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#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) Meta Platforms and its affiliates. # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import boto3 # type: ignore import sqlite3 import os import threading import time from datetime import datetime from collections import defaultdict from botocore.exceptions import ClientError # type: ignore from botocore.exceptions import ProfileNotFound # type: ignore from mephisto.abstractions.databases.local_database import is_unique_failure from typing import Dict, Any, Optional from mephisto.utils.logger_core import get_logger logger = get_logger(name=__name__) MTURK_REGION_NAME = "us-east-1" CREATE_HITS_TABLE = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS hits ( hit_id TEXT PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE, unit_id TEXT, assignment_id TEXT, link TEXT, assignment_time_in_seconds INTEGER NOT NULL, creation_date DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); """ CREATE_RUN_MAP_TABLE = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS run_mappings ( hit_id TEXT, run_id TEXT ); """ CREATE_RUNS_TABLE = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS runs ( run_id TEXT PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE, arn_id TEXT, hit_type_id TEXT NOT NULL, hit_config_path TEXT NOT NULL, creation_date DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, frame_height INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 650 ); """ UPDATE_RUNS_TABLE_1 = """ALTER TABLE runs ADD COLUMN frame_height INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 650; """ CREATE_QUALIFICATIONS_TABLE = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS qualifications ( qualification_name TEXT PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE, requester_id TEXT, mturk_qualification_name TEXT, mturk_qualification_id TEXT, creation_date DATETIME DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); """ class MTurkDatastore: """ Handles storing multiple sessions for different requesters across a single mephisto thread (locked to a MephistoDB). Also creates a relevant tables for mapping between MTurk and mephisto. """ def __init__(self, datastore_root: str): """Initialize the session storage to empty, initialize tables if needed""" self.session_storage: Dict[str, boto3.Session] = {} self.table_access_condition = threading.Condition() self.conn: Dict[int, sqlite3.Connection] = {} self.db_path = os.path.join(datastore_root, "mturk.db") self.init_tables() self.datastore_root = datastore_root self._last_hit_mapping_update_times: Dict[str, float] = defaultdict( lambda: time.monotonic() ) def _get_connection(self) -> sqlite3.Connection: """Returns a singular database connection to be shared amongst all calls for a given thread. """ curr_thread = threading.get_ident() if curr_thread not in self.conn or self.conn[curr_thread] is None: conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_path) conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row self.conn[curr_thread] = conn return self.conn[curr_thread] def _mark_hit_mapping_update(self, unit_id: str) -> None: """ Update the last hit mapping time to mark a change to the hit mappings table and allow dependents to invalidate caches """ self._last_hit_mapping_update_times[unit_id] = time.monotonic() def init_tables(self) -> None: """ Run all the table creation SQL queries to ensure the expected tables exist """ with self.table_access_condition: conn = self._get_connection() conn.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = 1") with conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute(CREATE_HITS_TABLE) c.execute(CREATE_RUNS_TABLE) c.execute(CREATE_RUN_MAP_TABLE) c.execute(CREATE_QUALIFICATIONS_TABLE) with conn: try: c = conn.cursor() c.execute(UPDATE_RUNS_TABLE_1) except Exception as _e: pass # extra column already exists def is_hit_mapping_in_sync(self, unit_id: str, compare_time: float): """ Determine if a cached value from the given compare time is still valid """ return compare_time > self._last_hit_mapping_update_times[unit_id] def new_hit(self, hit_id: str, hit_link: str, duration: int, run_id: str) -> None: """Register a new HIT mapping in the table""" with self.table_access_condition, self._get_connection() as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """INSERT INTO hits( hit_id, link, assignment_time_in_seconds ) VALUES (?, ?, ?);""", (hit_id, hit_link, duration), ) c.execute( """INSERT INTO run_mappings( hit_id, run_id ) VALUES (?, ?);""", (hit_id, run_id), ) def get_unassigned_hit_ids(self, run_id: str): """ Return a list of all HIT ids that haven't been assigned """ with self.table_access_condition: conn = self._get_connection() c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """ SELECT hit_id, unit_id, run_id FROM hits INNER JOIN run_mappings USING (hit_id) WHERE unit_id IS NULL AND run_id = ?; """, (run_id,), ) results = c.fetchall() return [r["hit_id"] for r in results] def register_assignment_to_hit( self, hit_id: