

This directory contains all of the Mephisto code regarding setting up and deploying and endpoint that can handle interfacing with the mephisto-task package. As of now there are two implementations, a node server in deploy and a Flask server in flask. Each of these can be extended upon such that you can deploy your own server (with whatever logic you may need) but still have mephisto routing functionality.

This file contains code to be able to initialize the required build files for a server, assuming that they're set up properly. With the routers available in this directory, they should work out-of-the-box, but more configuration. If you want to specify your own build, you should start from the given servers, then provide the architect.server_source_root and architect.server_type arguments as appropriate with your server directory and the kind of server you're running.

Router Types


This folder contains a node-based server that meets the specification for being a Mephisto Router. Additional files are served via /static/ and uploaded files from the user are temporarily available from /tmp/.


This folder contains a Flask Blueprint (not to be confused with a Mephisto Blueprint) in It also has example usage of this within the file. The file is what we actually deploy by default, and the contents demonstrate some important usage requirements for deploying a Mephisto router within an arbitrary Flask app.

Key notes: you'll need to import the blueprint and the websocket server, and register the app alongside the websocket server. You'll also need to use monkey.patch_all() to ensure that the threading of the websockets and the main Flask server are able to interleave.

Routing implementation, functionality, and gotchas

In short, the Mephisto protocol for routing requests from clients down to the Mephisto main server is somewhat complicated. There are a number of endpoints that need to retain the behavior that's captured in the comments of the Flask implementation's file. These should be enumerated further here.

TODO Document the requirements for a Mephisto Router to be running properly, including keeping track of local agent states, converting HTTP POST requests to websocket messages, and the heartbeat protocols.

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#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

.. include::
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"