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#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) Meta Platforms and its affiliates. # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, List, Any, TYPE_CHECKING import boto3 # type: ignore import botocore.exceptions # type: ignore import time import os import subprocess import json import getpass import hashlib from mephisto.abstractions.providers.mturk.mturk_utils import setup_aws_credentials from mephisto.abstractions.architects.router import build_router from botocore import client # type: ignore from botocore.exceptions import ClientError, ProfileNotFound # type: ignore from botocore.config import Config # type: ignore from mephisto.utils.logger_core import get_logger logger = get_logger(name=__name__) if TYPE_CHECKING: from omegaconf import DictConfig # type: ignore botoconfig = Config( region_name="us-east-2", retries={"max_attempts": 10, "mode": "standard"} ) DEFAULT_AMI_ID = "ami-0f19d220602031aed" AMI_DEFAULT_USER = "ec2-user" DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE = "m2.micro" FALLBACK_INSTANCE_TYPE = "t2.nano" MY_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) DEFAULT_KEY_PAIR_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(MY_DIR, "keypairs") DEFAULT_SERVER_DETAIL_LOCATION = os.path.join(MY_DIR, "servers") SCRIPTS_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(MY_DIR, "run_scripts") DEFAULT_FALLBACK_FILE = os.path.join(DEFAULT_SERVER_DETAIL_LOCATION, "fallback.json") FALLBACK_SERVER_LOC = os.path.join(MY_DIR, "fallback_server") KNOWN_HOST_PATH = os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/known_hosts") MAX_RETRIES = 10 def get_owner_tag() -> Dict[str, str]: """ Creates a tag with the user's username as the owner for the given resource """ return {"Key": "Owner", "Value": getpass.getuser()} def check_aws_credentials(profile_name: str) -> bool: try: # Check existing credentials boto3.Session(profile_name=profile_name) return True except ProfileNotFound: return False def setup_ec2_credentials( profile_name: str, register_args: Optional["DictConfig"] = None ) -> bool: return setup_aws_credentials(profile_name, register_args) def get_domain_if_available(session: boto3.Session, domain_name: str) -> bool: """ Attempt to register the given domain with Route53, return True if registration is successful, False otherwise. Details on valid domains can be found here: Pricing is available on amazon """ client = session.client("route53domains") avail_result = "PENDING" while avail_result == "PENDING": avail = client.check_domain_availabiliity(DomainName=domain_name) avail_result = avail["Availability"] time.sleep(0.3) # May extend to handle other available cases if avail_result not in ["AVAILABLE"]: print( f"Domain was not listed as available, instead " f"{avail_result}, visit route53 for more detail" ) return False print("Automated domain registration isn't yet implemented") # Registration can be completed using client.register_domain # Details are available here: # return False def find_hosted_zone(session: boto3.Session, domain_name: str) -> Optional[str]: """ search for a hosted zone with the given name, return its id if found and None otherwise """ client = session.client("route53") zones = client.list_hosted_zones_by_name() logger.debug(f"Found zones {zones}") for zone in zones["HostedZones"]: if zone["Name"] == f"{domain_name}.": return zone["Id"] return None def create_hosted_zone(session: boto3.Session, domain_name: str) -> str: """ Given a domain name, tries to create a hosted zone for that domain. Returns the hosted zone id """ client = session.client("route53") zone_id = find_hosted_zone(session, domain_name) if zone_id is None: res = client.create_hosted_zone( Name=domain_name, CallerReference=str(time.time()), HostedZoneConfig={ "Comment": "Mephisto hosted zone", }, ) nameservers = res["DelegationSet"]["NameServers"] BOLD_WHITE_ON_BLUE = "\x1b[1;37;44m" RESET = "\x1b[0m" print( f"{BOLD_WHITE_ON_BLUE}" "Registered new hosted zone! You should ensure your domain " "name is registered to delegate to the following nameservers: " f"\n{nameservers}" f"{RESET}" ) zone_id = res["HostedZone"]["Id"] else: logger.debug(f"This hosted zone already exists! Returning {zone_id}") return zone_id def find_certificate_arn(session: boto3.Session, domain_name: str) -> Optional[str]: """ Finds the certificate for the given domain if it exists, and returns the certification arn. """ client = session.client("acm") certs = client.list_certificates() logger.debug(f"Found existing certs: {certs}") for cert in certs["CertificateSummaryList"]: if cert["DomainName"] == domain_name: return cert["CertificateArn"] return None def get_certificate(session: boto3.Session, domain_name: str) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Gets the certificate for the given domain name, and returns the dns validation name and target and cert arn ('Name' and 'Value', 'arn') """ client = session.client("acm") cert_domain_name = f"*.{domain_name}" certificate_arn = find_certificate_arn(session, cert_domain_name) if certificate_arn is None: # cert not yet issued logger.debug("Requesting new certificate") response = client.request_certificate( DomainName=cert_domain_name, ValidationMethod="DNS", IdempotencyToken=f"{domain_name.split('.')[0]}request", Options={ "CertificateTransparencyLoggingPreference": "ENABLED", }, ) certificate_arn = response["CertificateArn"] else: logger.debug(f"Using existing certificate {certificate_arn}") attempts = 0 sleep_time = 2 details = None while attempts < MAX_RETRIES: try: details = client.describe_certificate( CertificateArn=certificate_arn, ) return_data = details["Certificate"]["DomainValidationOptions"][0][ "ResourceRecord" ] return_data["arn"] = certificate_arn return return_data except KeyError: # Resource record not created yet, try again attempts += 1"Attempt {attempts} had no certification details, retrying") time.sleep(sleep_time) sleep_time *= 2 raise Exception("Exceeded MAX_RETRIES waiting for certificate records") def register_zone_records( session: boto3.Session, zone_id: str, domain_name: str, load_balancer_arn: str, acm_valid_name: str, acm_valid_target: str, ) -> int: """ Creates the required zone records for this mephisto hosted zone. Requires the load balancer target, and the ACM certificate addresses Returns the change id """ # Get details about the load balancer ec2_client = session.client("elbv2") balancer = ec2_client.describe_load_balancers( LoadBalancerArns=[load_balancer_arn], )["LoadBalancers"][0] load_balancer_dns = balancer["DNSName"] load_balancer_zone = balancer["CanonicalHostedZoneId"] # Create the records client = session.client("route53") response = client.change_resource_record_sets( HostedZoneId=zone_id, ChangeBatch={ "Comment": "Creating records for Mephisto load balancer and DNS validations for certs", "Changes": [ { "Action": "CREATE", "ResourceRecordSet": { "Name": f"*.