str, unit_id: Optional[str] = None, assignment_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Register a specific assignment and hit to the given unit, or clear the assignment after a return """ logger.debug( f"Attempting to assign HIT {hit_id}, Unit {unit_id}, Assignment {assignment_id}." ) with self.table_access_condition, self._get_connection() as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """ SELECT * from hits WHERE hit_id = ? """, (hit_id,), ) results = c.fetchall() if len(results) > 0 and results[0]["unit_id"] is not None: old_unit_id = results[0]["unit_id"] self._mark_hit_mapping_update(old_unit_id) logger.debug( f"Cleared HIT mapping cache for previous unit, {old_unit_id}" ) c.execute( """UPDATE hits SET assignment_id = ?, unit_id = ? WHERE hit_id = ? """, (assignment_id, unit_id, hit_id), ) if unit_id is not None: self._mark_hit_mapping_update(unit_id) def clear_hit_from_unit(self, unit_id: str) -> None: """ Clear the hit mapping that maps the given unit, if such a unit-hit map exists """ with self.table_access_condition, self._get_connection() as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """ SELECT * from hits WHERE unit_id = ? """, (unit_id,), ) results = c.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: return if len(results) > 1: print( "WARNING - UNIT HAD MORE THAN ONE HIT MAPPED TO IT!", unit_id, [dict(r) for r in results], ) result_hit_id = results[0]["hit_id"] c.execute( """UPDATE hits SET assignment_id = ?, unit_id = ? WHERE hit_id = ? """, (None, None, result_hit_id), ) self._mark_hit_mapping_update(unit_id) def get_hit_mapping(self, unit_id: str) -> sqlite3.Row: """Get the mapping between Mephisto IDs and MTurk ids""" with self.table_access_condition: conn = self._get_connection() c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """ SELECT * from hits WHERE unit_id = ? """, (unit_id,), ) results = c.fetchall() return results[0] def register_run( self, run_id: str, hit_type_id: str, hit_config_path: str, frame_height: int = 0, ) -> None: """Register a new task run in the mturk table""" with self.table_access_condition, self._get_connection() as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """INSERT INTO runs( run_id, arn_id, hit_type_id, hit_config_path, frame_height ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);""", (run_id, "unused", hit_type_id, hit_config_path, frame_height), ) def get_run(self, run_id: str) -> sqlite3.Row: """Get the details for a run by task_run_id""" with self.table_access_condition: conn = self._get_connection() c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """ SELECT * from runs WHERE run_id = ? """, (run_id,), ) results = c.fetchall() return results[0] def create_qualification_mapping( self, qualification_name: str, requester_id: str, mturk_qualification_name: str, mturk_qualification_id: str, ) -> None: """ Create a mapping between mephisto qualification name and mturk qualification details in the local datastore. Repeat entries with the same `qualification_name` will be idempotent """ try: with self.table_access_condition, self._get_connection() as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """INSERT INTO qualifications( qualification_name, requester_id, mturk_qualification_name, mturk_qualification_id ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);""", ( qualification_name, requester_id, mturk_qualification_name, mturk_qualification_id, ), ) return None except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e: if is_unique_failure(e): # Ignore attempt to add another mapping for an existing key qual = self.get_qualification_mapping(qualification_name) logger.debug( f"Multiple mturk mapping creations for qualification {qualification_name}. " f"Found existing one: {qual}. " ) assert ( qual is not None ), "Cannot be none given is_unique_failure on insert" cur_requester_id = qual["requester_id"] cur_mturk_qualification_name = qual["mturk_qualification_name"] cur_mturk_qualification_id = qual["mturk_qualification_id"] if cur_requester_id != requester_id: logger.warning( f"MTurk Qualification mapping create for {qualification_name} under requester " f"{requester_id}, already exists under {cur_requester_id}." ) if cur_mturk_qualification_name != mturk_qualification_name: logger.warning( f"MTurk Qualification mapping create for {qualification_name} with mturk name " f"{mturk_qualification_name}, already exists under {cur_mturk_qualification_name}." ) return None else: raise e def get_qualification_mapping( self, qualification_name: str ) -> Optional[sqlite3.Row]: """Get the mapping between Mephisto qualifications and MTurk qualifications""" with self.table_access_condition: conn = self._get_connection() c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """ SELECT * from qualifications WHERE qualification_name = ? """, (qualification_name,), ) results = c.