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Adding Feedback

To allow for greater communication between workers and researchers it is recommended to use the Feedback component.

How to add Feedback:

  1. Add the Feedback component to your task's react webapp code and define questions.
  2. Workers submit feedback related to the feedback questions.
  3. Once the task is shut down, the researcher can review the feedback for the task.

Feedback Code Snippet:

import { Feedback } from "mephisto-worker-addons";

<SomeTaskCodeGoesHere />
"What is your favorite part of this task?",
"Were you satisfied with this task?",

To learn more about the props in the Feedback component you can check out its readme.

Image of feedback component:

Reviewing the feedback

To review feedback run mephisto scripts local_db review_feedback in the terminal and follow the prompts.

Example output:

║ Feedback Review ║

Task Names:

• react-static-task-with-tips

Enter the name of the task that you want to review the tips of: react-static-task-with-tips


0 Were you satisfied with this task?
1 What is your favorite part of this task?

If you want to filter feedback by a question, then enter the question number to filter on.
If you want to see feedback to all questions, enter "-1" (Default: -1) [-1/0/1]: -1
Do you want to filter out toxic comments? (Default: n) [y/n]: n
Do you want to see (r)eviewed or (u)nreviewed feedback? (Default: u) [r/u]: u

Unreviewed Feedback 1 of 2 From Agent 4
│ Property │ Value │
│ Id │ ee1679af-308c-4705-bb22-054b1406e043 │
│ Question │ What is your favorite part of this task? │
│ Text │ The green button is vibrant!
│ Toxicity │ 0.0012170307

Do you want to mark this feedback as reviewed? (Default: y) [y/n]: y

Marked the feedback as reviewed!

Unreviewed Feedback 2 of 2 From Agent 4
│ Property │ Value │
│ Id │ 373a1776-9ef4-4b4a-aba2-f2829ce3cd21 │
│ Question │ Were you satisfied with this task? │
│ Text │ Yeah, it was easy and simple to complete. │
│ Toxicity │ 0.0006023369

Do you want to mark this feedback as reviewed? (Default: y) [y/n]: n

Did not mark the feedback as reviewed!

You went through all the unreviewed feedback!