{domain_name}", "Type": "A", "AliasTarget": { "HostedZoneId": load_balancer_zone, "DNSName": load_balancer_dns, "EvaluateTargetHealth": True, }, }, }, { "Action": "CREATE", "ResourceRecordSet": { "Name": f"{domain_name}", "Type": "A", "AliasTarget": { "HostedZoneId": load_balancer_zone, "DNSName": load_balancer_dns, "EvaluateTargetHealth": True, }, }, }, { "Action": "CREATE", "ResourceRecordSet": { "Name": acm_valid_name, "Type": "CNAME", "TTL": 300, "ResourceRecords": [ {"Value": acm_valid_target}, ], }, }, ], }, ) return response["ChangeInfo"]["Id"] def create_mephisto_vpc(session: boto3.Session) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Create the required vpc with two subnets, an associated internet gateway, and routing tables. Currently sets up using US-east for both subnets """ client = session.client("ec2") # Create VPC vpc_response = client.create_vpc( CidrBlock="", TagSpecifications=[ { "ResourceType": "vpc", "Tags": [ {"Key": "Name", "Value": "mephisto-core-vpc"}, get_owner_tag(), ], } ], ) vpc_id = vpc_response["Vpc"]["VpcId"] # Create internet gateway gateway_response = client.create_internet_gateway( TagSpecifications=[ { "ResourceType": "internet-gateway", "Tags": [{"Key": "Name", "Value": "mephisto-gateway"}, get_owner_tag()], } ], ) gateway_id = gateway_response["InternetGateway"]["InternetGatewayId"] client.attach_internet_gateway( InternetGatewayId=gateway_id, VpcId=vpc_id, ) # Create subnets subnet_1_response = client.create_subnet( TagSpecifications=[ { "ResourceType": "subnet", "Tags": [ {"Key": "Name", "Value": "mephisto-subnet-1"}, get_owner_tag(), ], } ], CidrBlock="", AvailabilityZone="us-east-2a", VpcId=vpc_id, ) subnet_1_id = subnet_1_response["Subnet"]["SubnetId"] subnet_2_response = client.create_subnet( TagSpecifications=[ { "ResourceType": "subnet", "Tags": [ {"Key": "Name", "Value": "mephisto-subnet-2"}, get_owner_tag(), ], } ], CidrBlock="", AvailabilityZone="us-east-2b", VpcId=vpc_id, ) subnet_2_id = subnet_2_response["Subnet"]["SubnetId"] # Create routing tables table_1_response = client.create_route_table( TagSpecifications=[ { "ResourceType": "route-table", "Tags": [ {"Key": "Name", "Value": "mephisto-routes-1"}, get_owner_tag(), ], } ], VpcId=vpc_id, ) route_table_1_id = table_1_response["RouteTable"]["RouteTableId"] table_2_response = client.create_route_table( TagSpecifications=[ { "ResourceType": "route-table", "Tags": [ {"Key": "Name", "Value": "mephisto-routes-2"}, get_owner_tag(), ], } ], VpcId=vpc_id, ) route_table_2_id = table_2_response["RouteTable"]["RouteTableId"] # Add routes in tables to gateway client.create_route( DestinationCidrBlock="", GatewayId=gateway_id, RouteTableId=route_table_1_id, ) client.create_route( DestinationCidrBlock="", GatewayId=gateway_id, RouteTableId=route_table_2_id, ) # Associate routing tables client.associate_route_table( RouteTableId=route_table_1_id, SubnetId=subnet_1_id, ) client.associate_route_table( RouteTableId=route_table_2_id, SubnetId=subnet_2_id, ) return { "vpc_id": vpc_id, "gateway_id": gateway_id, "subnet_1_id": subnet_1_id, "subnet_2_id": subnet_2_id, "route_1_id": route_table_1_id, "route_2_id": route_table_2_id, } def create_security_group(session: boto3.Session, vpc_id: str, ssh_ip: str) -> str: """ Create a security group with public access for 80 and 443, but only access from ssh_ip (comma-separated) for 22 """ client = session.client("ec2") create_response = client.create_security_group( Description="Security group used for Mephisto host servers", GroupName="mephisto-server-security-group", VpcId=vpc_id, TagSpecifications=[ { "ResourceType": "security-group", "Tags": [ {"Key": "Name", "Value": "mephisto-server-security-group"}, get_owner_tag(), ], } ], ) group_id = create_response["GroupId"] ssh_perms = [ { "FromPort": 22, "ToPort": 22, "IpProtocol": "tcp", "IpRanges": [ { "CidrIp": one_ip, "Description": "SSH from allowed ip", } ], } for one_ip in ssh_ip.split(",") ] response = client.authorize_security_group_ingress( GroupId=group_id, IpPermissions=[ { "FromPort": 80, "ToPort": 80, "IpProtocol": "tcp", "IpRanges": [ { "CidrIp": "", "Description": "Public insecure http access", } ], }, { "FromPort": 80, "ToPort": 80, "IpProtocol": "tcp", "Ipv6Ranges": [ { "CidrIpv6": "::/0", "Description": "Public insecure http access", } ], }, { "FromPort": 5000, "ToPort": 5000, "IpProtocol": "tcp", "IpRanges": [ { "CidrIp": "", "Description": "Internal router access", } ], }, { "FromPort": 5000, "ToPort": 5000, "IpProtocol": "tcp", "Ipv6Ranges": [ { "CidrIpv6": "::/0", "Description": "Internal router access", } ], }, { "FromPort": 443, "ToPort": 443, "IpProtocol": "tcp", "IpRanges": [ { "CidrIp": "", "Description": "Public secure http access", } ], }, { "FromPort": 443, "ToPort": 443, "IpProtocol": "tcp", "Ipv6Ranges": [ { "CidrIpv6": "::/0", "Description": "Public secure http access", } ], }, ] + ssh_perms, ) assert response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"] == 200 return group_id def create_key_pair( session: boto3.Session, key_name: str, key_pair_dir: str = DEFAULT_KEY_PAIR_DIRECTORY, ) -> str: """ creates a key pair by the given name, and writes it to file """ target_keypair_filename = os.path.join(key_pair_dir, f"{key_name}.pem") if os.path.exists(target_keypair_filename): logger.warning(f"Keypair already exists! {target_keypair_filename}") return target_keypair_filename client = session.client("ec2") response = client.create_key_pair( KeyName=key_name, TagSpecifications=[ { "ResourceType": "key-pair", "Tags": [{"Key": "Name", "Value": key_name}, get_owner_tag()], } ], ) with open(target_keypair_filename, "w+") as keypair_file: keypair_file.write(response["KeyMaterial"]) subprocess.check_call(["chmod", "400", target_keypair_filename]) return target_keypair_filename def create_instance( session: boto3.Session, key_pair_name: str, security_group_id: str, subnet_id: str, instance_name: str, volume_size: int = 8, instance_type: str = DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE, ) -> str: """ Create an instance, return the instance id, allocation id, and association id """ client = session.client("ec2") instance_response = client.run_instances( BlockDeviceMappings=[ { "DeviceName": "/dev/xvda", "Ebs": { "DeleteOnTermination": True, "VolumeSize": volume_size, "VolumeType": "gp2", "Encrypted": True, }, } ], ImageId=DEFAULT_AMI_ID, InstanceType=instance_type, KeyName=key_pair_name, MaxCount=1, MinCount=1, Monitoring={ "Enabled": False, }, # standard monitoring is enough Placement={ "Tenancy": "default", }, SecurityGroupIds=[security_group_id], SubnetId=subnet_id, DisableApiTermination=False, # we need to allow shutdown from botocore # IamInstanceProfile={ # Maybe we can move the iam role to do rest of registration? # 'Arn': 'string', # 'Name': 'string' # }, InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior="stop", TagSpecifications=[ { "ResourceType": "instance", "Tags": [ {"Key": "Name", "Value": instance_name}, get_owner_tag(), ], }, ], HibernationOptions={"Configured": False}, MetadataOptions={ "HttpTokens": "optional", "HttpEndpoint": "enabled", }, EnclaveOptions={"Enabled": False}, ) instance_id = instance_response["Instances"][0]["InstanceId"] logger.debug(f"Waiting for instance {instance_id} to come up before continuing") waiter = client.get_waiter("instance_running") waiter.wait( InstanceIds=[instance_id], ) return instance_id def create_target_group( session: boto3.Session, vpc_id: str, instance_id: str, group_name="mephisto-fallback", ) -> str: """ Create a target group for the given instance """ client = session.client("elbv2") group_name_hash = hashlib.md5(group_name.