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: return None return results[0] def get_session_for_requester(self, requester_name: str) -> boto3.Session: """ Either create a new session for the given requester or return the existing one if it has already been created """ if requester_name not in self.session_storage: session = boto3.Session( profile_name=requester_name, region_name=MTURK_REGION_NAME ) self.session_storage[requester_name] = session return self.session_storage[requester_name] def get_client_for_requester(self, requester_name: str) -> Any: """ Return the client for the given requester, which should allow direct calls to the mturk surface """ return self.get_session_for_requester(requester_name).client("mturk") def get_sandbox_client_for_requester(self, requester_name: str) -> Any: """ Return the client for the given requester, which should allow direct calls to the mturk surface """ return self.get_session_for_requester(requester_name).client( service_name="mturk", region_name="us-east-1", endpoint_url="", )
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class MTurkDatastore: """ Handles storing multiple sessions for different requesters across a single mephisto thread (locked to a MephistoDB). Also creates a relevant tables for mapping between MTurk and mephisto. """ def __init__(self, datastore_root: str): """Initialize the session storage to empty, initialize tables if needed""" self.session_storage: Dict[str, boto3.Session] = {} self.table_access_condition = threading.Condition() self.conn: Dict[int, sqlite3.Connection] = {} self.db_path = os.path.join(datastore_root, "mturk.db") self.init_tables() self.datastore_root = datastore_root self._last_hit_mapping_update_times: Dict[str, float] = defaultdict( lambda: time.monotonic() ) def _get_connection(self) -> sqlite3.Connection: """Returns a singular database connection to be shared amongst all calls for a given thread. """ curr_thread = threading.get_ident() if curr_thread not in self.conn or self.conn[curr_thread] is None: conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_path) conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row self.conn[curr_thread] = conn return self.conn[curr_thread] def _mark_hit_mapping_update(self, unit_id: str) -> None: """ Update the last hit mapping time to mark a change to the hit mappings table and allow dependents to invalidate caches """ self._last_hit_mapping_update_times[unit_id] = time.monotonic() def init_tables(self) -> None: """ Run all the table creation SQL queries to ensure the expected tables exist """ with self.table_access_condition: conn = self._get_connection() conn.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = 1") with conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute(CREATE_HITS_TABLE) c.execute(CREATE_RUNS_TABLE) c.execute(CREATE_RUN_MAP_TABLE) c.execute(CREATE_QUALIFICATIONS_TABLE) with conn: try: c = conn.cursor() c.execute(UPDATE_RUNS_TABLE_1) except Exception as _e: pass # extra column already exists def is_hit_mapping_in_sync(self, unit_id: str, compare_time: float): """ Determine if a cached value from the given compare time is still valid """ return compare_time > self._last_hit_mapping_update_times[unit_id] def new_hit(self, hit_id: str, hit_link: str, duration: int, run_id: str) -> None: """Register a new HIT mapping in the table""" with self.table_access_condition, self._get_connection() as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """INSERT INTO hits( hit_id, link, assignment_time_in_seconds ) VALUES (?, ?, ?);""", (hit_id, hit_link, duration), ) c.execute( """INSERT INTO run_mappings( hit_id, run_id ) VALUES (?, ?);""", (hit_id, run_id), ) def get_unassigned_hit_ids(self, run_id: str): """ Return a list of all HIT ids that haven't been assigned """ with self.table_access_condition: conn = self._get_connection() c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """ SELECT hit_id, unit_id, run_id FROM hits INNER JOIN run_mappings USING (hit_id) WHERE unit_id IS NULL AND run_id = ?; """, (run_id,), ) results = c.fetchall() return [r["hit_id"] for r in results] def register_assignment_to_hit( self, hit_id: str, unit_id: Optional[str] = None, assignment_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Register a specific assignment and hit to the given unit, or clear the assignment after a return """ logger.debug( f"Attempting to assign HIT {hit_id}, Unit {unit_id}, Assignment {assignment_id}." ) with self.table_access_condition, self._get_connection() as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """ SELECT * from hits WHERE hit_id = ? """, (hit_id,), ) results = c.fetchall() if len(results) > 0 and results[0]["unit_id"] is not None: old_unit_id = results[0]["unit_id"] self._mark_hit_mapping_update(old_unit_id) logger.debug( f"Cleared HIT mapping cache for previous unit, {old_unit_id}" ) c.execute( """UPDATE hits SET assignment_id = ?, unit_id = ? WHERE hit_id = ? """, (assignment_id, unit_id, hit_id), ) if unit_id is not None: self._mark_hit_mapping_update(unit_id) def clear_hit_from_unit(self, unit_id: str) -> None: """ Clear the hit mapping that maps the given unit, if such a unit-hit map exists """ with self.table_access_condition, self._get_connection() as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """ SELECT * from hits WHERE unit_id = ? """, (unit_id,), ) results = c.