) -> None:
View Source
def block_worker(client: MTurkClient, worker_id: str, reason: str) -> None:
    """Block a worker by id using the mturk client, passes reason along"""
    res = client.create_worker_block(WorkerId=worker_id, Reason=reason)

Block a worker by id using the mturk client, passes reason along

#   def unblock_worker(client: Any, worker_id: str, reason: str) -> None:
View Source
def unblock_worker(client: MTurkClient, worker_id: str, reason: str) -> None:
    """Remove a block on the given worker"""
    client.delete_worker_block(WorkerId=worker_id, Reason=reason)

Remove a block on the given worker

#   def is_worker_blocked(client: Any, worker_id: str) -> bool:
View Source
def is_worker_blocked(client: MTurkClient, worker_id: str) -> bool:
    """Determine if the given worker is blocked by this client"""
    blocks = client.list_worker_blocks(MaxResults=100)["WorkerBlocks"]
    blocked_ids = [x["WorkerId"] for x in blocks]
    return worker_id in blocked_ids

Determine if the given worker is blocked by this client

#   def pay_bonus( client: Any, worker_id: str, bonus_amount: float, assignment_id: str, reason: str, unique_request_token: str ) -> bool:
View Source
def pay_bonus(
    client: MTurkClient,
    worker_id: str,
    bonus_amount: float,
    assignment_id: str,
    reason: str,
    unique_request_token: str,
) -> bool:
    """Handles paying bonus to a Turker, fails for insufficient funds.
    Returns True on success and False on failure
    total_cost = bonus_amount + calculate_mturk_bonus_fee(bonus_amount)
    if not check_mturk_balance(client, balance_needed=total_cost):
        print("Cannot pay bonus. Reason: Insufficient " "funds in your MTurk account.")
        return False


    return True

Handles paying bonus to a Turker, fails for insufficient funds. Returns True on success and False on failure

#   def email_worker( client: Any, worker_id: str, subject: str, message_text: str ) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
View Source
def email_worker(
    client: MTurkClient, worker_id: str, subject: str, message_text: str
) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
    """Send an email to a worker through the mturk client"""
    response = client.notify_workers(
        Subject=subject, MessageText=message_text, WorkerIds=[worker_id]
    if len(response["NotifyWorkersFailureStatuses"]) > 0:
        failure_message = response["NotifyWorkersFailureStatuses"][0]
        return (False, failure_message["NotifyWorkersFailureMessage"])
        return (True, "")

Send an email to a worker through the mturk client

#   def get_outstanding_hits(client: Any) -> Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
View Source
def get_outstanding_hits(client: MTurkClient) -> Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
    """Return the HITs sorted by HITTypeId that are still on the MTurk Server"""
    new_hits = client.list_hits(MaxResults=100)
    all_hits = new_hits["HITs"]
    while len(new_hits["HITs"]) > 0:
        new_hits = client.list_hits(MaxResults=100, NextToken=new_hits["NextToken"])
        all_hits += new_hits["HITs"]

    hit_by_type: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]] = {}
    for h in all_hits:
        hit_type = h["HITTypeId"]
        if hit_type not in hit_by_type:
            hit_by_type[hit_type] = []

    return hit_by_type

Return the HITs sorted by HITTypeId that are still on the MTurk Server

#   def expire_and_dispose_hits( client: Any, hits: List[Dict[str, Any]], quiet: bool = False ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
View Source
def expire_and_dispose_hits(
    client: MTurkClient, hits: List[Dict[str, Any]], quiet: bool = False
) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
    Loops over attempting to expire and dispose any hits in the hits list that can be disposed
    Returns any HITs that could not be disposed of
    non_disposed_hits = []
    for h in tqdm(hits, disable=quiet):
        except Exception as e:
                HITId=h["HITId"], ExpireAt=datetime(2015, 1, 1)
            h["dispose_exception"] = e
    return non_disposed_hits

Loops over attempting to expire and dispose any hits in the hits list that can be disposed Returns any HITs that could not be disposed of