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() anti_collision_group_name = f"{group_name_hash[:8]}-{group_name}" final_group_name = f"{anti_collision_group_name[:28]}-tg" create_target_response = client.create_target_group( Name=final_group_name[:32], Protocol="HTTP", ProtocolVersion="HTTP1", Port=5000, VpcId=vpc_id, Matcher={ "HttpCode": "200-299", }, TargetType="instance", Tags=[ {"Key": "string", "Value": "string"}, ], ) target_group_arn = create_target_response["TargetGroups"][0]["TargetGroupArn"] client.register_targets( TargetGroupArn=target_group_arn, Targets=[ { "Id": instance_id, } ], ) return target_group_arn def rule_is_new( session: boto3.Session, subdomain: str, listener_arn: str, ) -> bool: """ Check to see if a rule already exists with the given subdomain """ client = session.client("elbv2") find_rule_response = client.describe_rules( ListenerArn=listener_arn, ) rules = find_rule_response["Rules"] for rule in rules: if len(rule["Conditions"]) == 0: continue # base rule host_condition = rule["Conditions"][0] values = host_condition.get("Values") if values is None or len(values) == 0: values = host_condition["HostHeaderConfig"]["Values"] existing = values[0] if existing.startswith(f"{subdomain}."): return False return True def register_instance_to_listener( session: boto3.Session, instance_id: str, vpc_id: str, listener_arn: str, domain: str, ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Creates a rule for this specific redirect case, and returns the target group id and rule arn """ subdomain_root = domain.split(".")[0] target_group_arn = create_target_group(session, vpc_id, instance_id, subdomain_root) client = session.client("elbv2") find_rule_response = client.describe_rules( ListenerArn=listener_arn, ) # Get the next available priority priorities = set([r["Priority"] for r in find_rule_response["Rules"]]) priority = 1 while str(priority) in priorities: priority += 1 rule_response = client.create_rule( ListenerArn=listener_arn, Conditions=[ { "Field": "host-header", "HostHeaderConfig": { "Values": [ domain, f"*.{domain}", ], }, }, ], Priority=priority, Actions=[ { "Type": "forward", "TargetGroupArn": target_group_arn, }, ], ) rule_arn = rule_response["Rules"][0]["RuleArn"] return target_group_arn, rule_arn def create_load_balancer( session: boto3.Session, subnet_ids: List[str], security_group_id: str, vpc_id: str, ) -> str: """ Creates a load balancer and returns the balancer's arn """ client = session.client("elbv2") create_response = client.create_load_balancer( Name="mephisto-hosts-balancer", Subnets=subnet_ids, SecurityGroups=[security_group_id], Scheme="internet-facing", Type="application", IpAddressType="ipv4", ) balancer_arn = create_response["LoadBalancers"][0]["LoadBalancerArn"] return balancer_arn def configure_base_balancer( session: boto3.Session, balancer_arn: str, certificate_arn: str, target_group_arn: str, ) -> str: """ Configure the default rules for this load balancer. Return the id of the listener to add rules to for redirecting to specified target groups """ client = session.client("elbv2") _redirect_response = client.create_listener( LoadBalancerArn=balancer_arn, Protocol="HTTP", Port=80, DefaultActions=[ { "Type": "redirect", "RedirectConfig": { "Protocol": "HTTPS", "Port": "443", "Host": "#{host}", "Path": "/#{path}", "Query": "#{query}", "StatusCode": "HTTP_301", }, } ], ) forward_response = client.create_listener( LoadBalancerArn=balancer_arn, Protocol="HTTPS", Port=443, SslPolicy="ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08", Certificates=[ { "CertificateArn": certificate_arn, } ], DefaultActions=[ { "Type": "forward", "TargetGroupArn": target_group_arn, } ], ) listener_arn = forward_response["Listeners"][0]["ListenerArn"] return listener_arn def get_instance_address( session: boto3.Session, instance_id: str, ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """ Create a temporary publicly accessible IP for the given instance. Return the IP address, the allocation id, and the association id. """ client = session.client("ec2") allocation_response = client.allocate_address( Domain="vpc", TagSpecifications=[ { "ResourceType": "elastic-ip", "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": f"{instance_id}-ip-address", }, get_owner_tag(), ], } ], ) ip_address = allocation_response["PublicIp"] allocation_id = allocation_response["AllocationId"] associate_response = client.associate_address( AllocationId=allocation_id, InstanceId=instance_id, AllowReassociation=False, ) association_id = associate_response["AssociationId"] # Remove this IP from known hosts in case it's there, # as it's definitely not the old host anymore subprocess.check_call( [ "ssh-keygen", "-f", f"{KNOWN_HOST_PATH}", "-R", f'"{ip_address}"', ] ) return ip_address, allocation_id, association_id def detete_instance_address( session: boto3.Session, allocation_id: str, association_id: str, ) -> None: """ Removes the public ip described by the given allocation and association ids """ client = session.client("ec2") client.disassociate_address( AssociationId=association_id, ) client.release_address( AllocationId=allocation_id, ) def try_server_push(subprocess_args: List[str], retries=5, sleep_time=10.0): """ Try to execute the server push provided in subprocess args """ while retries > 0: try: subprocess.check_call( subprocess_args, env=dict(os.environ, SSH_AUTH_SOCK="") ) return except subprocess.CalledProcessError: retries -= 1 sleep_time *= 1.5 f"Timed out trying to push to server. Retries remaining: {retries}" ) time.sleep(sleep_time) raise Exception( "Could not successfully push to the ec2 instance. See log for errors." ) def deploy_fallback_server( session: boto3.Session, instance_id: str, key_pair: str, log_access_pass: str, ) -> bool: """ Deploy the fallback server to the given instance, return True if successful """ client = session.client("ec2") server_host, allocation_id, association_id = get_instance_address( session, instance_id ) try: keypair_file = os.path.join(DEFAULT_KEY_PAIR_DIRECTORY, f"{key_pair}.pem") password_file_name = os.path.join(FALLBACK_SERVER_LOC, f"access_key.txt") with open(password_file_name, "w+") as password_file: password_file.write(log_access_pass) remote_server = f"{AMI_DEFAULT_USER}@{server_host}" dest = f"{remote_server}:/home/ec2-user/" try_server_push( [ "scp", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-i", keypair_file, "-r", f"{FALLBACK_SERVER_LOC}", dest, ] ) os.unlink(password_file_name) subprocess.check_call( [ "ssh", "-i", keypair_file, remote_server, "bash", "/home/ec2-user/fallback_server/scripts/", ], env=dict(os.environ, SSH_AUTH_SOCK=""), ) detete_instance_address(session, allocation_id, association_id) except Exception as e: detete_instance_address(session, allocation_id, association_id) raise e return True def