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: return if len(results) > 1: print( "WARNING - UNIT HAD MORE THAN ONE HIT MAPPED TO IT!", unit_id, [dict(r) for r in results], ) result_hit_id = results[0]["hit_id"] c.execute( """UPDATE hits SET assignment_id = ?, unit_id = ? WHERE hit_id = ? """, (None, None, result_hit_id), ) self._mark_hit_mapping_update(unit_id) def get_hit_mapping(self, unit_id: str) -> sqlite3.Row: """Get the mapping between Mephisto IDs and MTurk ids""" with self.table_access_condition: conn = self._get_connection() c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """ SELECT * from hits WHERE unit_id = ? """, (unit_id,), ) results = c.fetchall() return results[0] def register_run( self, run_id: str, hit_type_id: str, hit_config_path: str, frame_height: int = 0, ) -> None: """Register a new task run in the mturk table""" with self.table_access_condition, self._get_connection() as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """INSERT INTO runs( run_id, arn_id, hit_type_id, hit_config_path, frame_height ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);""", (run_id, "unused", hit_type_id, hit_config_path, frame_height), ) def get_run(self, run_id: str) -> sqlite3.Row: """Get the details for a run by task_run_id""" with self.table_access_condition: conn = self._get_connection() c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """ SELECT * from runs WHERE run_id = ? """, (run_id,), ) results = c.fetchall() return results[0] def create_qualification_mapping( self, qualification_name: str, requester_id: str, mturk_qualification_name: str, mturk_qualification_id: str, ) -> None: """ Create a mapping between mephisto qualification name and mturk qualification details in the local datastore. Repeat entries with the same `qualification_name` will be idempotent """ try: with self.table_access_condition, self._get_connection() as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """INSERT INTO qualifications( qualification_name, requester_id, mturk_qualification_name, mturk_qualification_id ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);""", ( qualification_name, requester_id, mturk_qualification_name, mturk_qualification_id, ), ) return None except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e: if is_unique_failure(e): # Ignore attempt to add another mapping for an existing key qual = self.get_qualification_mapping(qualification_name) logger.debug( f"Multiple mturk mapping creations for qualification {qualification_name}. " f"Found existing one: {qual}. " ) assert ( qual is not None ), "Cannot be none given is_unique_failure on insert" cur_requester_id = qual["requester_id"] cur_mturk_qualification_name = qual["mturk_qualification_name"] cur_mturk_qualification_id = qual["mturk_qualification_id"] if cur_requester_id != requester_id: logger.warning( f"MTurk Qualification mapping create for {qualification_name} under requester " f"{requester_id}, already exists under {cur_requester_id}." ) if cur_mturk_qualification_name != mturk_qualification_name: logger.warning( f"MTurk Qualification mapping create for {qualification_name} with mturk name " f"{mturk_qualification_name}, already exists under {cur_mturk_qualification_name}." ) return None else: raise e def get_qualification_mapping( self, qualification_name: str ) -> Optional[sqlite3.Row]: """Get the mapping between Mephisto qualifications and MTurk qualifications""" with self.table_access_condition: conn = self._get_connection() c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """ SELECT * from qualifications WHERE qualification_name = ? """, (qualification_name,), ) results = c.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: return None return results[0] def get_session_for_requester(self, requester_name: str) -> boto3.Session: """ Either create a new session for the given requester or return the existing one if it has already been created """ if requester_name not in self.session_storage: session = boto3.Session( profile_name=requester_name, region_name=MTURK_REGION_NAME ) self.session_storage[requester_name] = session return self.session_storage[requester_name] def get_client_for_requester(self, requester_name: str) -> Any: """ Return the client for the given requester, which should allow direct calls to the mturk surface """ return self.get_session_for_requester(requester_name).client("mturk") def get_sandbox_client_for_requester(self, requester_name: str) -> Any: """ Return the client for the given requester, which should allow direct calls to the mturk surface """ return self.get_session_for_requester(requester_name).client( service_name="mturk", region_name="us-east-1", endpoint_url="", )
Handles storing multiple sessions for different requesters across a single mephisto thread (locked to a MephistoDB). Also creates a relevant tables for mapping between MTurk and mephisto.
