


The StaticHTMLBlueprint exists to create a simple transition stand-in to allow users of other platforms (which generally push for customization with HTML) to begin using Mephisto with minimal changes. This generally exists in the form of specifying a templated HTML file and providing assignment data that fills the templates.

There are no plans to extend the StaticHTMLBlueprint, or provide other HTML support, as we believe this to be more an onboarding ramp rather than a fully fleshed out feature. The React-based codebase contains better features and cleaner, reusable modules, and as such our focus is on tasks in that area.


An example usage case is available here. General usage for this Blueprint type can be summed up as copying that directory structure, providing your own templated HTML in the server_files, and then providng the data.csv or other data to post those templates to workers. More in-depth descriptions can be seen there.

Implementation Details

At a high level, this is a deeper implementation of the abstract StaticArchitect, which contains all of the logic for deploying arbitrary tasks where the worker is given some content, and we ask for one response, as a complete Unit. This module adds the logic to ensure that the frontend where the worker is given content is able to render arbitrary HTML.


The app.jsx file contains most of the logic to ensure we can render HTML, including being able to attach and execute the arbitrary scripts that are included or linked in the given HTML file. It creates a react application using the mephisto-task package, and creates an empty form with a submit button. It then populates the inner form using two primary methods:

  • handleUpdatingRemainingScripts: This method walks through the list of scripts that are given in the attached HTML, either loading the external script and putting it into the head, or directly evaluating the content of local scripts. As the page has already loaded by the time we are loading in the remaining scripts, this all must be injected in an asynchronous manner. _Ultimately_ this isn't incredibly safe if you don't trust the attached scripts.
  • interpolateHtml: This method injects the values for the specific task into their template variable slots. These template variables are specified in the InitializationData for an assignment, and populate fields as noted in the Template Variables section below.

Upon submit, the data in the form (as marked by the name fields of any inputs) will be sent to the backend and stored in the agent_data.json file.

Template Variables

You can provide template variables when running your task, generally in the form of template variables that are given names. When you specify these (either via .csv or directly providing a parsed array of dicts for this data), any named variable my_special_variable will be filled into the frontend in all locations containing ${my_special_variable}.

Mephisto-specific Template Variables

As of now, we also make available the following variables to the HTML via templating:

  • ${mephisto_agent_id}: The agent ID that Mephisto has associated with the current worker and task.
  • ${provider_worker_id}: The worker id that the provider uses locally to identify the worker.


The Blueprint here extends on the abstract StaticBlueprint, adding HTML-specific requirements to outline the task that ends up visualized. The added arguments are as follows:

  • task_source: The path to the (templated) HTML that should be displayed for the task.
  • preview_source: The path to the HTML that should be displayed while previewing a task.
  • onboarding_source: The path to the HTML that should be displayed during onboarding.

Providing an onboarding_source requires also providing an onboarding_qualification in order to trigger onboarding for your task. You should also specify a validate_onboarding in your SharedTaskState to ensure that the onboarding is completed properly.


This TaskBuilder class primarily seeks to copy the source files as linked in the StaticHTMLBlueprint and include them in what gets deployed on the server. As these are primarily static files, the builder is fairly straightforward. Regardless of the files that are provided, the onboarding html ends up at onboarding.html on the server and the preview html ends up on the server at preview.html. The task html retains its name, as this is specified as the html arg parsed on the frontend.

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#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms and its affiliates.
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.. include::
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"