deploy_to_routing_server( session: boto3.Session, instance_id: str, key_pair: str, push_directory: str, ) -> bool: client = session.client("ec2") server_host, allocation_id, association_id = get_instance_address( session, instance_id ) keypair_file = os.path.join(DEFAULT_KEY_PAIR_DIRECTORY, f"{key_pair}.pem") print("Uploading files to server, then attempting to run") try: remote_server = f"{AMI_DEFAULT_USER}@{server_host}" dest = f"{remote_server}:/home/ec2-user/" try_server_push( [ "scp", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-i", keypair_file, "-r", f"{push_directory}", dest, ] ) subprocess.check_call( [ "ssh", "-i", keypair_file, remote_server, "bash", "/home/ec2-user/routing_server/setup/", ], env=dict(os.environ, SSH_AUTH_SOCK=""), ) detete_instance_address(session, allocation_id, association_id) print("Server setup complete!") except Exception as e: detete_instance_address(session, allocation_id, association_id) raise e return True def delete_rule( session: boto3.Session, rule_arn: str, target_group_arn: str, ) -> None: """ Remove the given rule and the target group for this rule """ client = session.client("elbv2") client.delete_rule( RuleArn=rule_arn, ) client.delete_target_group( TargetGroupArn=target_group_arn, ) def delete_instance( session: boto3.Session, instance_id: str, ) -> None: """ Remove the given instance and the associated elastic ip """ client = session.client("ec2") client.terminate_instances(InstanceIds=[instance_id]) def remove_instance_and_cleanup( session: boto3.Session, server_name: str, ) -> None: """ Cleanup for a launched server, removing the redirect rule clearing the target group, and then shutting down the instance. """ server_detail_path = os.path.join( DEFAULT_SERVER_DETAIL_LOCATION, f"{server_name}.json" ) with open(server_detail_path, "r") as detail_file: details = json.load(detail_file) delete_rule(session, details["balancer_rule_arn"], details["target_group_arn"]) delete_instance( session, details["instance_id"], ) os.unlink(server_detail_path) return None def delete_listener( session: boto3.Session, listener_arn: str, ) -> None: client = session.client("elbv2") client.delete_listener( ListenerArn=listener_arn, ) def cleanup_fallback_server( iam_profile: str, delete_hosted_zone: bool = False, server_details_file: str = DEFAULT_FALLBACK_FILE, ) -> None: """ Cleans up all of the resources for the given iam profile, assuming that the details are stored in the given server_details_file. Optionally includes deleting the hosted zone, which remains an option due to the DNS changes required """ session = boto3.Session(profile_name=iam_profile, region_name="us-east-2") elb_client = session.client("elbv2") ec2_client = session.client("ec2") server_details_file = ( DEFAULT_FALLBACK_FILE if server_details_file is None else server_details_file ) with open(server_details_file, "r") as details_file: details = json.load(details_file) listener_arn = details.get("listener_arn") if listener_arn is not None: print(f"Deleting listener {listener_arn}...") find_rule_response = elb_client.describe_rules( ListenerArn=listener_arn, ) rules = find_rule_response["Rules"] if len(rules) > 1: confirm = input( "There are still existing rules on the router, which would imply that active jobs are running right now. Are you SURE you want to DELETE ALL?[yes/no]" ) if confirm != "yes": return elb_client.delete_listener( ListenerArn=listener_arn, ) target_group_arn = details.get("target_group_arn") if target_group_arn is not None: print(f"Deleting target group {target_group_arn}...") elb_client.delete_target_group( TargetGroupArn=target_group_arn, ) balancer_arn = details.get("balancer_arn") if balancer_arn is not None: print(f"Deleting balancer {balancer_arn}...") elb_client.delete_load_balancer( LoadBalancerArn=balancer_arn, ) instance_id = details.get("instance_id") if instance_id is not None: print(f"Deleting instance {instance_id}...") delete_instance(session, instance_id) vpc_details = details.get("vpc_details") if vpc_details is not None: print(f"Deleting vpc {vpc_details['vpc_id']} and related resources...") ec2_client.delete_subnet(SubnetId=vpc_details["subnet_1_id"]) ec2_client.delete_subnet(SubnetId=vpc_details["subnet_2_id"]) ec2_client.delete_route_table(RouteTableId=vpc_details["route_1_id"]) ec2_client.delete_route_table(RouteTableId=vpc_details["route_2_id"]) table_response = ec2_client.describe_route_tables( Filters=[ { "Name": "vpc-id", "Values": [vpc_details["vpc_id"]], } ] ) tables = table_response["RouteTables"] for table in tables: ec2_client.delete_route_table(RouteTableId=table["RouteTableId"]) ec2_client.delete_internet_gateway(InternetGatewayId=vpc_details["gateway_id"]) security_group_id = details.get("security_group_id") if security_group_id is not None: print("Deleting security group {security_group_id}...") ec2_client.delete_security_group( GroupId=security_group_id, ) ec2_client.delete_vpc(VpcId=vpc_details["vpc_id"]) if delete_hosted_zone: hosted_zone_id = details.get("hosted_zone_id") if hosted_zone_id is not None: route53_client = session.client("route53") print( "Deleting hosted zones not yet implemented, " "navigate to the AWS Route53 console to complete " f"this step, deleting {hosted_zone_id}" ) # To delete a hosted zone, we need to query it # for the list of records, than remove all # that aren't SOA/NS os.unlink(server_details_file) return None
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def get_owner_tag() -> Dict[str, str]: """ Creates a tag with the user's username as the owner for the given resource """ return {"Key": "Owner", "Value": getpass.getuser()}
Creates a tag with the user's username as the owner for the given resource
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def check_aws_credentials(profile_name: str) -> bool: try: # Check existing credentials boto3.Session(profile_name=profile_name) return True except ProfileNotFound: return False
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def setup_ec2_credentials( profile_name: str, register_args: Optional["DictConfig"] = None ) -> bool: return setup_aws_credentials(profile_name, register_args)
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def get_domain_if_available(session: boto3.Session, domain_name: str) -> bool: """ Attempt to register the given domain with Route53, return True if registration is successful, False otherwise. Details on valid domains can be found here: Pricing is available on amazon """ client = session.client("route53domains") avail_result = "PENDING" while avail_result == "PENDING": avail = client.check_domain_availabiliity(DomainName=domain_name) avail_result = avail["Availability"] time.sleep(0.3) # May extend to handle other available cases if avail_result not in ["AVAILABLE"]: print( f"Domain was not listed as available, instead " f"{avail_result}, visit route53 for more detail" ) return False print("Automated domain registration isn't yet implemented") # Registration can be completed using client.register_domain # Details are available here: # return False
Attempt to register the given domain with Route53, return True if registration is successful, False otherwise.