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def __init__(self, datastore_root: str): """Initialize the session storage to empty, initialize tables if needed""" self.session_storage: Dict[str, boto3.Session] = {} self.table_access_condition = threading.Condition() self.conn: Dict[int, sqlite3.Connection] = {} self.db_path = os.path.join(datastore_root, "mturk.db") self.init_tables() self.datastore_root = datastore_root self._last_hit_mapping_update_times: Dict[str, float] = defaultdict( lambda: time.monotonic() )
Initialize the session storage to empty, initialize tables if needed
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def init_tables(self) -> None: """ Run all the table creation SQL queries to ensure the expected tables exist """ with self.table_access_condition: conn = self._get_connection() conn.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = 1") with conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute(CREATE_HITS_TABLE) c.execute(CREATE_RUNS_TABLE) c.execute(CREATE_RUN_MAP_TABLE) c.execute(CREATE_QUALIFICATIONS_TABLE) with conn: try: c = conn.cursor() c.execute(UPDATE_RUNS_TABLE_1) except Exception as _e: pass # extra column already exists
Run all the table creation SQL queries to ensure the expected tables exist
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def is_hit_mapping_in_sync(self, unit_id: str, compare_time: float): """ Determine if a cached value from the given compare time is still valid """ return compare_time > self._last_hit_mapping_update_times[unit_id]
Determine if a cached value from the given compare time is still valid
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def new_hit(self, hit_id: str, hit_link: str, duration: int, run_id: str) -> None: """Register a new HIT mapping in the table""" with self.table_access_condition, self._get_connection() as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """INSERT INTO hits( hit_id, link, assignment_time_in_seconds ) VALUES (?, ?, ?);""", (hit_id, hit_link, duration), ) c.execute( """INSERT INTO run_mappings( hit_id, run_id ) VALUES (?, ?);""", (hit_id, run_id), )
Register a new HIT mapping in the table
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def get_unassigned_hit_ids(self, run_id: str): """ Return a list of all HIT ids that haven't been assigned """ with self.table_access_condition: conn = self._get_connection() c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """ SELECT hit_id, unit_id, run_id FROM hits INNER JOIN run_mappings USING (hit_id) WHERE unit_id IS NULL AND run_id = ?; """, (run_id,), ) results = c.fetchall() return [r["hit_id"] for r in results]
Return a list of all HIT ids that haven't been assigned
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def register_assignment_to_hit( self, hit_id: str, unit_id: Optional[str] = None, assignment_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Register a specific assignment and hit to the given unit, or clear the assignment after a return """ logger.debug( f"Attempting to assign HIT {hit_id}, Unit {unit_id}, Assignment {assignment_id}." ) with self.table_access_condition, self._get_connection() as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """ SELECT * from hits WHERE hit_id = ? """, (hit_id,), ) results = c.fetchall() if len(results) > 0 and results[0]["unit_id"] is not None: old_unit_id = results[0]["unit_id"] self._mark_hit_mapping_update(old_unit_id) logger.debug( f"Cleared HIT mapping cache for previous unit, {old_unit_id}" ) c.execute( """UPDATE hits SET assignment_id = ?, unit_id = ? WHERE hit_id = ? """, (assignment_id, unit_id, hit_id), ) if unit_id is not None: self._mark_hit_mapping_update(unit_id)
Register a specific assignment and hit to the given unit, or clear the assignment after a return
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def clear_hit_from_unit(self, unit_id: str) -> None: """ Clear the hit mapping that maps the given unit, if such a unit-hit map exists """ with self.table_access_condition, self._get_connection() as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """ SELECT * from hits WHERE unit_id = ? """, (unit_id,), ) results = c.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: return if len(results) > 1: print( "WARNING - UNIT HAD MORE THAN ONE HIT MAPPED TO IT!", unit_id, [dict(r) for r in results], ) result_hit_id = results[0]["hit_id"] c.execute( """UPDATE hits SET assignment_id = ?, unit_id = ? WHERE hit_id = ? """, (None, None, result_hit_id), ) self._mark_hit_mapping_update(unit_id)
Clear the hit mapping that maps the given unit, if such a unit-hit map exists
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def get_hit_mapping(self, unit_id: str) -> sqlite3.Row: """Get the mapping between Mephisto IDs and MTurk ids""" with self.table_access_condition: conn = self._get_connection() c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """ SELECT * from hits WHERE unit_id = ? """, (unit_id,), ) results = c.fetchall() return results[0]