Details on valid domains can be found here:
Pricing is available on amazon
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def find_hosted_zone(session: boto3.Session, domain_name: str) -> Optional[str]: """ search for a hosted zone with the given name, return its id if found and None otherwise """ client = session.client("route53") zones = client.list_hosted_zones_by_name() logger.debug(f"Found zones {zones}") for zone in zones["HostedZones"]: if zone["Name"] == f"{domain_name}.": return zone["Id"] return None
search for a hosted zone with the given name, return its id if found and None otherwise
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def create_hosted_zone(session: boto3.Session, domain_name: str) -> str: """ Given a domain name, tries to create a hosted zone for that domain. Returns the hosted zone id """ client = session.client("route53") zone_id = find_hosted_zone(session, domain_name) if zone_id is None: res = client.create_hosted_zone( Name=domain_name, CallerReference=str(time.time()), HostedZoneConfig={ "Comment": "Mephisto hosted zone", }, ) nameservers = res["DelegationSet"]["NameServers"] BOLD_WHITE_ON_BLUE = "\x1b[1;37;44m" RESET = "\x1b[0m" print( f"{BOLD_WHITE_ON_BLUE}" "Registered new hosted zone! You should ensure your domain " "name is registered to delegate to the following nameservers: " f"\n{nameservers}" f"{RESET}" ) zone_id = res["HostedZone"]["Id"] else: logger.debug(f"This hosted zone already exists! Returning {zone_id}") return zone_id
Given a domain name, tries to create a hosted zone for that domain. Returns the hosted zone id
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def find_certificate_arn(session: boto3.Session, domain_name: str) -> Optional[str]: """ Finds the certificate for the given domain if it exists, and returns the certification arn. """ client = session.client("acm") certs = client.list_certificates() logger.debug(f"Found existing certs: {certs}") for cert in certs["CertificateSummaryList"]: if cert["DomainName"] == domain_name: return cert["CertificateArn"] return None
Finds the certificate for the given domain if it exists, and returns the certification arn.
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def get_certificate(session: boto3.Session, domain_name: str) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Gets the certificate for the given domain name, and returns the dns validation name and target and cert arn ('Name' and 'Value', 'arn') """ client = session.client("acm") cert_domain_name = f"*.{domain_name}" certificate_arn = find_certificate_arn(session, cert_domain_name) if certificate_arn is None: # cert not yet issued logger.debug("Requesting new certificate") response = client.request_certificate( DomainName=cert_domain_name, ValidationMethod="DNS", IdempotencyToken=f"{domain_name.split('.')[0]}request", Options={ "CertificateTransparencyLoggingPreference": "ENABLED", }, ) certificate_arn = response["CertificateArn"] else: logger.debug(f"Using existing certificate {certificate_arn}") attempts = 0 sleep_time = 2 details = None while attempts < MAX_RETRIES: try: details = client.describe_certificate( CertificateArn=certificate_arn, ) return_data = details["Certificate"]["DomainValidationOptions"][0][ "ResourceRecord" ] return_data["arn"] = certificate_arn return return_data except KeyError: # Resource record not created yet, try again attempts += 1"Attempt {attempts} had no certification details, retrying") time.sleep(sleep_time) sleep_time *= 2 raise Exception("Exceeded MAX_RETRIES waiting for certificate records")
Gets the certificate for the given domain name, and returns the dns validation name and target and cert arn ('Name' and 'Value', 'arn')
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def register_zone_records( session: boto3.Session, zone_id: str, domain_name: str, load_balancer_arn: str, acm_valid_name: str, acm_valid_target: str, ) -> int: """ Creates the required zone records for this mephisto hosted zone. Requires the load balancer target, and the ACM certificate addresses Returns the change id """ # Get details about the load balancer ec2_client = session.client("elbv2") balancer = ec2_client.describe_load_balancers( LoadBalancerArns=[load_balancer_arn], )["LoadBalancers"][0] load_balancer_dns = balancer["DNSName"] load_balancer_zone = balancer["CanonicalHostedZoneId"] # Create the records client = session.client("route53") response = client.change_resource_record_sets( HostedZoneId=zone_id, ChangeBatch={ "Comment": "Creating records for Mephisto load balancer and DNS validations for certs", "Changes": [ { "Action": "CREATE", "ResourceRecordSet": { "Name": f"*.{domain_name}", "Type": "A", "AliasTarget": { "HostedZoneId": load_balancer_zone, "DNSName": load_balancer_dns, "EvaluateTargetHealth": True, }, }, }, { "Action": "CREATE", "ResourceRecordSet": { "Name": f"{domain_name}", "Type": "A", "AliasTarget": { "HostedZoneId": load_balancer_zone, "DNSName": load_balancer_dns, "EvaluateTargetHealth": True, }, }, }, { "Action": "CREATE", "ResourceRecordSet": { "Name": acm_valid_name, "Type": "CNAME", "TTL": 300, "ResourceRecords": [ {"Value": acm_valid_target}, ], }, }, ], }, ) return response["ChangeInfo"]["Id"]
Creates the required zone records for this mephisto hosted zone. Requires the load balancer target, and the ACM certificate addresses
Returns the change id
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def create_mephisto_vpc(session: boto3.Session) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Create the required vpc with two subnets, an associated internet gateway, and routing tables. Currently sets up using US-east for both subnets """ client = session.client("ec2") # Create VPC vpc_response = client.create_vpc( CidrBlock="", TagSpecifications=[ { "ResourceType": "vpc", "Tags": [ {"Key": "Name", "Value": "mephisto-core-vpc"}, get_owner_tag(), ], } ], ) vpc_id = vpc_response["Vpc"]["VpcId"] # Create internet gateway gateway_response = client.create_internet_gateway( TagSpecifications=[ { "ResourceType": "internet-gateway", "Tags": [{"Key": "Name", "Value": "mephisto-gateway"}, get_owner_tag()], } ], ) gateway_id = gateway_response["InternetGateway"]["InternetGatewayId"] client.attach_internet_gateway( InternetGatewayId=gateway_id, VpcId=vpc_id, ) # Create subnets subnet_1_response = client.create_subnet( TagSpecifications=[ { "ResourceType": "subnet", "Tags": [ {"Key": "Name", "Value": "mephisto-subnet-1"}, get_owner_tag(), ], } ], CidrBlock="", AvailabilityZone="us-east-2a", VpcId=vpc_id, ) subnet_1_id = subnet_1_response["Subnet"]["SubnetId"] subnet_2_response = client.create_subnet( TagSpecifications=[ { "ResourceType": "subnet", "Tags": [ {"Key": "Name", "Value": "mephisto-subnet-2"}, get_owner_tag(), ], } ], CidrBlock="", AvailabilityZone="us-east-2b", VpcId=vpc_id, ) subnet_2_id = subnet_2_response["Subnet"]["SubnetId"] # Create routing tables table_1_response = client.create_route_table( TagSpecifications=[ { "ResourceType": "route-table", "Tags": [ {"Key": "Name", "Value": "mephisto-routes-1"}, get_owner_tag(), ], } ], VpcId=vpc_id, ) route_table_1_id = table_1_response["RouteTable"]["RouteTableId"] table_2_response = client.create_route_table( TagSpecifications=[ { "ResourceType": "route-table", "Tags": [ {"Key": "Name", "Value": "mephisto-routes-2"}, get_owner_tag(), ], } ], VpcId=vpc_id, ) route_table_2_id = table_2_response["RouteTable"]["RouteTableId"] # Add routes in tables to gateway client.create_route( DestinationCidrBlock="", GatewayId=gateway_id, RouteTableId=route_table_1_id, ) client.create_route( DestinationCidrBlock="", GatewayId=gateway_id, RouteTableId=route_table_2_id, ) # Associate routing tables client.associate_route_table( RouteTableId=route_table_1_id, SubnetId=subnet_1_id, ) client.associate_route_table( RouteTableId=route_table_2_id, SubnetId=subnet_2_id, ) return { "vpc_id": vpc_id, "gateway_id": gateway_id, "subnet_1_id": subnet_1_id, "subnet_2_id": subnet_2_id, "route_1_id": route_table_1_id, "route_2_id": route_table_2_id, }
Create the required vpc with two subnets, an associated internet gateway, and routing tables.
Currently sets up using US-east for both subnets
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def create_security_group(session: boto3.Session, vpc_id: str, ssh_ip: str) -> str: """ Create a security group with public access for 80 and 443, but only access from ssh_ip (comma-separated) for 22 """ client = session.client("ec2") create_response = client.create_security_group( Description="Security group used for Mephisto host servers", GroupName="mephisto-server-security-group", VpcId=vpc_id, TagSpecifications=[ { "ResourceType": "security-group", "Tags": [ {"Key": "Name", "Value": "mephisto-server-security-group"}, get_owner_tag(), ], } ], ) group_id = create_response["GroupId"] ssh_perms = [ { "FromPort": 22, "ToPort": 22, "IpProtocol": "tcp", "IpRanges": [ { "CidrIp": one_ip, "Description": "SSH from allowed ip", } ], } for one_ip in ssh_ip.split(",") ] response = client.authorize_security_group_ingress( GroupId=group_id, IpPermissions=[ { "FromPort": 80, "ToPort": 80, "IpProtocol": "tcp", "IpRanges": [ { "CidrIp": "", "Description": "Public insecure http access", } ], }, { "FromPort": 80, "ToPort": 80, "IpProtocol": "tcp", "Ipv6Ranges": [ { "CidrIpv6": "::/0", "Description": "Public insecure http access", } ], }, { "FromPort": 5000, "ToPort": 5000, "IpProtocol": "tcp", "IpRanges": [ { "CidrIp": "", "Description": "Internal router access", } ], }, { "FromPort": 5000, "ToPort": 5000, "IpProtocol": "tcp", "Ipv6Ranges": [ { "CidrIpv6": "::/0", "Description": "Internal router access", } ], }, { "FromPort": 443, "ToPort": 443, "IpProtocol": "tcp", "IpRanges": [ { "CidrIp": "", "Description": "Public secure http access", } ], }, { "FromPort": 443, "ToPort": 443, "IpProtocol": "tcp", "Ipv6Ranges": [ { "CidrIpv6": "::/0", "Description": "Public secure http access", } ], }, ] + ssh_perms, ) assert response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"] == 200 return group_id
Create a security group with public access for 80 and 443, but only access from ssh_ip (comma-separated) for 22
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def create_key_pair( session: boto3.Session, key_name: str, key_pair_dir: str = DEFAULT_KEY_PAIR_DIRECTORY, ) -> str: """ creates a key pair by the given name, and writes it to file """ target_keypair_filename = os.path.join(key_pair_dir, f"{key_name}.pem") if os.path.exists(target_keypair_filename): logger.warning(f"Keypair already exists! {target_keypair_filename}") return target_keypair_filename client = session.client("ec2") response = client.create_key_pair( KeyName=key_name, TagSpecifications=[ { "ResourceType": "key-pair", "Tags": [{"Key": "Name", "Value": key_name}, get_owner_tag()], } ], ) with open(target_keypair_filename, "w+") as keypair_file: keypair_file.write(response["KeyMaterial"]) subprocess.check_call(["chmod", "400", target_keypair_filename]) return target_keypair_filename
creates a key pair by the given name, and writes it to file
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def create_instance( session: boto3.Session, key_pair_name: str, security_group_id: str, subnet_id: str, instance_name: str, volume_size: int = 8, instance_type: str = DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE, ) -> str: """ Create an instance, return the instance id, allocation id, and association id """ client = session.client("ec2") instance_response = client.run_instances( BlockDeviceMappings=[ { "DeviceName": "/dev/xvda", "Ebs": { "DeleteOnTermination": True, "VolumeSize": volume_size, "VolumeType": "gp2", "Encrypted": True, }, } ], ImageId=DEFAULT_AMI_ID, InstanceType=instance_type, KeyName=key_pair_name, MaxCount=1, MinCount=1, Monitoring={ "Enabled": False, }, # standard monitoring is enough Placement={ "Tenancy": "default", }, SecurityGroupIds=[security_group_id], SubnetId=subnet_id, DisableApiTermination=False, # we need to allow shutdown from botocore # IamInstanceProfile={ # Maybe we can move the iam role to do rest of registration? # 'Arn': 'string', # 'Name': 'string' # }, InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior="stop", TagSpecifications=[ { "ResourceType": "instance", "Tags": [ {"Key": "Name", "Value": instance_name}, get_owner_tag(), ], }, ], HibernationOptions={"Configured": False}, MetadataOptions={ "HttpTokens": "optional", "HttpEndpoint": "enabled", }, EnclaveOptions={"Enabled": False}, ) instance_id = instance_response["Instances"][0]["InstanceId"] logger.debug(f"Waiting for instance {instance_id} to come up before continuing") waiter = client.get_waiter("instance_running") waiter.wait( InstanceIds=[instance_id], ) return instance_id