Get the mapping between Mephisto IDs and MTurk ids
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def register_run( self, run_id: str, hit_type_id: str, hit_config_path: str, frame_height: int = 0, ) -> None: """Register a new task run in the mturk table""" with self.table_access_condition, self._get_connection() as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """INSERT INTO runs( run_id, arn_id, hit_type_id, hit_config_path, frame_height ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);""", (run_id, "unused", hit_type_id, hit_config_path, frame_height), )
Register a new task run in the mturk table
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def get_run(self, run_id: str) -> sqlite3.Row: """Get the details for a run by task_run_id""" with self.table_access_condition: conn = self._get_connection() c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """ SELECT * from runs WHERE run_id = ? """, (run_id,), ) results = c.fetchall() return results[0]
Get the details for a run by task_run_id
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def create_qualification_mapping( self, qualification_name: str, requester_id: str, mturk_qualification_name: str, mturk_qualification_id: str, ) -> None: """ Create a mapping between mephisto qualification name and mturk qualification details in the local datastore. Repeat entries with the same `qualification_name` will be idempotent """ try: with self.table_access_condition, self._get_connection() as conn: c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """INSERT INTO qualifications( qualification_name, requester_id, mturk_qualification_name, mturk_qualification_id ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);""", ( qualification_name, requester_id, mturk_qualification_name, mturk_qualification_id, ), ) return None except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e: if is_unique_failure(e): # Ignore attempt to add another mapping for an existing key qual = self.get_qualification_mapping(qualification_name) logger.debug( f"Multiple mturk mapping creations for qualification {qualification_name}. " f"Found existing one: {qual}. " ) assert ( qual is not None ), "Cannot be none given is_unique_failure on insert" cur_requester_id = qual["requester_id"] cur_mturk_qualification_name = qual["mturk_qualification_name"] cur_mturk_qualification_id = qual["mturk_qualification_id"] if cur_requester_id != requester_id: logger.warning( f"MTurk Qualification mapping create for {qualification_name} under requester " f"{requester_id}, already exists under {cur_requester_id}." ) if cur_mturk_qualification_name != mturk_qualification_name: logger.warning( f"MTurk Qualification mapping create for {qualification_name} with mturk name " f"{mturk_qualification_name}, already exists under {cur_mturk_qualification_name}." ) return None else: raise e
Create a mapping between mephisto qualification name and mturk qualification details in the local datastore.
Repeat entries with the same qualification_name
will be idempotent
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def get_qualification_mapping( self, qualification_name: str ) -> Optional[sqlite3.Row]: """Get the mapping between Mephisto qualifications and MTurk qualifications""" with self.table_access_condition: conn = self._get_connection() c = conn.cursor() c.execute( """ SELECT * from qualifications WHERE qualification_name = ? """, (qualification_name,), ) results = c.fetchall() if len(results) == 0: return None return results[0]
Get the mapping between Mephisto qualifications and MTurk qualifications
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def get_session_for_requester(self, requester_name: str) -> boto3.Session: """ Either create a new session for the given requester or return the existing one if it has already been created """ if requester_name not in self.session_storage: session = boto3.Session( profile_name=requester_name, region_name=MTURK_REGION_NAME ) self.session_storage[requester_name] = session return self.session_storage[requester_name]
Either create a new session for the given requester or return the existing one if it has already been created
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def get_client_for_requester(self, requester_name: str) -> Any: """ Return the client for the given requester, which should allow direct calls to the mturk surface """ return self.get_session_for_requester(requester_name).client("mturk")
Return the client for the given requester, which should allow direct calls to the mturk surface
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def get_sandbox_client_for_requester(self, requester_name: str) -> Any: """ Return the client for the given requester, which should allow direct calls to the mturk surface """ return self.get_session_for_requester(requester_name).client( service_name="mturk", region_name="us-east-1", endpoint_url="", )
Return the client for the given requester, which should allow direct calls to the mturk surface