Create an instance, return the instance id, allocation id, and association id
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def create_target_group( session: boto3.Session, vpc_id: str, instance_id: str, group_name="mephisto-fallback", ) -> str: """ Create a target group for the given instance """ client = session.client("elbv2") group_name_hash = hashlib.md5(group_name.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() anti_collision_group_name = f"{group_name_hash[:8]}-{group_name}" final_group_name = f"{anti_collision_group_name[:28]}-tg" create_target_response = client.create_target_group( Name=final_group_name[:32], Protocol="HTTP", ProtocolVersion="HTTP1", Port=5000, VpcId=vpc_id, Matcher={ "HttpCode": "200-299", }, TargetType="instance", Tags=[ {"Key": "string", "Value": "string"}, ], ) target_group_arn = create_target_response["TargetGroups"][0]["TargetGroupArn"] client.register_targets( TargetGroupArn=target_group_arn, Targets=[ { "Id": instance_id, } ], ) return target_group_arn
Create a target group for the given instance
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def rule_is_new( session: boto3.Session, subdomain: str, listener_arn: str, ) -> bool: """ Check to see if a rule already exists with the given subdomain """ client = session.client("elbv2") find_rule_response = client.describe_rules( ListenerArn=listener_arn, ) rules = find_rule_response["Rules"] for rule in rules: if len(rule["Conditions"]) == 0: continue # base rule host_condition = rule["Conditions"][0] values = host_condition.get("Values") if values is None or len(values) == 0: values = host_condition["HostHeaderConfig"]["Values"] existing = values[0] if existing.startswith(f"{subdomain}."): return False return True
Check to see if a rule already exists with the given subdomain
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def register_instance_to_listener( session: boto3.Session, instance_id: str, vpc_id: str, listener_arn: str, domain: str, ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Creates a rule for this specific redirect case, and returns the target group id and rule arn """ subdomain_root = domain.split(".")[0] target_group_arn = create_target_group(session, vpc_id, instance_id, subdomain_root) client = session.client("elbv2") find_rule_response = client.describe_rules( ListenerArn=listener_arn, ) # Get the next available priority priorities = set([r["Priority"] for r in find_rule_response["Rules"]]) priority = 1 while str(priority) in priorities: priority += 1 rule_response = client.create_rule( ListenerArn=listener_arn, Conditions=[ { "Field": "host-header", "HostHeaderConfig": { "Values": [ domain, f"*.{domain}", ], }, }, ], Priority=priority, Actions=[ { "Type": "forward", "TargetGroupArn": target_group_arn, }, ], ) rule_arn = rule_response["Rules"][0]["RuleArn"] return target_group_arn, rule_arn
Creates a rule for this specific redirect case, and returns the target group id and rule arn
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def create_load_balancer( session: boto3.Session, subnet_ids: List[str], security_group_id: str, vpc_id: str, ) -> str: """ Creates a load balancer and returns the balancer's arn """ client = session.client("elbv2") create_response = client.create_load_balancer( Name="mephisto-hosts-balancer", Subnets=subnet_ids, SecurityGroups=[security_group_id], Scheme="internet-facing", Type="application", IpAddressType="ipv4", ) balancer_arn = create_response["LoadBalancers"][0]["LoadBalancerArn"] return balancer_arn
Creates a load balancer and returns the balancer's arn
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def configure_base_balancer( session: boto3.Session, balancer_arn: str, certificate_arn: str, target_group_arn: str, ) -> str: """ Configure the default rules for this load balancer. Return the id of the listener to add rules to for redirecting to specified target groups """ client = session.client("elbv2") _redirect_response = client.create_listener( LoadBalancerArn=balancer_arn, Protocol="HTTP", Port=80, DefaultActions=[ { "Type": "redirect", "RedirectConfig": { "Protocol": "HTTPS", "Port": "443", "Host": "#{host}", "Path": "/#{path}", "Query": "#{query}", "StatusCode": "HTTP_301", }, } ], ) forward_response = client.create_listener( LoadBalancerArn=balancer_arn, Protocol="HTTPS", Port=443, SslPolicy="ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08", Certificates=[ { "CertificateArn": certificate_arn, } ], DefaultActions=[ { "Type": "forward", "TargetGroupArn": target_group_arn, } ], ) listener_arn = forward_response["Listeners"][0]["ListenerArn"] return listener_arn
Configure the default rules for this load balancer. Return the id of the listener to add rules to for redirecting to specified target groups
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def get_instance_address( session: boto3.Session, instance_id: str, ) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: """ Create a temporary publicly accessible IP for the given instance. Return the IP address, the allocation id, and the association id. """ client = session.client("ec2") allocation_response = client.allocate_address( Domain="vpc", TagSpecifications=[ { "ResourceType": "elastic-ip", "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": f"{instance_id}-ip-address", }, get_owner_tag(), ], } ], ) ip_address = allocation_response["PublicIp"] allocation_id = allocation_response["AllocationId"] associate_response = client.associate_address( AllocationId=allocation_id, InstanceId=instance_id, AllowReassociation=False, ) association_id = associate_response["AssociationId"] # Remove this IP from known hosts in case it's there, # as it's definitely not the old host anymore subprocess.check_call( [ "ssh-keygen", "-f", f"{KNOWN_HOST_PATH}", "-R", f'"{ip_address}"', ] ) return ip_address, allocation_id, association_id
Create a temporary publicly accessible IP for the given instance. Return the IP address, the allocation id, and the association id.
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def detete_instance_address( session: boto3.Session, allocation_id: str, association_id: str, ) -> None: """ Removes the public ip described by the given allocation and association ids """ client = session.client("ec2") client.disassociate_address( AssociationId=association_id, ) client.release_address( AllocationId=allocation_id, )
Removes the public ip described by the given allocation and association ids
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def try_server_push(subprocess_args: List[str], retries=5, sleep_time=10.0): """ Try to execute the server push provided in subprocess args """ while retries > 0: try: subprocess.check_call( subprocess_args, env=dict(os.environ, SSH_AUTH_SOCK="") ) return except subprocess.CalledProcessError: retries -= 1 sleep_time *= 1.5 f"Timed out trying to push to server. Retries remaining: {retries}" ) time.sleep(sleep_time) raise Exception( "Could not successfully push to the ec2 instance. See log for errors." )
Try to execute the server push provided in subprocess args
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def deploy_fallback_server( session: boto3.Session, instance_id: str, key_pair: str, log_access_pass: str, ) -> bool: """ Deploy the fallback server to the given instance, return True if successful """ client = session.client("ec2") server_host, allocation_id, association_id = get_instance_address( session, instance_id ) try: keypair_file = os.path.join(DEFAULT_KEY_PAIR_DIRECTORY, f"{key_pair}.pem") password_file_name = os.path.join(FALLBACK_SERVER_LOC, f"access_key.txt") with open(password_file_name, "w+") as password_file: password_file.write(log_access_pass) remote_server = f"{AMI_DEFAULT_USER}@{server_host}" dest = f"{remote_server}:/home/ec2-user/" try_server_push( [ "scp", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-i", keypair_file, "-r", f"{FALLBACK_SERVER_LOC}", dest, ] ) os.unlink(password_file_name) subprocess.check_call( [ "ssh", "-i", keypair_file, remote_server, "bash", "/home/ec2-user/fallback_server/scripts/", ], env=dict(os.environ, SSH_AUTH_SOCK=""), ) detete_instance_address(session, allocation_id, association_id) except Exception as e: detete_instance_address(session, allocation_id, association_id) raise e return True
Deploy the fallback server to the given instance, return True if successful
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def deploy_to_routing_server( session: boto3.Session, instance_id: str, key_pair: str, push_directory: str, ) -> bool: client = session.client("ec2") server_host, allocation_id, association_id = get_instance_address( session, instance_id ) keypair_file = os.path.join(DEFAULT_KEY_PAIR_DIRECTORY, f"{key_pair}.pem") print("Uploading files to server, then attempting to run") try: remote_server = f"{AMI_DEFAULT_USER}@{server_host}" dest = f"{remote_server}:/home/ec2-user/" try_server_push( [ "scp", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-i", keypair_file, "-r", f"{push_directory}", dest, ] ) subprocess.check_call( [ "ssh", "-i", keypair_file, remote_server, "bash", "/home/ec2-user/routing_server/setup/", ], env=dict(os.environ, SSH_AUTH_SOCK=""), ) detete_instance_address(session, allocation_id, association_id) print("Server setup complete!") except Exception as e: detete_instance_address(session, allocation_id, association_id) raise e return True
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def delete_rule( session: boto3.Session, rule_arn: str, target_group_arn: str, ) -> None: """ Remove the given rule and the target group for this rule """ client = session.client("elbv2") client.delete_rule( RuleArn=rule_arn, ) client.delete_target_group( TargetGroupArn=target_group_arn, )
Remove the given rule and the target group for this rule
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def delete_instance( session: boto3.Session, instance_id: str, ) -> None: """ Remove the given instance and the associated elastic ip """ client = session.client("ec2") client.terminate_instances(InstanceIds=[instance_id])
Remove the given instance and the associated elastic ip
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def remove_instance_and_cleanup( session: boto3.Session, server_name: str, ) -> None: """ Cleanup for a launched server, removing the redirect rule clearing the target group, and then shutting down the instance. """ server_detail_path = os.path.join( DEFAULT_SERVER_DETAIL_LOCATION, f"{server_name}.json" ) with open(server_detail_path, "r") as detail_file: details = json.load(detail_file) delete_rule(session, details["balancer_rule_arn"], details["target_group_arn"]) delete_instance( session, details["instance_id"], ) os.unlink(server_detail_path) return None
Cleanup for a launched server, removing the redirect rule clearing the target group, and then shutting down the instance.
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def delete_listener( session: boto3.Session, listener_arn: str, ) -> None: client = session.client("elbv2") client.delete_listener( ListenerArn=listener_arn, )
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def cleanup_fallback_server( iam_profile: str, delete_hosted_zone: bool = False, server_details_file: str = DEFAULT_FALLBACK_FILE, ) -> None: """ Cleans up all of the resources for the given iam profile, assuming that the details are stored in the given server_details_file. Optionally includes deleting the hosted zone, which remains an option due to the DNS changes required """ session = boto3.Session(profile_name=iam_profile, region_name="us-east-2") elb_client = session.client("elbv2") ec2_client = session.client("ec2") server_details_file = ( DEFAULT_FALLBACK_FILE if server_details_file is None else server_details_file ) with open(server_details_file, "r") as details_file: details = json.load(details_file) listener_arn = details.get("listener_arn") if listener_arn is not None: print(f"Deleting listener {listener_arn}...") find_rule_response = elb_client.describe_rules( ListenerArn=listener_arn, ) rules = find_rule_response["Rules"] if len(rules) > 1: confirm = input( "There are still existing rules on the router, which would imply that active jobs are running right now. Are you SURE you want to DELETE ALL?[yes/no]" ) if confirm != "yes": return elb_client.delete_listener( ListenerArn=listener_arn, ) target_group_arn = details.get("target_group_arn") if target_group_arn is not None: print(f"Deleting target group {target_group_arn}...") elb_client.delete_target_group( TargetGroupArn=target_group_arn, ) balancer_arn = details.get("balancer_arn") if balancer_arn is not None: print(f"Deleting balancer {balancer_arn}...") elb_client.delete_load_balancer( LoadBalancerArn=balancer_arn, ) instance_id = details.get("instance_id") if instance_id is not None: print(f"Deleting instance {instance_id}...") delete_instance(session, instance_id) vpc_details = details.get("vpc_details") if vpc_details is not None: print(f"Deleting vpc {vpc_details['vpc_id']} and related resources...") ec2_client.delete_subnet(SubnetId=vpc_details["subnet_1_id"]) ec2_client.delete_subnet(SubnetId=vpc_details["subnet_2_id"]) ec2_client.delete_route_table(RouteTableId=vpc_details["route_1_id"]) ec2_client.delete_route_table(RouteTableId=vpc_details["route_2_id"]) table_response = ec2_client.describe_route_tables( Filters=[ { "Name": "vpc-id", "Values": [vpc_details["vpc_id"]], } ] ) tables = table_response["RouteTables"] for table in tables: ec2_client.delete_route_table(RouteTableId=table["RouteTableId"]) ec2_client.delete_internet_gateway(InternetGatewayId=vpc_details["gateway_id"]) security_group_id = details.get("security_group_id") if security_group_id is not None: print("Deleting security group {security_group_id}...") ec2_client.delete_security_group( GroupId=security_group_id, ) ec2_client.delete_vpc(VpcId=vpc_details["vpc_id"]) if delete_hosted_zone: hosted_zone_id = details.get("hosted_zone_id") if hosted_zone_id is not None: route53_client = session.client("route53") print( "Deleting hosted zones not yet implemented, " "navigate to the AWS Route53 console to complete " f"this step, deleting {hosted_zone_id}" ) # To delete a hosted zone, we need to query it # for the list of records, than remove all # that aren't SOA/NS os.unlink(server_details_file) return None
Cleans up all of the resources for the given iam profile, assuming that the details are stored in the given server_details_file.
Optionally includes deleting the hosted zone, which remains an option due to the DNS changes required